What about steroid meds?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I was diagnosed as celiac about 15 years ago, and my doctor is treating it like Crohn’s disease. I have been off and on steroids for about 5 years. They make me feel great, but they also made me FAT. I’m trying to cut back slowly on the ‘roids. Did 2 days of fasting last week with no problems, even though usually I have a raging evening appetite. Currently taking, prednisone, entocort, an an imunosuppresent. Will the 5 2 fast work for me with all the meds in my system?

    Hi Mina, worth giving IF a try as it may reduce your requirements for your anti inflammatory medication, although the coeliac s will remain. As a GP i have not come across research looking at IF in people with coeliacs where sticking to a gluten free diet is, as you know, very important.
    Good luck and I hope this diet works for you.

    Hi Mina, my wife is also a celiac and I was wondering how you were going with the diet. She tried the diet briefly but found hunger a problem (maybe because a celiac diet is restrictive to start with). Have you had any luck?

    Hi Mina, don’t get me started on steroids! I, too, was on the beastly things for two and a half years. They were prescribed in January 2010 for polymyalgia rheumatica, which admittedly a 20mg dose cured in a matter of days. The doc, however, insisted I stay on the meds in ever-decreasing doses until mid 2012. Steroids can mess up your immune system. Not only did I have a horrible pudding face (at a time when I was signing up for a part-time university course which means I still have some truly awful ID photos on various cards)and a revoltingly flabby body, I also had to deal with shingles and the subsequent postherpetic neuralgia, which was even worse.
    When I finally came off the steroid meds, with little or no effort I slowly but surely lost 3-4 kilos, way before I started on the Fast Diet, on whch I haven’t lost a whole lot more weight, but have lost inches and reduced cholesterol and BP, the latter quite dramatically.
    I hope 5:2 will work for you. The weight may only creep off, but all sorts of other good things may well happen. The very best of luck!

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