When do I start my weigh and measure in?

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  • Although fat I don’t think I am stupid though my hubby may disagree BUT when should I do my first weigh in and measure myself if tomorrow is my first fast day? Should I do it today or start the comparisons from tomorrow? Also should I weigh/measure myself every two weeks as I am confused as there seems to be differing advice?

    Hi saraann, welcome,
    i would take weight and measurements today before you start the plan as a starting point,
    how often you re-measure and weigh is upto you, but to get a good reading just make sure its the same time and you are wearing the same clothes, if dressed,
    the differing adivce is because each person does what suits them best, the beauty of this plan is you make it fit around you and your lifestyle not the other way around, all the best on your journey and good luck for tomorrow xx

    Thank you fastforlife
    I will go and do it now and will do it each week to see if that helps. Thanks so much for replying and thanks for the luck! I am really excited and actually looking forward to it x x x

    Hi Saraann,
    I would do it before you start. I keep all my weights and measurements in a little book(so I don’t lose them).

    Weigh once a week, some people weigh the day after a fast day but I never lost then it always took a couple of days for the scales to move. Measure upper arms,bust, waist(around the tummy button), hips, thighs and calves once a week and keep trying on clothes at the same time.

    Sometimes the scales seem broken but the tape measure moves, and sometimes you simply see how differently clothes hang but the loss is not somewhere that you measure.

    Thanks so much annette52 that’s really good advice. It seems weird that you don’t see results after a fast day! I am intending to do a Monday and Thursday so will weigh myself on Sunday if you think that’s enough time? Thanks for your time and help x

    Hi saraann,

    I am almost 2 weeks in (started 19th August)and my fast days so far have been Tuesday and Thursday. I weighed myself on the Monday before the first fast and then first thing Tuesday this last week when I was a week in (just at the start of my 3rd fast day). I think if you do it on a regular day then it is a good tracking mechanism as I am sure there are fluctuations through the week.

    Lost 3lb the first week and hoping to lose some more by Tuesday this week. I did measure myself – but I thought I might wait for a few weeks before measuring again.

    But as has been pointed out the beauty of this is that you can do it totally to suit yourself! Good luck! 🙂

    Hi Cathyork
    That’s amazing! If I could lose 3lbs I would be over the moon, well done you! Thanks so much for the extra information and if I do as well as you I will be a VERY happy woman. Thanks again x

    Remember that the goal is to have a waist less than half your height.

    I am well aware that the lbs are important, but I think that a shrinking body is probably more so.

    I usually fast on a Monday and Thursday and weigh/measure/try on clothes on the Saturday morning.

    There will come a time when the weight will plateau….just remember to measure yourself and see the inches disappear.

    ‘Remember that the goal is to have a waist less than half your height.’

    What’s the next goal after that?

    to maintain it rocky, and what ever other goals you set yourself, xx

    Thank you to you all. I am glad I can weigh myself Saturday as waiting to weigh and measure myself on Monday would kill me. Only a couple of hours in on my very first day and I have decided not to even eat anything till I have to as lots of advice suggests you wait till as late in the day as you can. Breakfast seems to wake up your appetite. Is this right from your experiences?

    That is absolutely right in my case saraann, as soon as I eat anything on a fast day it’s as if I’ve turned on a switch in my body that says “I’m RAVENOUS, give me more food NOW”! I find that I can easily (relatively speaking!) hold out until the evening and then enjoy a decent sized, filling, evening meal. Best of luck on your first day – let us know how you get on!

    Yes I agree completely – the longer I can hold out the better and I REALLY enjoy my evening meal on fast days. Good luck!

    Different people have different experiences while fasting. I find I’m not hungry if I don’t eat on a fasting day. So for me that is true. I can go until around 15:00/16:00 before I get my first hunger pangs/grumbly tummy. But some find it hard to go all day without anything. Find what suits you best.

    Personally I prefer to have my whole calorie allowance as an evening meal. It means it is more substantial and boy do I enjoy it.

    Some people do better with breakfast and dinner — my brain does not wake up in the morning until it’s fed. What I find is that, as long as breakfast includes a good amount of protein and a little fat, keeping the carbs lower, I’m good to go, no hunger until the afternoon, and the 300 calorie dinners I make are quite filling (at least until 2 or 3 am). I just figure that a little hunger is temporary and tolerable. Everyone is different — some people need a small snack in the middle of the day — the important thing is to do what works for you. As far as I know there is no research showing that a particular distribution of meals on “fasting” days is more beneficial than others, although theories abound.

    Well so far so good. I haven’t eaten anything so far and no hunger pangs I just feel weird as I think eating has just become a habit so it has felt strange not making breakfast and a lunch but I am finding it a lot easier. I am amazed I am not rolling around feeling faint and screaming for food! Lots of water definitely helps. I cannot wait for Saturday now. Thanks for all the advice x x x

    I know what you mean by feeling ‘weird’. This has been named ‘brain fog’ by one recent poster – I think it sums up the feeling perfectly! Stick with it – you can have that bag of chips or pizza or cream cake or whatever else you are craving tomorrow! 🙂

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