Welcome to Outstanding October Challenge!

This topic contains 176 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Excelsior12309 9 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 177 total)

  • Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    It was a busy and successful FD yesterday, slept well and woke with a touch of PFDS 🙂 and I am going to have a sober healthy eating weekend! DH and I are having covid vaccinations tomorrow morning so I will swerve the vino to give the vaccine its best chance to boost my immune system.

    @merry🍎 some people (me) might use an injury like yours to turn to comfort food and idleness, but your no nonsense getting on with it attitude is inspirational!

    @iona72 I am in awe of your daily step count…..do you go for very long walks or are you just constantly moving around?

    Oh the battle of the cheese! Strong stinky cheese is one of my most favourite foods and irresistible in the fridge. When I buy it I cut it into portions and freeze it otherwise…….battle lost every time. Thankfully DH likes mild cheese which doesn’t interest me. Freezing it does affect the texture but the taste is unaltered, it works best with strong blues and vintage Cheddar as they are a crumbly texture anyway.

    Time to get my lazy bum off this sofa. Have a lovely Friday everyone 🤗

    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Tomorrow is my official weigh-in day, but I’m rather tickled by this morning’s 157.0 which is possibly less than DH, something I used to work hard to ensure. It hasn’t been true since I gained back all the weight I lost–so, since about Christmas 2022 or shortly thereafter–so I’m thrilled to be approaching a lower weight again! We have a wedding rehearsal tonight, followed by the dinner, so it will certainly be a challenge to eat with restraint, but I think I’m up to it…No, I AM up to it. 💪

    Thirty-five years ago tonight, DH took me to a performance of CATS in Omaha, and proposed. 🥰❤️❤️

    @lona72 I’m in awe at your total steps. What are you doing to accomplish so many?

    @merryapple I wondered at your silence yesterday… How frustrating not to be able to knit. I have one of those belts designed to hold dps, and never was agile with it, so keep it now simply to make me smile. Have you ever been competent with it? How long before your fingers/hand will be out of whatever contraption is holding them immobile in order to heal?

    @flourbaby Good luck on dispatching that project with speed and perfection!

    @michelinme Wow. Just WOW. I didn’t get through the whole video, but have saved it to watch later, and I’m in awe, especially since her second hand is not simply immobile but is gone. People can be so amazingly indomitable.

    @excelsior12309 Oh, your dinner of sole with langoustine sounds glorious! Have a recipe link you could share?

    Too funny with all the talk of cheese: I did a rare thing last night because I’d bought two cheese for DH’s benefit (I also eat them, but am not addicted as he and some of you are), and one was a white cheddar flavored with caramelized onions, so I opened it around 9 last night and broke my WF with a tiny slice–like, the size of my pinky finger, and I have small hands, so truly tiny slice. But so ironic I did that even as you all are talking about your passion for cheese. 😉 (And that caramelized onion cheddar was indeed delightful!)

    I asked Google to play Gregorian chants this morning, and right now am enjoying Veni Creator Spiritus, something I sang in college, and that was sung by my college choir at our wedding…what a lovely mist of memory I’m enjoying! 🥰

    I’m distracted by all the piddly things I want to accomplish today, so it’s time to get at it. Have a grand one, everyone!

    “You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”

    Day 4 – second post

    Just saw a comment that made me chuckle and I knew you all would appreciate it: “I miss the 90s when bread was still good for you and no one knew what kale was.”


    USA. Day 4. FD

    Wow! I forgot we just changed months! LOL. Today is another FD for me. It was going to be a WFD but then I decided I really need some food to continue my healing, so today I plan to eat 490 calories. So far so good.

    I love your comment Stitchincarol!

    Thank you, Excelsior12309 for hosting us this month. I definitely hope that October will prove to be outstanding for all of us! 🙂

    Day 4 second post

    I’ve been faffing about not getting food prepped, so I’m posting for accountability. Determined to get a FD800 in!

    Late lunch was carrot, ginger and cannellini bean soup from the freezer with quorn fillets for extra texture and protein. Supper will be cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach in a cheese sauce followed by spicy stewed apple. I need to crack on and prep that but I’ve been faffing online half-planning lots of travelling over the next 6 weeks instead of resting and eating and getting ready for tomorrow!

    My male friend who is following FD800 has now completed 3.5 weeks and lost a whopping 9kg! He’s aiming to lose 25-30kg for health reasons (pre-diabetic) and has been ‘living like a monk’ but delighted with the amazing results. That should keep me honest and focussed!

