What's wrong? 4th week and only down 4 lbs ish,,,,,

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What's wrong? 4th week and only down 4 lbs ish,,,,,

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Britbabe 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Can someone help me,,,
    I am 65 and weigh around the 250 max.
    I have been on diet 5:2 for now 4 weeks and only down around 4 lbs. on the other 5 days I eat under 1300 calories… I use the app LOSE IT mainly for curiousity to track calories.
    I also swim each day after work. The pool is fairly long and I usually do between 30-40 laps per night,,,5 times a week.
    What’s wrong,,, I feel discouraged even though I want to continue I would really like to see better results.

    About 1 pound per week is about right, maybe a little low. I lost 44 pounds over about one year. You don’t provide enough information so Im going to assume that your TDEE is about 2300 cal per day. I’ll also assume youre being 100% accurate when you say you eat 1300 cal and then do two days of 500 cal. So over the week you are at a deficit of 6600 cal. There are 9.3 cal per gram of fat. So 6600 divide 9.3 = 710 grams. You will lose 710 grams of fat per week. Or about 1.6 pounds of fat. There is no magic involved and the diet industry has a lot to answer for!! Do this magical diet and lose 5 pounds per day blah blah blah. Such claims defy the laws of physics.

    Ok having said that, perhaps a pound per week is a little on the low side but its about right. If you look at what I lost over the course of 52 weeks it was on average only 0.7 pounds per week!! There may be a couple of reasons why your losing a little on the low side of what youre expecting to lose. You are either being optimistic or not accurate enough about how many calories you’re actually eating. Are you taking into account alcohol (7 cal per gram)? Do you drink sugary drinks? Do you have the odd snack and not take that into account?

    Don’t treat all calories as equal. Your insulin may spike through the roof with sugar and simple carbs, which means every time you eat sugary foods the liver is going as hard as it can to store the food as glycogen and once that’s topped up it gets stored as fat.

    Avoid SUGAR at all costs. Avoid simple carbs like bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, dried fruits on your fast days!! Be honest with yourself, only you know what you are eating. Do a very thorough audit of what you eat. Look carefully at anything that comes in a processed packet. How much sugar does it contain? Lots of people think they are eating healthy because they eat muesli or health cereals. Read the packet, you will be stunned to know that some of these “healthy cereals” (big joke) contain up to 35% sugar!!!! Look at every single piece of food that you have that comes out of a packet. How much sugar does it contain? More than 5-6% ditch it.

    Good luck with it. Your losing weight and your losing more than I did each week!!

    If you lose 4lb a month for the next 12 months then that’s almost 3½ stone lost in the year – you have got to be happy with that surely!

    Don’t give up! Your swimming exercise is helping to tone & build muscle & this will add some weight but have you looking & feeling good too. You don’t mention other measurements. I have found that centimetres lost from waist & hips is far more impressive than the amount of weight I’ve actually lost. So get the tape measure out once a week too – you’ll see results!!!


    You’re losing weight so what you’re doing is working. I know we all want to lose the weight quickly but they say if you lose slowly you’ll have a better chance of keeping it off.

    I used the free version of Lose It a couple years ago before I learned about 5:2, and it worked wonderfully. The trick for me was to strictly count my calories before I ate and I always tried to keep my daily calorie total a couple hundred below what the app said I could eat. I lost between 1-3 pounds per week using that method. Now I’m doing 5:2 for maintenance to keep from regaining what I’ve lost.

    I wish you great success with your weight loss goals.


    Hi Bronx I am going into week 4 and like you not noticing much difference as of yet 🙂

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