Welcome to Outstanding October Challenge!

This topic contains 322 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 323 total)

  • Welcome all to Outstanding October! I am starting a day or two early so we can all have time to get onboard “the Wagon” .
    I am taking over from @brightonbelle, who guided us so well through September.
    These monthly challenges go back all the way to 2016, when started by @coda. We like to break up our goals into manageable periods, and monthly goals seem do-able to most of us! Of course, everyone is free to set goals at any level, a pound a month, 5 pounds a month…you get the idea.
    Here are some of the guiding principles we have used over the years:
    1) Posting. Please post something about yourself in your first post of the month. You would normally include the day of the month; where in the world you are (!); and whether the day is a fast day, a non-fast day, etc. We are located world-wide, so it is interesting to know who is on board at any given time.
    It is helpful to include some facts about yourself, your fasting journey, your goals, and so on. You may include specific numbers of course, but this is entirely your choice. These facts about yourself and your fasting goals are helpful to anyone joining for the first time.
    2) Spreadsheet: We have an available spreadsheet with a separate link, for those who like to track themselves and they can also see the ups and downs of others using the spreadsheet.
    Using the spreadsheet is optional. (Asking for assistance in posting the spreadsheet, as I do not have the skills for that!!!)
    3) Posting frequency: Most of us feel that daily or every other day posting is helpful in keeping us on the path…but again, that is a personal choice. Sometimes posters drift away and return later in the month–it is OK, all are welcome, members new and old.
    4) Content of the post is up to you. Feel free to share aspects of your daily life challenges. This includes health issues, home issues, family issues. These all impact our ability to manage our healthy choices. This is an incredibly supportive group of people with a wide range of life experiences. We all learn from and lean on each other!
    5) Pocket list: This is a way of knowing who in the world is fasting on the day you are fasting. It helps to support us. Pocket lists can be started by anyone. They might also be used for issues other than fasting, such as alcohol-free days, or daily exercise goals.
    6) 5:2 “Basics”. answers to FAQs and tips for success: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/
    7) We avoid the “F” word: No “Fail” here. Maybe, “Fall off the wagon”, but no “Fail” We are all here to encourage ourselves to get back on track!
    8) Lots of abbreviations show up here:
    5:2 5 days of not fasting, and 2 days of fasting per week
    FD 16-8 16 hrs of fasting, 8 hours of eating window
    IF–intermittent fasting
    ADF–alternate day fasting
    AF–alcohol free
    B2B–back to back or consecutive fast days
    BMR–basal metabolic rate
    CFD–controlled food day, below your TDEE
    DH, DD, DS: darling husband, daughter, son–you get the idea
    DTF–dry till Friday (no alcohol)
    EE–emotional eating
    EFS–epic face stuffing (no “off button”)
    FD–fast day (500 calories)
    FD800– 800 calorie fast day
    Hunger Dragon; dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied.
    IFK–intermittent fasting Keto way of eating that generates ketones
    KISS: keep it simple, stupid
    LC–low carb way of eating
    LCHF–low carb, high fat way of eating
    LFD–Liquid fast day, such as tea, coffee, broth, etc.
    LOL–laughing out loud
    M/WOAM –man or woman on a mission (courtesy of @ihatelettuce)
    MFD–modified fast day, FD 800
    MFP–calorie tracking app, MyFitnessPal
    NFD–non fast day
    OH–other half, ie, partner, spouse, etc
    OMAD –one meal a day eating
    PFDS–post fast day smugness
    Pocket list–names to keep in your pocket for a common goal that day
    TDEE–total daily energy expenditure (link to the homepage will show you how to work out your TDEE based on age, height, weight, sex.)
    TRE–time restricted eating
    WFD–water fast day, only water that day
    WFH–working from home
    WOL–way of life.
    WOCS–woman of a certain age
    WW–weekend warrior
    ZBC–zero breakfast club

    OK everyone, let’s head out for an Outstanding October!!!

    Day 0 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @excelsior12309 – thank you for getting the ball rolling for October🙏 Count me in please 🎯

    Day 0 NZ

    Thank you @excelsior12309!!

    @at are you out there and able to do the sheet?!
    I sat down at the computer and realised none of my fingers poke out beyond my wrapped up backslab so I can’t use the computer to set up this month’s sheet…

    News flash of the day is this avo I had a 💩after 8 days🤣 and am looking forward to tomorrow’s new monthly weigh in!!! I know, too much info!!!

    Day 0 USA/GA

    I’m in. I got to get back to the 220s next month. This has been another treading water year, or will be, if I work hard at getting back to where I started. Egads.

    Thanks to @excelsior12309 for setting up the Outstanding October Challenge!

