Well here I am again.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nama 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all here at the 52fasting forum,

    Here I go again on my usual new year diet, but this time I am going to stick to it. This year is going to be my year.

    Three years ago I was jogging as a keep fit regime but had to stop as I had a pain in my groin, it took three years of physio and chiropractors to have a go on my pain, but no one could cure the pain. I’ve lost count on how much money I have spent and quite frankly I gave up and decided that’s it I’m not dieting or doing anything at all and I am going to eat what I ever I want.
    After a couple of weeks I put on a few lbs and it came to the point where I couldn’t get into my jeans, I decided I needed to get a doctors opinion on my groin to get it sorted.
    I asked if I could have a scan or something, I was sent for an ultrasound scan and it revealed I had an hernia.
    It’s all fixed now with keyhole surgery and I am looking forward to trying it out in the new year by starting jogging again.
    To compliment my exercise plan I will doing the 52 fasting again.

    So hello again.


    Welcome Graham,

    Glad you finally got your pain sorted. Give 5:2 a serious effort and you will absolutely lose weight. Many of us find it gets easier and easier to fast, just stick out the first month and you will find your jeans are falling off! Much more comfortable! Find a thread on here that appeals and jump in, you will get lots of support and great ideas from the many experienced fasters on here.

    Good Luck!

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