Welcome to the Fast Diet Forum, from Michael

This topic contains 123 replies, has 102 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 124 total)

  • @liquorice – Congrats, impressive results – almost 2lb/week. Did you get health assessments done recently?

    @laurie – Excellent and welcome to the forum, I am sure you will find answers to all your questions. I am from IL.

    I started the 5:2 diet last week after my GP threatened to put me on statins because of high cholesterol, I am already medicated up to the hilt because of my bipolar disorder which caused rapid weight gain which led to high cholesterol in the first place. I am now 4 stone overweight and though I exercise regularly much of the good work is undone by my tendency to binge eat.

    I have experienced two fast days and got through them both – despite dire warnings from critics of the diet I still exercised and didn’t experience any side effects such as dizziness and feeling faint. Indeed my performance at my boot camp session was enhanced – the session leader commented on how much my running had improved.

    I lost 3lb this week and am keen to keep with the regime – I am hoping that it will help change my attitude towards food by helping me control my eating whilst still enjoying good food and the occasional meal out and treats. Today I bought artisan sourdough bread and homemade strawberry preserve from our farmers market and enjoyed every mouthful. Hardly typical diet fare.

    I want to find out more about the diet so have joined the forum to learn about other peoples experiences as well as report my own.

    After seeing all the publicity about your diet my husband and I have decided to give it a try. I’m in my early 50s and have been in chronic pain for the last 30 years with arthritis of the spine which is now spread to my neck. I’m getting headaches all the time and feel exhausted. I weigh about 14 1/2 stone and I’m hoping that the fast diet will help me get some of my energy back and the weight loss will reduce the pain- fingers crossed. we are starting tomorrow!

    Liquorice – could you post the recipes for these:
    ” a spicy lentil soup with spinach which comes to about 140 kcal, in the evening I have a white fish curry with spinach again on bulgur wheat which comes to about 430 kcal ”

    They sound so so good.

    Hi There, I’ve been reading and researching this way of eating for a while now and have decided to give it a go. I’m very interested in nutrition in general and helping people make lifestyle changes. I would like to lose about 14lbs, and I like the simplicity of this way of eating. I’ve decided that my best ‘fast’ days will be Tuesday & Thursday, so from tomorrow, it begins.

    I’m a 36yo Mum of two and also a scientist. I started the fast diet the day after watching Dr Mosely’s documentary about 6 months ago. I’ve never felt or looked better, and I feel in control of my health much more, especially considering my family history of diabetes and heart disease (common to many of you I guess). I plan to follow this way if eating for the rest if my days- I fast Mon and Wed and then I feel like I can eat what I like for the rest of the week (within reason of course!) – so simple and so effective!! I lost 10kg in what felt like the blink of an eye and it was no effort at all. The scientist in me loves the fact that this research seems to tip all the traditional ideas about heathy diet and eating habits on their heads! I’ve read the book a few times and get something else out of it with each read. Thanks Dr Mosely.

    Hi! I started the Fast Diet a month ago and it really worked! Then I slacked up and regained the six pounds that I lost. : ( So, I am starting anew today. I have to say that this is the only weight loss program that has ever worked for me!!! Ever… I am in New Hampshire, U.S. Thanks for having me!

    Hi just finished second week. I have lost 4lbs now. Really pleased got a big do in less than 4 weeks so hoping to loose a few more. Really enjoying it. Don’t go mad on non fast days but enjoy a meal out on Saturday night. Had some chunky chips yummy still lost. Fast days getting easier. Good luck to everyone else starting.

    @sivasankar not had health assessment .

    I based my curry soup on this one http://goo.gl/42yL1 but added an extra 50 g of lentils and tbsp of curry powder .
    Out of this I got 5 portions of 300ml, which works out at 111 kcal per portion, which I then add 100g of frozen spinach making it 136 kcal.
    For the 1st few months I just had the spicy tomato one i linked too, tried adding zero cal noodles to it a couple of times, but couldn’t get on with them so decided to up the kcal in my lunch soup with extra lentils and spinach.