    Must go and cook – now

    Day 4 – NE England – 16:8

    Another good day for me 17+ hours fast. Half a pound down.
    As the weather was lovely I got all the bedding washed and line dried and back on the bed.
    Cut down an over grown shrub before winter gets here
    Couple of good walks , 20,427 steps by 7pm so might make 21,000!
    Made a good chicken curry this evening, little bit of rice, little bit of Nan bread and a lovely glass of Cab. Sav. yay Friday!!
    Have a great weekend everyone

    Day 5, NFD, Aus

    Hello all – just checking in.

    Your microwave ripening avocado story amused me @funshipfreddie. Did it taste bitter? An old neighbour of mine once made an avocado and mushroom quiche. It was amazing. She never did give me the recipe and I’ve tried to recreate it a few times, with no success. How she cooked the quiche without turning the avocado into that bitter flavour I have no idea.

    Off for a girls’ weekend. Should be fun but not very mindful!

    Day 5 – UK – NFD
    Day 3-4 – NFD

    Busy first week of this challenge
    Day 3 – aerobics class – Pedicure (bliss) – Pilates – Book Club
    Day 4 – Dog walking day with DD – lunch in the sunshine – met with a friend for a late afternoon coffee once back home for a catch up and to plan our trip to Northumberland at the end of this coming week

    Today I’m off out soon to help marshal a fell (mountain) race – I’ll be at my section at an altitude of around 1500ft from 0930 until around 1400 – weather conditions promises to be dry, cloudy and windy!!

    Will try to catch up with the posts either later today or tomorrow

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – the taste was revolting; can’t describe it. According to the YouTube post you had to wrap it in cling film before nuking it. Then leave it in cold water for a couple of minutes. But you then have to cut the cling film off because it goes hard. I guess the avo actually absorbed some of the plastic?! 🤢 Avo & mushroom quiche sounds divine 😋

    @excelsior12309 – They are frustrating! I don’t put unripe avos in the fridge though. I’m trying everything. I’ve got some in a bowl in the kitchen, one in a drawer, one wrapped in newspaper, & one wrapped up with an apple. Knowing my luck they’ll all ripen at the same time 😅

    @stitchincarol – “I miss the 90’s…” funny! I think I miss the ’80’s more though. I saw this on Pinterest – “My kids asked me what it was like growing up in the ’80’s, so I took their phones away & turned off the internet” 😅

    We’re getting a taste of summer today; going up to 33 C! That’s 11 degrees warmer than yesterday. Aiming to clock up plenty of steps, but nowhere near iona72’s marathon +20,000! FD tomorrow, most likely 💪

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 5 UK CD

    Successful fd800 yesterday woop woop! This morning the scales are down a little more, nicely just under 85kg/186lb. Which brings into touching distance this month’s goal of 182lb or 13 stone.

    Off to the morning of one conference followed by an afternoon event. It’s bring your own lunch day and I packed up light emmenthal cheese, baby cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, toasted seeds plus sliced apples and dried mango. That should help hold the biscuits and snacks at bay!

    Hi all,
    I’m late joining this group but I did start on September 30th.
    I started 5:2 way back in 2012when the documentary came out – I remember watching it with my husband and he said ‘we would be crazy not to do this’ – and he was a real sceptic as far as ‘diets’ went. I have done 5:2 on and off since then but over the last few years it’s definitely been a lot more off than on. I recently moved back to the U.K. from Spain and my diet has been awful! So I decided to really get back on board. I watched the documentary again and reread the books to inspire me.
    I have decided to do 3:4 to kickstart myself then go back to 5:2 at the end of October after a visit to a friend for a few days.
    So I have completed my 3 fasts for this week – I’m 1kg down and feeling good. I had forgotten how much energy I have after a fast day and not even particularly hungry.

    Good luck to everyone on this journey

    PG x

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    After early Covid vaccination DH and I went for a walk by the sea. Sunny, very windy and the sea was wild 🌊 great start to the day and I feel set up for a mindful and controlled weekend.

    @at I imagine you’re experiencing the windy weather on the mountain!

    @purplegranny welcome, sounds like you’re off to a good restart of 5:2, many of us here are 5:2 veterans. I began 5:2 years ago, got to target then slowly regained, now I’m doggedly determined to get back to my healthy weight and stay there.

    @stitchincarol good number on your scales, be great if we could both leave the 150s behind soon.

    Just remembered we have a couple of avocados in the fridge, hopefully ripe……all the chatter about them is making me think of 🥑 for brunch 😋

    Enjoy the weekend everyone 🤗

    Day 5-No. VA USA-FD

    Today, I mean to do a serious fast day! I am inspired by all of you to get serious again!
    Welcome, @purplegranny. We are a diverse, welcoming, and sympathetic group. Some of us are seriously crazy movers, like @Iona72–I think we need a video of them speeding around NE England accumulating thousands of steps!–

    @at, hang on, do not get blown off the mountainside. You are an adventurer!