    I have done a spreadsheet for those who want to use it – here is the link


    Lou here (Amsterdam Netherlands, 70 yo), first time challenger. Did 5:2 in 2013 with a bunch of co workers and lost 10 kilo’s over a year. Easy peasy.They stayed off until a couple of months ago, when my clothes suddenly seemed all having been washed too hot. And then I detected funny rings just above my middle, like a lopsided camel and what happened to the stretch in my jeans?

    Friends comforted me by telling me that the new statines were the problem and that they had the same issue. But statines or not, I want to get rid of the bulges and the kilo’s. On the other hand, this is my first FD in years, not even 2:00 PM and I am already craving for food. I really hope to get the hang of it again somehow and meet all of you, likeminded co sufferers, here to support and comfort one another.

    Day 0 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Welcome, @louloudi! I’m on statins and have not noticed them making a difference, but perhaps they are and I haven’t realized…who knows. Also, are you suddenly shorter? That’s been an issue for me for my clothes fitting properly…

    I’ll weigh tomorrow morning in hopes that a good CD today will give me a lovelier number than this morning, and then I’ll be seriously committed for the new month. I’m slowly taming my rebellious mind and inner two-year-old (“I WANT that, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from having it. It’s MINE!) and am even toying with Sober October…I have one day left to make up my mind, LOL!

    Thank you for your kind and helpful reply @stitchincarol! I’m only on a statine trial since april so maybe it is the shrinking. Because indeed that was another shocking discovery. A few weeks ago I put on a favourite pair of summer jeans which were favourite because it was one of the few
    pairs ever that fitted right from the shop peg, instead of having to fix the hem first. I was shocked to find the legs suddenly at least 5 cm too long. But then again: there’s also a lot of tummy and ‘bra fat’ that was never there so I shouldn’t fool myself. It’s fat and it should go!

    Day 0 UK

    I’m in for Outstanding October! Thanks @excelsior12309 for hosting this month’s challenge, and @at for the spreadsheet.

    I’m’ looking forward to being alongside old friends and new for a month of steady progress to better health 🙂

    Day 1 NZ NFD 70kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I seem to have lost 2+ weeks of last month thanks to a South Island holiday and a literal trip to hospital… ( two separate events!!). I am here, committed to Outstanding October to concentrate on going below 70kg😃

    I restarted 5:2 as a NY’s resolution in 2023 and have shed 23kg, gained my fitness back and dispatched all my large size clothing – there is no going back!!

    I’m 66, currently left handed and aiming for 66 kg… I now live on my own in a 105 year old house with a big garden, it’s spring, I love dogs, wool and cooking amongst other things…

    @funshipfreddie I am going to buy a can of emergency orange spray paint and highlight the public pavement which is out of whack in my walking zone…

    Hi everyone, especially those who are joining us for the first time👋

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD Two Year Sober-versary! 🎉🎊 🚫🍷

    About me:- David, 62, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014. I joined the Challenges in 2018. Currently maintaining at 70.6 kg. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm on NFDs. I recently started following LCHF too.

    @at – good to see you back; thanks for the spreadsheet 🙏

    @merryapple – 8 days?!! 😱 I had the same problem when I was in hospital in February; but I’m sure it wasn’t that long. Maybe 5 or 6 days, & that was bad enough 🥴️ I feel the same way about the spreadsheet – keeps me honest. Orange paint?! Don’t go getting yourself arrested; there are cameras everywhere these days 😅

    @louloudi – welcome!

    Gotta dash. Wishing everyone an off-the-charts Outstanding October 🎯

    Day 1 – Ireland 🥲😂 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Copied from last night in September.. 😁
    I hope everyone is well 💕

    Well the holidays are over… was just fab!!! No idea what I weigh… 🫢😬
    I am not going near the scales for a few days and will be back on the forum later in the week.. 😬 I’ll be spending precious time with mum now that I’m home to Ireland. Thank you @brightonbelle! Sorry I was missing for most of last month but did think of you all often particularly the Americans. 🇺🇸
    @excelsior12309 thank you for taking over for October! 😇I’m looking forward to reading back over the posts and rejoining you all soon!

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 1, NFD, Aus

    Thank you @excelsior12309 for hosting this month. Without wonderful people like you, this long running forum would wither and die!

    Welcome @louloudi, great to have someone new join us. You’ve done it before; you can do it again, but be gentle with yourself if it takes a little while to get back into the groove.

    Thank you for the kick up the rear, @funshipfreddie (last post in Sept). You’re right – doing a successful FD is more than just wishing it will happen. I have to commit to myself. And make promises to others – breaking a promise to me is easy but unfathomable to do to someone else. Maybe I can promise future me! 🙂

    Day 1 London, UK, FD800

    Firstly, thanks to @brightonbelle 💐💐💐 for herding us cats during last months’ challenge, I truly did succeed in September with a 3lb loss ……………. All in the final week mind, when I actually did some proper fasting!!!!