    I tried a lot of different meals for my 5-2 evening meal, but early on decided fish/ seafood was the best meat to use for me.
    For my evening meal I go spicy again with a white fish curry, originally using a curry paste but have moved onto using spices instead.
    I based my latest curry on this chicken balti one http://goo.gl/3MFWH which I used the white fish instead of chicken

    Balti curry with white fish spinach and butternut squash

    Bbc balti recipe. 365kcal
    Extra tin toms 70kcal
    1tbsp hot curry powder. 20kal
    4 portions curry sauce mix. 455kcal. – 113 per portion

    Curry sauce 1 portion. 113kcal
    100g white fish. 75 kcal
    100g squash. 40kcal
    100g spinach. 25kcal
    50g bulgur wheat. 170kcal
    Total. 423kcal

    I added an extra tin of toms to the curry sauce as didnt feel the initial one had enough sauce for 4 portions for me, and as I added the toms I felt it best to increase the spice.
    I suggest you try the one I linked and increase it if you want too.

    Those look great Liquorice, thank you. Perfect timing – today’s a fast day for me.

    Good luck to everyone starting the diet (and everyone already doing it too 😉 ).

    We started this diet two weeks ago to see how we felt about it. The book is fascinating and makes sense to me and I like the ‘all or nothing’ (well, very little!) approach. My husband who is only very slightly overweight found it more difficult than I did but we both lost weight and I was BUZZING! Then we went to Paris last week so the best I managed was a reduction in alcohol intake and a ‘trade-off’ between what I would have eaten before 5:2 and what I should be doing. Fortunately I didn’t put much on (a couple of pounds) – probably because of all the walking and up and down Metro stairs. We are doing Monday and Thursday fasts and combining with exercise – in my case walking, elliptical trainer and weights and hubby adds in running (he’s an ex-marathon runner).
    I love it and the way it makes me feel – ‘clear’ is the best description I can come up with for it – and feel that it’s sustainable for ever more which is something I’ve never felt about any other ‘diet’ (and I’ve tried most of them!). I’m also very interested in the impact of the diet on rheumatoid arthritis which my mother suffers very badly with so any words of advice on that score will be very welcome.

    Whoops- I just realised I typed “Mosley” wrong in my post above. How terrible!

    I started this diet in November last year with my daughter and we have both been very successful. I cannot forsee myself ever giving it up. Unfortunately, in February this year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and have undergone a lumpectomy and am now in my second week of radiotherapy. At first I thought I should continue with 5:2 diet throughout the radiotherapy as it restricts growth, however,I have now found out that the cancer cells need to be treated whilst they are dividing in order for the treatment to be effective (hence three weeks of radiotherapy is designed to catch the cancer cells dividing during that period). Does anyone have any advice? I have also read that cancer thrives on glucose and therefore a restricted calorie diet low in sugar sounds like a good idea. I know there are no definitive answers to my question but a more educated/informed approach may help me to choose the best path.

    Have been doing this since the Horizon programme in the autumn ( with a bit of a break over Christmas). Like others here, I lost weight initially but then plateaued. I work part-time and find non-work days really hard so I am now trying a slight variation – on my three (consecutive) work days I don’t eat at all but then eat normally (not bingeing) in the evening; this gives me a good 24 hours of no food so I’m hoping it will still work. I will let you know but I’d appreciate any comments / opinions on this way of doing IF.

    Hello, Purplegranny – My thought is that your new variation sounds like a very intelligent experiment, given your set-up and preferences. Hopefully, it will work a treat. (Is there a second Granny, in your family, I wonder – ‘The Other Granny’ – also with her own special name? ‘Purplegranny’ sounds so great and a lot of fun.)

    Hi – I’m Valerie and have just turned 71 I weigh 95.5kg as of this morning – I eat a reasonable diet but probably too much, I have also had Diabetes 2 since 2009 since when the weight has piled on and I seem unable to lose it. Probably due to the diabetes and currently high blood sugar levels, which medication does not seem to lower.
    Saw your book on Amazon, down loaded extract to Kindle on my iPad and was very impressed, so ordered the e-book this afternoon. Have got to page 89 and am even more impressed so am going to start when I have read it all, so I know what I should be eating and not.
    See my GP next week for my 3-month controle so will tell him about the Diet – should say we now live in Southern France and the attitude to Diabetes is not the same here as in the UK, so not expecting him to be impressed! But will do it anyway.
    Will keep you posted on progress – am expecting great things!