    @stichincarol, the langoustines came frozen in a good sized bag from the grocery store. I used about 3/4 of a pound, thawed and chopped, mixed with about the same amount of panko, and some dried herbs (dill, chives, etc) and fresh parsley, some sautéed celery and scallions. Really was subbing in the langoustine for crab meat or shrimp in a standard seafood stuffing. Then just piled it on a small filet of sole and topped it with another piece of sole and baked for about 30 minutes. It was good. It made three portions (two small filets for each). Not too caloric, I don’t think.

    @missybear, I did not have any reaction to my Covid or flu vaccine this year. How did you fare? I envy your walk along the water.

    @michelinme, I am sure you will achieve your goal this October. I wish to attach myself to your downward journey!

    @funshipfreddie, I love avocados, but then I read an upsetting article a few months ago about how our supply here from Mexico has ravaged the native forests in Mexico and has spawned an industry in which the cartels are now involved. (Well, I am afraid the cartels are involved in a LOT of life in Mexico).
    So I have reduced my buying. We can get avocados from Florida, but they are a different kind, with a more watery texture and taste, so not as good, in my opinion. Stupid fruits.
    It is funny in the office when I try to explain to teenagers how it was in the days without cell phones, we did not make calls or texts all day long and actually had to speak to people face to face….

    Down we go, all!

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 158.2

    WOOP-WOOP-WOOP! If I accept that I gained two pounds in September, then I’m down an exact four pounds since last Saturday, LOL…which I am, but much of it was simply water weight that has “wee’d” its way out of me, because I truly believe I lost one pound in September. So, another pound down! Are you confused at my numbers and explanation? Trust me, so am I: The scale first said 159.6 this morning. I went back to bed to read. When I got up for all day an hour later, it said 158.2. A few minutes later, again 158.2 (it was too exciting not to look again). A few minutes later, 159.6. WHAT??!?!?!? then 158.6 then 159.4 then 158.2 A few minutes later it was still 158.2 so I took that as Gospel truth, per @funshipfreddie‘s firm urging that we ought to seize the lowest number, LOL!

    The rehearsal and dinner was delightful last night, and while I ate more than someone who wants to maintain a really low post-WF weight would, I was eating “normally,” so accepted that as okay. I’m planning on a salad for lunch, or even making the wedding dinner tonight an OMAD; we’ll see what my stomach thinks of that.

    Welcome, @purplegranny!

    I’ve showered and washed my hair, but now have only three to “fix” said hair, practice organ for tomorrow, do a few other things over at church, get the house a bit more tidy (I’m skilled at making a mess of what was perfectly tidy), and then getting dressed and leaving, so must hustle. Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 5 (already!). WFD

    Yesterday went pretty well, so today I am trying a WFD. I have already lost 1 lb. Now I hope to continue that trend downward.

    Welcome, @purplegranny! I am one of the long timers. Everyone here is very nice and supportive. Good luck in reaching your goal. 👍🏻

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Well… I misread the instructions. The steroid is for six days, the antibiotic is for ten, so that’s another week of interruption. Still, I’m down a couple of pounds today which is also a couple of pounds lighter than last week, so I’ll just have to continue to be mindful as I heal 🙂

    Day 5 – NE England

    Another good day to get out walking, making the most of this lovely dry weather. An hour in the morning and about 45 mins in the afternoon and then the general pottering about for the day is about 20,000 steps.
    We are going to a fundraising event this evening which will probably include a few beers, looking forward to that after a dry week.

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    It was 36 C by noon here yesterday! No breeze at all, and I went out with jeans on, duh? I didn’t even think about shorts. So much for taking a long walk. By the time I’d eaten lunch & was weighed down with two bags of groceries I decided to walk straight home. Back to a more seasonal 24 C today

    @stitchincarol – yep, always the lowest number, definitely! 😅 But, I think the ambiguity of those scales would drive me nuts 🥴️

    @purplegranny – welcome to the Challenges. What part of the UK are you in? And do you still have 6 cats?! 😻

    @excelsior12309 – I think all our avos are grown in SA, in the north of the country. I’ve only even seen two types here, Fuerte & Hass, but apparently there are hundreds of different varieties around the world.

    According to the UK Mail, the King is partial to an avocado too, after skipping lunch for many years:- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13928325/king-charles-avocado-lunch-monarch-food-royal.html

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🥚

    Day 6-No. VA USA-FD

    I did not do a good fast day yesterday, so will be doing one today, joining @funshipfreddie. We had a beautiful balmy and breezy day here yesterday.
    @ccco, good to hear from you!
    @northgeorgia, congrats on your weight drop. I suspect the steroids are more of a problem than the antibiotics, as the steroids definitely cause some fluid retention and sometimes increase appetite. But you are going the proper way!
    @stichincarol, your scales are very whimsical…I weigh myself daily, but only once. So I take the lower number, but if the number is higher than I like, I have to take that for the day.
    @iona72, I feel you earned several beverages, with all your steps!
    Down we go, all!

