Why the On-line Calorie Calculator on this Website?

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Why the On-line Calorie Calculator on this Website?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tickatape 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I thought we didn’t have to count calories on the days we’re not fasting (per the Fast Diet book I bought). But now I see an on-line calculator on the home page, so that we can calculate how many calories we should be eating on the days we don’t fast. Huh???? Am I missing something? If I wanted to count calories every day I wouldn’t be on this diet. What gives?

    I am new to the website however have been on the 5:2 for three weeks now.
    I only count on my fast days (Mon & Thurs).
    That is what I like about it.
    Other days are business as usual.
    Far too much work to count every day.
    The only benifit I can see from usuing a Calorie counter everyday is to highlight which foods/drinks have a high calorific value.

    Hi veggal, you make a valid point based on the initial programme, “Eat,Fast and Live Longer” made by Michael. In the programme he is seen eating a Burger after fasting and the word “Feast” is used in a way that indicates that you can quite literally eat what you like on non fast days and still lose weight and reap the benefits of the “Fasting diet”. Other valid research indicates that subjects on the fast diet eat on average no more than 110% of their recommended daily calorie intake following their fast days.
    I believe that it was a mistake by Michael all be it a genuine one to suggest you can eat excessively on none fast days, lose weight and reap the fasting benefits.
    He now seems to be saying that on none fast days you should eat normally, a some what different approach and one I support. I think that it is excessive to calorie count but you need to be aware of your intake and not go over board on non fast days. I have experience of excessive eating on non fast days and putting weight on. The message is moderation.
    Browse the posters names, find wiltldUSA and click on that name. On the profile you can click on all posts. You will find an article of Michael being interviewed. In it he states a need to eat normally on non fast days, a slight deviation from the initial “Feasting” that came across in the original programme. Hence the informative calorie counter. It is a tool to use if you feel it will help during your fast and non fast days. I do not believe he states we should calorie count but it is reasonable to eat within your recommended daily calorie allowance, 2500 for men and 2000 for women.
    Good luck.

    I would say its just a sensible tool really. One of the problems in today’s society is we do tent to eat too much. We pile our plates high and nibble at foods in between. Since January I have tried to stop doing these things and it works for me! Not only weight loss but I feel better too! I’m not a calorie counter but its good to be aware of calorie values to judge what we should be eating and how much. Nothing is off limits to me – but it doesn’t mean I go mad every day! It’s all about moderation.

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