    Hi, Valerie (the Boissiterian) – I’ve just posted a response to one of your other posts, on Type 2 diabetes, before seeing the further details you give about yourself in this one. Good luck with it all.

    Hi Jeanius, I will let you know but so far, so good – eating ‘normally’ in the evening makes a complete fast the next day very manageable; I have always found it easier not to have breakfast – somehow, eating breakfast just makes me hungrier in the middle of the day whereas not eating at all makes it easier to keep going. I’m hoping that 3 consecutive days will counter the effect of eating a little more in the evening.
    Purplegranny is what my elder granddaughter called me due to some very fetching purple pyjamas…..

    Hello, my name is Amanda and I’m a 32 year old Dutch Weight consultant.

    I restarted the 6:1 6 weeks ago since I’m really interested in the health benefits of fasting and this is a very manageable way. I quit last winter due to IBS. I now have it, mostly, under control and I hope that this will help me get rid of it totally.

    I have lost 2 kg (4 lbs) and 2 cm’s of my waist which were unplanned but not 100% unwelcome. 😉 I hope and expect to stop losing weight once my body is used to my new regime since I don’t want to end up bony.

    I’m Emma from England. My neighbour lent me her book a couple of days ago and I couldn’t put it down. I’ve dieted all my life and always regained the weight. I seem to have no will power but i’m sure i can do a day at a time! Starting tomorrow and really looking forward to it.

    Hello all! I started this new ‘way of life’ (I refuse to call it a diet) last week and so far, not bad! Had a bit of a wobble on first fast day but rather than hang my head in shame I decide to pick myself up and carry on. Remarkably fast day two was a success and I managed it quite well. I think I lost 2lb last week and I am over the moon about this because I don’t feel like I have missed out at all! I probably would have done better but we had a hectic week last week. This and an all day football festival on the Sunday with the kids was too much for my terrible will power so I succumbed to a burger and an ice cream!! Week two will be interesting now because it is quieter and hopefully I will stick to less calories on my non fast days.

    I am 5ft 10ins and I weighed 210lbs at the start. I would love to be 168lbs by the end of the year. I ran my first 5K in March and I have the running bug so would love to do a 10k next March although training is difficult as my hubby works away and we have two small children who can’t be left for my 6am run before work!

    I really think that this will work for me and I am detirmined to make it so that all my doubters will be proved wrong. Fingers crossed!

    Hello everyone. I started this new way of life after seeing Michael’s programme on tv last year. My husband and I decided to start this, not necessarily for the weight loss (as we were following the Slimming World (SW) programme – although I’m sure a few pounds were lost because of it!) but because the programme focussed mainly upon the health benefits. We were astounded by the common sense approach having such amazing results! So we set out to do this. I suffer with rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetic and on stacks of medication! It wasn’t long before I could see results – in fact when I went back to see my diabetic nurse with results of a routine blood test, she looked at me disbelievingly!! She asked me what I had been doing? 6 months previously, my diabetes was borderline type 1, my blood glucose regularly in the high teens low 20’s mmols and she was threatening me with Insulin!! – it was now 4.5mmols!! My cholesterol previously was dangerously high at 9.2 (even with medication) and was now 4.2!! Pretty normal ranges! I felt amazing, had more energy and felt happier! I was still loads overweight and still clearly needed to lose weight, but what was causing me hidden dangers, was now within normal limits – within a couple of months!

    Sadly, my RA flared (this can happen without warning, no matter what diet I am on) and my resolve slipped, sunk into a depression because of the intense pain, leading me to eat rubbish comfort foods. Before I knew it, I had put on the weight I had lost which had a knock on effect, making me eat more! I was spiralling out of control!! It was crazy! I put on weight which puts more pressure on my joints, making them worse! What was I doing!! I had to do something about it, and now I am back focussed again! Still have the intense pain, but somehow I have pulled myself back to thinking logically again about what I have to do! This time, I’m hoping to re-combine the fasting with the SW diet (rejoining again this week), it worked before!! I have 2 separate days of fasting, then the non-fasting days i revert to a controlled SW regime again. I’m back at the beginning of my journey, but having tried this before and was successful, I know it can work for me!

