Why commitment comes before success

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Resilience1 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • My first fast day was yesterday. No problems. Of course I did not expect to lose weight in one day but I did not expect to step on the scale this morning and see that I was up 1.2 pounds. I’m not discouraged at all, though. I know that weight can fluctuate up and down due to body water and other things.

    It’s just kind of funny and a perfect example of why one must be committed first in order to reach success.


    I like that concept. I am on day 3 today after my 2 day fast. A pear tasted so good for breakfast. I could have eaten cardboard last night . To show how fixated I am on food, I just read Replies are editable for 5 mins after posting as “Replies are EDIBLE…..” ! Happy journey to you.

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