    Day 6 NZ NFD

    Just lost my post because my log in ran out and I forgot to save it prior…
    I’m in the slow lane…
    I’ll catch up tomorrow

    Day 6 UK CD

    Yesterday wasn’t quite so controlled – succumbed to a kitkat and a square of chocolate cake at my two events, alongside my yummy packed lunch. Weighing in at 85kg/187lb, just a smidge up on yesterday’s PFD low. Today’s CD is being kind to Future Me.

    Saturday morning’s conference was really interesting. It was hard to pull myself away at lunchtime to roll down the road for my second event, tho I was glad not to miss that too. I bumped into several people I know from different places – and met someone who follows me on twitter!- but by 4.30 I was yawning and ready to go home so skipped the last session. Last night I slept for TWELVE HOURS without even a bathroom break – that’s pretty epic even for me!!

    Today is a rest/relax at home day – I’m sitting in bed with a very large coffee and beginning to think about some meal planning and batch cooking. I’ll do some gentle yoga in a while, eat, soak in an epsom salt bath and get an early night.

    @purplegranny welcome to the challenge corner. Like others, I successfully reached goal weight some years ago then let go and gradually regained. This time is for keeps.

    @iona72 Time restricted eating of 16:8 or 18:6 is my normal daily routine, but FDs are those 24 hour periods when I have fewer calories eg FD 500 calories or FD800 calories. I’m amazed by your daily steps – do you have beautiful countryside to walk in?

    @northgeorgia you’ve done well to lose weight on steroids! I usually find they puff me up. Antibiotics can be taken with a spoon or yogurt or banana so it’s fine to fast if you feel like it. Hope you feel better soon!

    @stitchincarol congrats on the steady (!) progress. How was the wedding?

    @excelsior12309 Good luck with today’s FD! Popping you on a pocket list for some company and motivation 🙂

    @funshipfreddie I love your mosaic vase! what an excellent project to have on the go

    @at great to hear you are back in the swing of full and active weeks! Hope the mountain wasn’t too windy yesterday

    @ccco I hope your healing is continuing well

    @penz hope you’re having a fun girls’ weekend

    @missybear I envy you your seaside walks which always sound amazing

    @merryapple all your knitting talk made me remember to start knitting again! I took a barely-started hat out with me yesterday and knitted through both events, finishing just before teatime. It’s a simple beanie with rib brim – I usually make 1-2 hats weekly over the cooler months for a project at my church. And I realised/remembered that I actually knit mostly with one hand!!! It’s so normal for me that I forget, tho my mother used to laugh at me. I have reduced hand strength and can’t hold things in both hands for any length of time. So I use my LH as usual but prop the RH needle in my lap, my RH wraps the yarn and I steer the needle with a couple of fingers but don’t hold it, if that makes sense?!

    Pocket List Day 6


    I am now back in the West Midlands where I grew up. I brought 5 cats and a dog back with me from Spain. We’re all gradually settling into a very different way of life.
    Over the past 3 1/2 very stressful years I have gained some weight – my BMI is still well within the healthy range but I know I’m a TOFI and much of the weight has gained around my middle – stress, cortisol, change of life….. but I have to get to grips with it now or I will soon have serious consequences.
    I had forgotten just how fab I feel when I’m fasting – so much more energy

    PG xx

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    It’s a dark wet day here, me and the cat are snuggled on the sofa and I’m browsing health related articles to keep my motivation fired. Having a well controlled sober weekend, the control is probably made easier knowing a holiday is on the horizon. I want to drop 2 pounds this month despite the holiday, so I
    need to be extra good before I go.

    @purplegranny I’m from the West Midlands. DH and I moved to Pembrokeshire 9 years ago and now want to go back home if we ever manage to sell our house.

    Wishing our Sunday fasters a successful day.

    Pocket List Day 6

    USA. Day 6. FD

    I went over a little yesterday but am determined to do better today!

    Pocket List Day 6


    @michelinme, my healing is slowly coming along. I am happily beginning to do more of my regular activities. Thank you for thinking of me, @Excelsior! I have been scrolling through and reading all the messages and try to get involve whenever I can.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend! 🙂

    Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Whew another week of antibiotics, but at least the last steroid is tonight. Still got a bit of chest and nasal nonsense, but I am definitely breathing and sleeping better.