    Good luck to everyone. You can do it!! And I know you will feel better for it too!

    Hi all. I joined today having just read the book. I started the 5:2 diet after watching the documentary last August. I was inspired by the health benefits as much as weight loss. I lost 10lbs from Sept to Dec 2012. I had reached my initial target that I have never been able to reach before on previous diets and felt great. As the diet plan was not out then i floundered a bit but maintained the weight give or take a pound just by keeping portions in check. The eating so much less thing had shrunk my stomach and also proved that i would not drop dead if i missed a meal! This has changed my whole thinking about meals. Now back on the plan to lose about 4lb for the beach and then will maintain with 8:1 or 7:1.
    Everyone i tell is sceptical and brings up the whole blood sugar/starvation mode argument but i just tell them how great i feel on fast days, with just a few hunger pangs that don’t last. Good luck to all.

    My husband and I started the diet yesterday. I had heard about the diet but finally got round to reading the book and I watched the horizon program. I have struggled for many years with my weight. I am not overweight but after 2 children I am not as light as I would like to be I have tried many diets. WW last year helped me loose 1stone but I have since gained some of this back despite being an active runner and running over 15 miles throughout the week. Day one was surprisingly successful and easy – I did not feel any hunger pangs at all. We have weighed and measured before we started so keeping hopeful that we will see results x

    I have almost completed my second fast day of the first week of the 5:2 diet. The diet was recommended by a friend who has lost a couple of stones in a remarkably short time. I, like many others, have struggled with my weight for years but at 67 it is becoming important to lose the weight for good. Having tried many different diets including LighterLife (on which I lost 4st 4lbs in as many months but all of which I have put back on plus more!) I was actually becoming resigned to my fate until I heard about the Fast Diet. Really looking forward to getting weighed in 2 days time.
    I think the forum is an inspiration, great to know I am not alone.

    Hi Micheal
    Thanks for all the effort you have put in to this. I’m starting tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.

    Hi Michael (and also other forum members),

    I’ve been watching your Horizon programmes with great interest and found the Eat, Fast and Live Longer programme especially exciting!

    I’ve been following the Slimming-world plan since last October and my weight loss had been steady (1-1.5lbs loss per week on average) but then I had two months of no losses and maintains, so I introduced the 5:2 alongside the SW plan 5 weeks ago. This has kick started my weight loss again and I am once again steadily losing. I have now lost 1st 9lbs (mainly due to SW) to date but still have a couple more stone until I get to my ideal weight.

    I decided to introduce the 5:2 for health reasons primarily. However, I have been slightly disappointed that it has not sped up my weight loss any more than what I would normally lose on the SW plan. I do have hypothyroidism, though, and maybe this has some bearing on my losses, although it is currently managed with thyroxine.

    What I have noticed in terms of my general health is that my blood pressure has come down to the ideal range, not that it was that high previously but there has definitely been a shift. Whether this is down to the fast diet or some other factor, I don’t know, but I am getting BP readings unlike anything I’ve had before. I’ll continue to monitor this regularly.

    Like Pollie58, I have 2 separate days of fasting (usually Mondays and Wednesdays), then the non-fasting days I follow the SW plan.

    Hope you find this info of use. Thanks so much for what you do.

    I started this diet 3 weeks ago and have lost 9LBs. It should be called healthy living rather than diet. I cannot believe how easily I have adapted to the diet. I feel much healthier and am finding I am eating less on non fast days. My initial skepticism has been replaced with overwhelming enthusiasm as my weight drops and my energy levels increase. Hope to see the benefits with regard to blood pressure, cholesterol when I’m next at my G’Ps.

