What's best for maintenance – 6:1 or eat more on the other 5 days?

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What's best for maintenance – 6:1 or eat more on the other 5 days?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  fastinginberlin 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’ve reached my goal weight and want to maintain it. I know Michael has gone to 6:1. But surely if there are so many benefits to intermittent fasting other that simply losing weight, isn’t it better to try to keep to 5:2 and eat a bit more on the other 5 days? Or could that be dangerous?

    Regarding 6:1 – Isn’t Michael only getting half the benefit of fasting now he’s only one day instead of two? Or doesn’t it work like that?

    Any ideas anyone?
    Or Michael – if you’re reading this?

    I’d like to hear more on that too Nick. I’ve still got a way to go yet, to get to a maintenance period, but thinking ahead. How about the 16/8 diet, fasting for 16 hours daily, or maybe 4 or 5 days. That would be fairly easy to maintain but is it any good?

    Yes, this is a great line of thinking, since my main goal is to not get Alzheimers like my granny, so I understand that the length of time between meals gives the benefit. I would like to focus on weight loss now, but when that goal is met, I will be eating with the cognitive benefit in mind.

    Yes, I’d also love to hear from @michael about whether he’s still seeing the same health benefits on the 6:1 – it certainly sounds more long-term do-able.

    I’m really happy with my weight now (even though I wasn’t overweight to start with) but am more concerned that I continue to get the anti-cancer benefits of the fast diet. I also love the way that counting calories very closely on a fast day helps me make healthy choices on the normal days.

    I have a long way to go before maintenance, but I’ve been thinking of this too. I vote for 6:1. That’s what Michael does.

    I tried 16/8 and it was awful; it just didn’t work for me. I gained weight! And I tried it for well over a month (you’d think I’d “get it”…don’t they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again?)

    I think for me I was eating a lot of calories, but just crammed into an 8 hour period. With 5:2 you are forced to reduce calories just by eating 500 for the two days a week.

    The last time I was on 5:2, I lost almost 8 pounds in one month. When I was on 16/8, I gained back my weight plus an extra pound in two months! So I’m back to 5:2 for good.

    In all fairness, I should add my sister did lose 10 of her final pounds on 16/8 so go figure. I did learn it’s not a free for all just because you fast 16 hours. If I ever do try it again, I’d really reign in my eating.

    Hi Nick, in his book Michael says that besides 6:1 he also skips lunch occasionally – he doesn’t say how often. So he fasts 1 day and on other
    day(s) he probably has normal breakfast and dinner but still 12 hours
    in-between with no food, which sounds like a good option for maintenance while still getting the health benefits. At least I hope that’s what he meant!

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