    Yes, I’ve been away from the West Midlands for over 20 years so it’s slightly strange being back. I love Spanish sunshine but I miss English seasons.
    I hope you can get back soon
    PG x

    Day 6- NE England

    Not so many steps today! 15,750 and not intending many more! I feel like I made okay food choices for the weekend when I’m not usually as strict. No breakfast, Feta cheese salad and a pear at lunchtime and a small portion of lasagne with side salad this evening, no alcohol DTF.
    @michelinme not lovely countryside unfortunately, just suburban streets and a couple of green parks on route. We have a spaniel who needs exercise so at least one of us has to get out everyday. Sometimes we go to the beach but not lately.
    @purplegranny hope life will settle down for you now, stress is very debilitating.
    @funshipfreddie we have had a very poor summer up here on NE coast of England, how I envy you and your warm weather, although 36C is scorching.
    Hope everyone is feeling positive for the week ahead, downwards we go!

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    @iona72 – only 15,750 steps? Shame on you 😂 That’s still almost double my 8500! Yes, I’m very fortunate with the climate here. A cool-ish 21 C today, but I’m very close to the sea, & it’s still spring. Saturday was weird though, it rarely gets that hot even in summer in this part of the country.

    @purplegranny – what part of Spain did you live in? I’ve been to Barcelona & Mallorca a few times, & A Coruña. I’d love to visit the Canary Islands one day.

    Interesting 9 minute video from Dr Eric Berg re fasting. “The most powerful thing you can do for your health..” I skipped the bit about IF for women 😳

    Wishing everyone a good 2nd week of Outstanding October 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍏

    Hi Funshipfreddie,
    I lived in the southeast, about 20km inland from Cartagena. Very lovely but soooooooo hot in summer! From July to end of September the temperature doesn’t drop much below 30 even overnight 🥵 We even wore shorts and t-shirts on Christmas Day.

    PG x

    Day 7 UK FD

    After Saturday night’s epic sleep I was awake most of last night, finally falling asleep around 5am! This morning I’m v sneezy and have a headache so won’t be going out tonight just in case I’d be sharing germs.

    Yesterday was more picking than preparing food but luckily nothing unhealthy in the house unless I start baking. I had scrambled eggs and baked beans for late lunch/brunch, then felt like the Very Hungry Caterpillar as I worked my way through tea/supper picnics of an apple, a baby avocado, 1/4 charantais melon, 3 baby cucumbers, 18 cherry tomatoes, 3 slices of light emmanthal cheese, 4 vegan sausages – and c100g dried mango. NB Dried mango is not a good thing to eat in bulk!!!

    Today I’m focusing on fasting, making sure I drink plenty to rehydrate my body after all the mango, marmite tea to stave off the hunger pangs. OMAD supper will be butternut squash, sweet potato and courgette dahl from the freezer, with added quorn chicken fillets for extra protein. Plus melon & apple if i feel the need for pudding.

    This week is much quieter! I’ve got an AwayDay on Weds and a couple of calls but no meetings while i catch up with emails and prep for a conference in two weeks. But plenty happening in health and home as i squash things in ahead of staying with DD again.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍏

    Day 7 NZ FD 70.4kg

    I am just managing to stay under control… my distractions such as knitting and spinning have gone by the wayside… it’s easy to gaze into the fridge and think I’ll just have a wee bit of this or that… I’m going to get some more fish for the week but tonight I’m having venison with roasted vegetables and a cheese sauce on broccoli. I had a lazy day today reading in bed and talking on the phone. I’m going to drive everyone mad!!
    @stitchincarol I have a splint on that immobilises all my fingers and wrist on the right x 2 1/2 weeks. On Thursday I go to see the specialist for the next phase, which as I understand it is gently moving the two joints but not the knuckle joint. I have to wait 6-8 weeks for that. Then if my finger is too stiff I may need the plate and 6/7 screws removed but not the wire which means going back through the tendon and then
    here we go again…
    @michelinme thank you for the one armed knitting video!! I have a vintage Shetland knitting belt somewhere but have never used it and since NZders are twice the size I doubt I will be able to do it up!! I’m glad that you’re back on to hats with winter coming up for you over there in the north!

    I’ll post this and continue tomorrow…

    Day 7-No. VA USA-NFD

    Yesterday was not a perfect fast day, but it will have to count. I intend to eat in a controlled way today.
    @northgeorgia, it sounds like you are headed the right way, in health and in weight. Once the steroids wear off, life will be easier!
    @merryapple, how frustrating to have to wait for bones to knit, and for the hardware to come out. I am thinking of you. Annoying having to learn how to brush your teeth and comb your hair, etc, using one hand. I had a friend whose adult daughter was doing some sort of jumps onto a box in a gym, and fell, and broke both wrists. She was in casts for two months. And needed assistance with ALL activities of daily living, as we say. THAT was awkward.
    @michelinme, I like your image of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. I have done that kind of eating, too!
    Happy Monday, all!