    Hi everyone. My name is Christine, I’m 45 and live in Wisconsin in the USA. I saw Michael’s Eat, Fast and Live Longer on PBS and immediately afterwards ordered the book. I started on the FastDiet on April 19th and as of May 25th, had lost 4 lbs. I haven’t weighed myself since then, but I feel like I’ve lost more. The FastDiet has given me a feeling of hope that I can lose weight and be healthier. 🙂

    Hi QuornQueen. Nice to know there is another SW Fast Dieter!! What area UK you in? Would be good to keep in touch to see how each other are getting on with both methods of losing weight. Would you be willing to exchange email addresses or if you are on Face Book we could connect there? Hope you do well. Regards Pat 🙂

    Hello everyone. I’m a weeklong 5:2 virgin and pleased to be here. Like everyone else, I saw the programme in the spring but put the info on the back burner.
    Now, as the sun is shining, I wanted to wear nice clothes like everyone else but realised that my midrift had outgrown them and turned into a muffin top.

    So I started the 5:2 diet 1 week ago – I’m currently on my third fast day today and have just eaten Mimi’s puy lentil and feta main meal. I really needed to eat that! Now I feel more comfortable as I was becoming a bit short tempered with the family.

    I haven’t weighed myself yet. I have a 5:2 buddy at work so I have to stick to it. The only other diet I ever done was Atkins; that did work for me but I missed my fruit soooooooo much……..where are those strawberries? 😉
    Fif x

    Hi everyone,

    Having seen the Horizon documentary and reading up on IF I am quite excited to give it a go.

    This is my first week on 5:2 and I must say I didn’t feel too hungry on the low-cal days. In fact I felt quite good!

    I’d like to combine this with FIT, which I’ll have to look into in more detail, and taking cold showers (hormetic effect). I’ll keep you posted!

    Hi Guys, im staring tomorrow, and i am on herbalife shakes due to the nutritions it really has helped me, each shake contains 90 calories, so can i have my shake for breakfast and lunch and then just the rest of calories for dinner, or is there a better way to do it.
    Also can you fast for more than 3 days? xxx

    16/06/13 – The start of a new life hopefully beckons with a large scoop trepidation thrown in for good measure. I question myself as to why I’ve become an overweight sedentary 37 year old who was previously fit and healthy until my late 20’s. Am I a failure or just another mass westernized consumer of junk?.

    To all that have succeeded I applaud you, hopefully I can take your determination / success and succeed also.

    Opening stats – height 6’3” (190cm), waist 42, weight 125kg

    I look and feel awful…..

    3 Weeks of holidays approaching wish me luck in staying strong.

    Hi, I’m Amanda and I live in Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand. I purchased the book on Saturday morning and finished it yesterday. Today is my first fasting day. I tried to go jeans shopping on Saturday and was totally demoralised at the size I had to put on. That was the last straw for me. So here I am.
    Had my scrambled eggs with smoked salmon with a cup of coffee (I have been drinking my coffee black for a year now, so no hardship there!) for breakfast. Have planned my meal for this evening and pre-prepared it so no chance of slipping!

    I couldn’t find my scales or a tape measure at home though, so will duck into a pharmacy later today to weigh myself, and buy a tape measure so that I know my starting point.

    I am super excited!!

    I will also be blogging my progress, in the hope it will help others realise their own goals. You can find me at: http://amandakennedynz.blogspot.co.nz/

    Hi I’m Carol and we have been on the 5:2 for about 9 weeks.

    I am 64 and my husband is 68. We keep fit and eat well but
    I have always had highish cholesterol. We have lost weight
    and I am pretty happy with the results. One thing though, because I don’t want to drop a day I usually have 600 calories and eat well on the five days. A balancing act. Looking forward to all the health benefits. I think it’s terrific. Can’t get tangerines in Melbourne at the moment, never mind, mandarins are about! We have only used the recipes in the book, it has made me more creative in the kitchen. Cheers!

    Hello All!
    Just registered and am starting the fast diet tomorrow. I have lost 2 stone in the last few years with better cleaner eating, and taking up running. However I have more to lose and hoping this does the job as well as further improving my health too.
    Can’t wait to get started!

