Will having a protein shake at 9:30am stop my Intermittent Fast?

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Will having a protein shake at 9:30am stop my Intermittent Fast?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nora Kipun 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Will having a protein shake at 9:30am pull me out of IF fat burning mode?

    Shake Serving:

    Whey Protein
    Energy 435kJ / 103kcal
    Fat 1.9g
    Carb 1.0g
    Protein 21g

    Last meal by 8pm, first meal at 12:30am

    I have read that as a general rule of thumb if you drink something with fewer than 50 calories you are still in “fasting mode”. Anyopne confirm this? MM says it in his book IIRC.

    If you look at the calorie counts on the shake, they are low, energy is round 100 kcalories, this is more comparable with a cup of tea with milk than a meal.

    Does taking in this amount of energy end your fast? Where is the cut-off if so? 50 cals? 75 cals? If I take it in 2 halves an hour apart will this allow IF to continue?

    Basically, I want to titrate my protein shake to fit in and see if it works.

    Obviously, first meal should be 12:30pm . . . not much of a fast otherwise 😉

    Considering MM says to avoid having milk in tea or coffee when fasting, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that a protein shake will break your fast.

    Yes, thanks, I think you’re right too, might just change to 13 hour fast as the benefits are quite high mentally and physically of the shake

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