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Antibiotics only as of today. I’m hoping this works. I feel better, but still have a few symptoms lingering such as groaning/wheezing at night.

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Letter writing, shopping and walking have kept me occupied, so FD has been easy so far. Just sipping a glass of water, actually feeling quite thirsty so I’m enjoying it! Looking forward to my FD dinner of quorn fillet with spinach, mushroom and baby plumb tomatoes.

    @northgeorgia and merry🍎 good to hear you’re both healing.

    @michelinme hope the sniffles don’t develop into a full blown something 🤞

    @funshipfreddie thank you for the video link, I will watch it later this afternoon when I start to feel hungry.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍏

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    The scales were up a couple pounds into the 160s yesterday morning, but I ate with far too much abandon on Saturday at the wedding dinner. Thankfully, it was not horrible food, and I had indeed made it an OMAD, so after being very, very reasonable on Sunday, I’m back in the 150s this morning–an excellent weight on the morning before my first WF of the week.

    @funshipfreddie Wow, that was a HOT day! And my scale does ideed drive me nuts, but my body does the same thing, and always has fluctuated from day to day, so it just seems an extension of my personal norm. As long as it continues to trend down, I’m content… Wow. I just listened to the video you posted, and that sent me down a path of several more videos. Dry fasting had me intrigued, but I concluded I need to wait until life is not so busy so I don’t add undue stress. Nonetheless, it was fascinating!

    @michelinme Oh my. Nope, your description of how you knit makes no sense, LOL. Was I correct in understanding that you hold the yarn in your right hand?

    @purplegranny I had to look up TOFI, so thanks for that new piece of information. Your determination is impressive and it’s fun to have it added to our mix! BTW, do start to add the header to your posts.

    @missybear A dark and wet day to snuggle with a cat on a sofa? Sounds like bliss!

    @ccco Does your doctor and do your family know how much you’re fasting????? I cannot think it’s good for your health. It appears you’re making your version of 5-2 be 5 FDs and 2 NFDs, rather than the intended other way. Please, please be gentler to your healing body. Are you getting sufficient protein and fresh veggies?

    @merryapple I fully sympathize with how you’re struggling given that knitting and spinning have been removed from your possible activities! I finally did the figuring yesterday to know for certain that the sleeve was long enough and started in on the ribbed cuff last night, getting 3 of 20 rows done. Going back and forth from 3 knits to 2 purls on double pointed needles and two colors of yarn is not for the faint of heart! 😂🤣😂 It DID, however, fully engage my attention and interest, so while challenging to balance everything, it was fun.

    @excelsior12309 Thanks for your “recipe” for what you ate the other day; I’m planning to copy that some day soon.

    Tonight, I go out with my girlfriends. I’ve been to the restaurant a number of times, so have a good idea what I’ll eat; I think by making it OMAD, I’ll be okay on the total calories.

    This coming Sunday is the big dinner I have planned to celebrate both boys’ birthdays, and it’s a doozy–the kind where I have to start cooking several days ahead, and have a schedule stuck to the fridge so I get everything cooked at the right time. I certainly wouldn’t want to cook like that all the time, but it’s a delightful adventure occasionally, and since both boys will want some study time during the day, it’s a way to keep me busy so I’m not distracting them. The meal is heavy on fruits and veggies, with brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, parsnips, green beans, beets, strawberries, blackberries, salad greens, more blackberries, and dried apricots showing up in abundance–sounds like a @michelinme meal, huh? 😇 So this morning, I’m going to figure out the timeline; that will keep the stress down of thinking all week how to accomplish it all in a calm fashion.

    And with all that chatter, this post is plenty long, so I’ll quit and tell you about falling on my butt yesterday at church on another day, LOL!

    We’re missing some regulars, and I’m sad to be without their chatter…@jaifaim, @flourbaby, @snowflake56, @at, and far more. And @daffodil2010, I sure wish you’d pop in and say hello at the very least!

    Hugs, everyone!