    Hi all,
    I´ve just registered too.
    It´s my third attempt at trying this. I haven´t yet managed two fasting day´s in a week and was so pleased to find this forum. It´s been very encouraging reading the great results and I´m hoping that by sharing with others I´ll be able to really get going.
    Why start ? well mainly for weight loss and in the hope that this could be the one way of maintaining any weight loss achieved but I really do like the science behind this for better health.
    I´ve never been one to go with eat “little and often”. Although unfortunately as much as I don´t want to I do eat too much and too often.

    I ´m looking forward to being a part of the site and hopefully being able to post about my great results too.

    I’m a 30 year old mum to 2 under 5’s. I lost loads of weight when breastfeeding number 2 but have noticed that it’s now going back on. I have also noticed that my husband is slowly gaining weight. Probably on 0.5-1kg per year but I know that could have significant impact in 10 years time. So I’ve told him that he’s going on the 5:2 diet with me!

    We both like to cook (although he prefers to bake cakes!) and will enjoy the challenge of working out the calories. I’ve only ever tried one diet before (The Carol Vordaman Detox Diet, ridiculously hard). I’m looking at this as being a life change rather than something we do till we get to our perfect weights. I imagine we’ll both end up on the 6:1 maintenance and upping our numbers every few months.

    hi all – am new to the forum, but started the new way of life in mid February after i saw photos from our holiday in January. am 57 – have tried every diet under the sun over the years but every pound i dropped has returned and doubled… read the book – loved the science behind it and thought i’d give it a try… sixteen weeks later and 19 lb lighter and i am loving this new way of life… feel great on the fast days – lighter, righteous and ’empty’ which is actually a good feeling (and in control). my way of tackling it is no breakfast (i have never been much of a breakfast eater)… a huge salad of greens, tomato, cucumber, peppers at lunchtime (i reckon it’s about 100 cals) and balance for the evening which is when i want to ‘graze’. i leave my evening meal as late as possible – having it around 7pm and i make sure i have about 100 cals left to pick at something before bedtime…. this is working for me and i can see me staying on this for life… finally feel as if i am in control – thanks a million to Michael and Mimi !

    HI Everyone,
    WOW so great to read your stories and notes.
    I live in New Zealand and heard an interview with Dr Mosley on National radio and he made such an interesting guest with very compelling reasons for following the fasting eating program that I immediately got online and purchased the books. They have been well read books and at 46 I now find myself in need of a total hip replacement so I am looking to drop a few kilo’s to ensure that my new hip will last me until at least 60.

    I have been on the program now for 2 weeks and seeing a good improvement all round including weight loss. I am keen to get my husband to follow the program also, this could be a work in progress for some time to come.
    Best wishes to all and thanks to Michael & Mimi

    Hi everyone, I recently picked up the book from my library. After reading the book and thinking… I could really do this! I started my diet last week and can tell you it was easier than I thought. I didn’t feel tired or hungry durring the long periods between eating which really suprised me. I am 5’6 and weigh 290 lb. I have been overweight most of my life and I am really looking foward to seeing and even more FEELING the results. I want to be healthier AND loose weight. I don’t want a “diet plan” I want a life eating plan and this is what really intruiged me the most about this plan..i could see me doing it for the rest of my life. Well, I guess I will see everyone around!

    Although I am 71 and only about ten pounds overweight, I have been trying to lose these ten pounds for a number of years now! I saw the Horizon programme but it is only this week that I decided to give it a go as I am due to have surgery next year and want to be in the best shape possible for that. I have had one fast day without any trouble and am ready for my next one tomorrow. So far, I have lost four pounds and am thrilled, thank you!

    7:29 pm 14 Jun 13

    Hi QuornQueen. Nice to know there is another SW Fast Dieter!! What area UK you in? Would be good to keep in touch to see how each other are getting on with both methods of losing weight. Would you be willing to exchange email addresses or if you are on Face Book we could connect there? Hope you do well. Regards Pat :-)[/quote]

    Hi Pat! Sorry for delay, didn’t see your post! I was hoping to be able to inbox you here but I don’t think this forum provides that facility.