    Day 8 NZ NFD 69.7kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    @stitchincarol I think if we’re eating well we simply have to have faith in our bodies – I went up for no particular reason other than the food I ate weighed heavier and/or retained water and now my system has sorted it out!!
    It’s a lovely morning so I’ll head up the mountain shortly but at the moment I’m sitting at my sunny yellow Formica breakfast table looking out at the top of a huge kumquat tree. A great big Kererū or native wood pigeon is sitting basking in the morning sun amongst the yellow fruit. He has a huge chest – a white singlet in the front of the blue grey purple plumage on his back with a rather small head in comparison and bright orange bill. They are known for eating so much that they are too heavy to fly gracefully and lumber alone at low altitude somewhat like a Bristol freighter. There’s a lesson in there somewhere!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 7 NE England 17:7 DTF

    Slight gain, half a pound over the weekend, not worried about that, it’s easy to see why!
    It’s been a good day for sticking to the eating plan! I picked some apples from the garden and made a crumble substituting the flour with a mix of ground almonds, oats, cinnamon, mixed spice and flax all whizzed together. Then I added raisins to replace half of the sugar. Served with a little fresh cream it was delicious.
    An hour walk this morning then another at sunset after babysitting all afternoon. It was a lovely evening and the sky was very pretty. Forecast to get colder later in the week 😩 wish we were just starting spring like the southern hemisphere.

    Day 8 Midlands U.K. FD
    So, a good day up until this evening – small coffee with a dash of milk for breakfast then nothing but water until this evening. I made the mushrooms with spinach and mozzarella from the 5:2 recipe book and had it with a lovely big leafy salad…but.. 2 hours on and really bad diarrhoea (sorry for the tmi) no idea why. Oh well, I guess that will help with weight loss 😂

    PG x

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Welcome @purplegranny – lovely to “see” a new face. I’m also one of those on and off with 5:2 people, but determined to be on again and stay that well.

    Great results, @northgeorgia, keep it up!

    we’re off to country New South Wales tomorrow to catch up with an old friend so won’t be posting for a few days. Despite my newfound commitment to 5:2, the next few days will be off piste!

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Busy busy, have a great day everyone… 🐝

    Day 8, London, UK, FD800

    I’ve been AWOL for a few days as my workload is overwhelming at the moment (working over the weekend!!😡😡😩), but I’ll push through it!

    I hit the bottle on Saturday and finished it off on Sunday, I’m only making excuses about work stress, weekend working, blah, blah, bah!!! Back on the wagon!💪🏼💪🏼

    Welcome @purplegranny, we all know 5:2 works like a dream, as long as we DO IT!!! I’m not sure why I keep forgetting that🤔 and resorting to eating the way that led to a dress size I despise!!! I’m focussing on staying ON far more than OFF this WOL …………. I must remember, it IS a WOL after all!!!

    Happy fasting folks💪🏼

    “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” – Margaret Thatcher

    Day 8_No. VA USA_FD800

    Everyone sounds quite busy today! @flourbaby, sorry to hear of your work stress. Working on weekends is annoying, for sure, particularly when it isn’t a regular part of the job. We will pull you back up on the wagon!
    @penz, enjoy your visit to NSW; I am sure you will not have much extra poundage to show for it!
    @merryapple, love the image of the chunky wood-pigeon. I had to look up its image on Google. Perhaps it can be our “spirit animal” for the days we are feeling very pudgy….
    @Stichincarol, your planned meal sounds like a cornucopia of autumn deliciousness. Good luck with it!
    Down we go, all.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 240 lbs. Ugh…not the 240s again. A few more days of antibiotics. Yesterday, the pastries at work were too much for me and I surrendered. I had been maintaining with a lot of soup and salads. Still going to keep it up until I can properly fast next week.

    Day 8 UK FD800

    Yesterday’s FD morphed into a CD as I was tired and hungry and in need of lunch. Stomach pain kept waking me in the night and this morning I’m struggling with burning gastritis and wind… No idea what it could have been but I’ll take things very gently today esp re food/drink.

    Up early this morning for electric meter change so it feels like mid afternoon already! I’ve been yawning like billy-o so definitely an early night. I’m completely uninspired for food xc maybe omelette and salad, but will do some fridge-gazing later. I guess uninspired days might be good for fasting…

    @stitchincarol I love the sound of your celebration meal – right up my street!Yes, I hold the yarn in my RH, one needle in LH and other needle propped up on RH side of my lap
    @flourbaby sorry work is full on atm; hope it eases
    @penz hope you have a good time away
    @merryapple I also googled your native wood pigeon – beautiful! UK woodpigeons also get fat and fly low. My resident three or so give me hours of entertainment each year hanging out on the elder eating buds/flowers/berries
    @purplegranny thanks for adding the header! The day is simply the date where we are, so we can keep track of our international community 🙂

    Pocket List Day 8

    @flourbaby FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @michelinme FD800

    Day 8 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I think I was probably a bear in a previous life. I have just been reading about Alaska’s Katmai National Park fat bear week on the BBC website:

    “Shortly after Fat Bear Week in October, as the weather gets colder, the bears will head to their dens. This period of time is often referred to as a hibernation, but brown bears don’t actually fully hibernate in winter. Instead, they enter a deep sleep known as torpor, from which they may occasionally wake and move around. During the summer months they will enter a medical state called hyperphagia, in which the hormone leptin is supressed. Without it, the body doesn’t signal to the bear’s brain that it’s eaten enough and feels full. Instead, the bear will simply continue to eat and may gain up to four pounds a day.”

    My body rarely signals that I should stop eating and I have a huge appetite! That said I did manage a very decent 500kc FD yesterday, slept wonderfully well and my berries nuts and Greek yogurt brunch tasted divine. I quite fancy some salmon for dinner 🐻

    Have a good day everyone 🤗

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Had a lovely evening last night full of news and laughter with my three girlfriends. Ate more than I would have had I been fully paying attention, but we were far too busy talking and laughing for me to think through quantities when we ordered, and when the various appetizers arrived, we all simply ate with abandon as we chattered. C’est la vie, eh? Today will dispatch the bit of weight I’m up, and then some.

    @merryapple I agree with you entirely about how our bodies simply fluctuate. It can be frustrating to nail down our exact weight when that changes daily, but how my body feels and what my stomach is telling me is far more relevant to the quality of life I experience each day than what the scales say, and I’m getting better and better at remembering to focus on that, and tame my massive appetite accordingly. And I wore a dress to the wedding that would NOT have looked lovely when I was still hovering around 164, so that’s clear progress.

    @lona72 Your day sounds idyllic! We’re also having lovely fall weather, although yesterday only got up to 72 (22). It’ll be back in the 80s for the rest of the week until Sunday, when it will only get up to 65 (18) and the low will be only a few degrees above freezing…BRRR and ugh. Monday will be even colder, so summer will be well and truly over by then. Good news, however, is that it’ll be cool enough on Sunday to wear my new knit skirt and sweater set, LOL!

    @purplegranny Oh you poor thing! I hope it went away quickly and you feel ever so much better today! Or tomorrow? I’m trying to make sense of your days…you posted last night at 10pm and just accidentally called it day 8 when it was actually day 7? Whenever it was/is, I hope you’re fine, fine, fine.

    @penz Have a fun trip!

    @flourbaby You have my sympathies for how stressful your life is at the moment, and hope you can dispatch that weekend working away from you. Strength and peace to you!!!

    @michelinme I learned to knit with the yarn in my LH, which made it easy when learning both knit and crochet, as the yarn is held in much the same manner for both. But when I made my first Fair Isle sweater, I made myself learn to knit holding it with my RH so I could have one in each hand. I looked RIDICULOUS at first, LOL and am far more comfortable and graceful with yarn in my RH now, but I’ll never be as at ease as I am with it in my LH. I saw a video sometime last summer where a gal held both colors in her LH and just twisted her wrist to grab the color she wanted (it was Meg Swanson, daughter of Elizabeth Zimmerman, if those names mean anything to you). It’s just amazing how such an old craft as knitting can always have knew things, including your “one handed knitting,” LOL! However it works, right?

    @missybear I was just reading yesterday about the whole grehlin and leptin business, and will read that section again, because knowing what helps restrain/encourage is such important knowledge for making our 5:2 WOL easier, right? The book I’m reading is by Heather E. Carson: FAST: 10 easy steps to succeed with intermittent fasting for women over 50. (WAY too long a title, LOL) I think I must have ordered a print book because an ebook wasn’t available? Don’t remember, but I won’t make as fast a progress this way, but will eventually work my way through it. Perhaps you’ll find it helpful.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List Day 8
    @flourbaby FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @michelinme FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day eight of a failed fast. So sorry to have let you all down, I don’t dare to show up until November. Usually I lose weight when stressed and troubled, but not now. (Maybe because this is such extreme stress and trouble) Hope to be allowed in in November, good luck to all of you!

    Day 8 second post

    @louloudi Nonsense. First of all, you have not let us all down and your fast is not failed; you’ve simply shown yourself to be human. Second of all, don’t think eight days of things not going to plan in October means you can’t show up again until November.

    And I’m very, very sorry you’re in such extreme stress and trouble.

    How about this plan: show up and post each day, if only to say good morning. Perhaps skip breakfast. Or eat breakfast and skip lunch. Or perhaps don’t skip any meals, but simply resolve to have no dessert one day. Or one meal. Make a tiny goal, and do your best to achieve it. If you do, celebrate, and we’ll celebrate with you. If you don’t achieve it, then shrug and try again another day.

    Deep breaths…we’re here/hear for you and don’t want you to disappear.

    Day 8 second post

    @louloudi sorry to hear you’re having a stressful time. No shame here in not having a successful FD. We all struggle and that’s why we’re here to support each other. Stay in touch even if you don’t post and show up any time you like 🤗

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