    I do run a SW forum and you are most welcome to join us. 🙂 We have a little 5:2 section on that forum and a couple of our members are interested in it. Here’s the link: http://slimmingworldclub.niceboard.org/

    Just sign up with the same name and I’ll know it’s you and will inbox you. See you on the ‘other side’. Regards, Dee.

    Been Fast dieting for over three months and have lost fifteen pounds and didn’t find it hard to stick to at all. I also combined exercise with fasting and have lost inches around my waist and bought new belts. I recently had an all clear for bladder tumors after over a year of operations and treatments and although there is no way of proving fasting helped with the cure I like to believe it did. I really started the Fast Diet to try and improve my blood pressure without medication as it would have complicated my surguries and this week at the hospital my blood pressure was down as well. I find also that still working helps to pass the fasting days without a lot of temptations which is good. All the best to every Fast Dieter.

    My husband and I have been following this diet for three months. We stick to the calorie allowance on fast days, and are generally careful what we eat on feast days. My husband has lost over a stone, but I have lost nothing. I’m not over-compensating on feast days, and I’m sticking carefully to my 500 calories on fast days. I take anti-depressants which I am worried is the reason for my failure. They made me put on weight when I started taking them, which I have not been able to shift. when ill in the past, and eating next-to-nothing, I lost a stone and a half in about two months.
    Should I try alternate day fasting or three days on, four days off?
    I’m very disappointed as I had high hopes of this regime.

    Hi Michael, I left a message about 5 weeks ago telling you that after 7 weeks on the 5:2 diet it was not working for me. I lost about 2 lbs. (I have to say I am a great diet follower and did not cheat)I wasn’t doing any exercise at that time though. After encouraging me to try the AF diet I have been doing that for the last 5 weeks (no cheating) with 1 lb. weight loss. I have also been walking four days a week for 3and1/2 miles each time. I do eat what I want on the alternate days off which is telling me that I am STILL eating too much on those days. The encouragement you gave was that I should be able to eat what I want on the AF and be able to lose weight. I’m 5’6 130 lbs. and 56 years old. Still wanting to lose those 10 vanity lbs. Happy to say I am eating what I want every other day and not gaining weight but STILL not losing. I should add that I drink 3 glasses of water every morning before eating anything. The question is, after all the fasting, am I still needing to count calories like on any other diet. I guess that looks like the bottom line. Discouraged

    Hi, I have been doing the 5:2 since April 2013 and have lost 26 lbs. My energy level is through the roof and my chronic pain and joint inflammation seems to have left me. I am 61 years of age and looking forward to taking up kick boxing. I actually took a trial class with my grandson recently and am waiting for a DVD to arrive. This diet has so helped me with the pain that now I can’t get enough exercise to save my life. I am taking things one step at a time to avoid injuring myself but I look forward to a long and healthy life now that I have discovered this way of eating. Before I was a vegetarian and then a vegan I followed a protein, vegetable, fast 3-day cycle diet for years but once I became vegan couldn’t separate the carbs and proteins well enough to follow the plan correctly. That is a thing of the past now. As soon as I started the 5:2 my body said YES, this is what I have been waiting for. Now, everybody is happy – me AND my body.

    Great, PerrinJoshua – Have fun!

    Hello, coco bean – It’s a great shame that you have not achieved the results you were hoping for. The reasons for that can be various, complex and different for each individual. It’s true that, just like every other diet system, the 5:2 approach cannot defy the laws of physics, I’m afraid. If you do suspect that you are over-eating, then some monitoring of you intake, just for a short while – until you get a better idea of appropriate portion sizes and good food choices – might be appropriate. You can work out your recommended daily intake for a non-fast day, based on your age, height, activity levels, etc., by using the calculator tool on this forum. (Click on ‘how?’ In the top-right corner of the page and choose ‘bmr and tdee calculator’ from the drop-down menu.)
    Perhaps, read around the various topics on the forum: a) to get advice about how to kick-start weight-loss; b) to check whether you are applying the 5:2 principles in the best way for your circumstances; and c) to see just how successful the 5:2 approach can be. With all best wishes.

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