    Secondly, thank you @excelsior12309 for guiding us through ‘Outstanding October’, I will be aiming for a minimum 3lb loss🙏🏼

    @jaifaim, good to see you’re back & that you had a fantastic time, I bet your mum is glad you’re back🥰🥰

    I never seem to introduce myself properly, so I went back to an earlier intro from 2019 and fell into the rabbit hole, now resurfacing after an hour reading old posts ……………. A little bit about me, ex-civil engineer, 50-something, started 5:2 in Nov ’16, easily lost 45lbs, but have regained what I lost and acquired some extra timber to boot!!! I’m a dedicated member of the ZBC but vino is definitely my nemesis!🍷🍷 I’ve been getting back the discipline I had many moons ago, when fasting was so easy, by doing FD800 with a little leniency on weekends but the aim is to get back my mojo💪🏼 and fall in love with fasting again so it becomes 2nd nature!🥰🥰

    Something I wrote in an old, old post during lockdown 2020 ……………………..
    Things I’ve learnt along the way –
    Calculate your NFD intake based on your goal weight TDEE, it’ll get you used to just how much you ‘should’ be consuming, so it’s not such a shock😱 when you get there!!!!
    Alcohol can derail your efforts as quickly as blinking 🍺🍷🍻 …………… NO joke, my best months have been the dry months, but WFD’s have meant the vino hasn’t been too prominent recently😇.
    Water is your ONLY friend – that hunger dragon🐉 just needs drowning when he roars, glug down a bottle of water to douse his fire, count to 100 and you’ll be good!!!!
    Nobody said it would be easy, but this WOL is truly the easiest system I’ve EVER used for weight loss and it comes with a bonus of improved health, and that alone will help, especially at this time (what a year😩😠😢😷😨😱!!) to get us as fighting fit as we can be to fight this deadly enemy ………………………….. Win-Win, I say!!!!!
    Checking in to keep accountability is a must for me, I’m the queen of procrastination and my friends here keep me honest!!!!

    I was evangelical and gung-ho, all guns blazing, Water fasting & ready for some fasting action!!! This month I aim to get back there, not just saying it but meaning it too!!!!

    So, this month WILL be , wait for it ……………………………………
    • Sober October!!! 🛑🍷🛑
    • I Will continue with FD800’s until my fasting muscle isn’t as withered & wasted as it has been recently!💪🏼💪🏼
    • NFDs will be controlled and based on my goal weight TDEE😳😲😱
    • I will drink 3L of water a day, to keep me full, to drown the dragon, to make sure I can distinguish thirst from hunger!
    • I will introduce some exercise no matter how busy I am!!

    Welcome, @louloudi! You’re in the right place, I said it in 2020and it’s true today ……….”Checking in to keep accountability is a must for me, I’m the queen of procrastination and my friends here keep me honest!!!”

    @funshipfreddie, many, many congratulations on your 2 year Sober-versary!!! I can safely say you’re a better man than me!!!🥴🤭🤣🤣

    Anybody joining me for Sober October??? @stitchincarol??? …………………. I’m in for just one single solitary month for sure!!!!

    “At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” – Frida Khalo

    Day 1 UK CD

    Thanks for taking up the reins @excelsior12309

    I’m off to Sicily very early tomorrow for a week so I’ll be joining you all after that and I’ll be a year older as it’s my birthday whilst I’m away

    A bit about me – 62F living on south coast of England with DH been IFing with varying degrees of success for 8 years , had a serious health issue last year which has made me re examine things , my aim is to be the healthiest happiest version of my self , I started the year well but seem a bit stuck so hoping to reboot next week

    Good Luck , be back soon 👋

    Day 1-No. VA USA-FD
    Welcome all, to Outstanding October! Glad to see old friends and new ones (@louloudi). Short introduction: 74 yr old, still working as a pediatrician, joined fasting in 2016, lost 23#, regained the pounds and then some from 2019…restarted in March of 2023 and have again lost the 23#, but am still about 8 # from my goal weight.

    I like to do some FD 800’s, because they are easier for me sometimes than the more limited 500-600, and I still lose. I agree with @flourbaby that calculating my TDEE based on my goal weight has been helpful in gradually losing. I will join you in an alcohol-free month, @flourbaby. I think that is helpful, too, in eating management.

    @penz, good to see you and I think keeping the promise to yourself is as important as making it to someone else! “Future you” will thank you!

    @jaifaim, I hope your Mother is well, and I hope you will share some of your vacation experiences in the US with us!

    @merryapple, I am sure you will get to your goal this month. Maybe if you can off-load all the metal they put in your hand, it will help! I agree with @funshipfreddie: don’t get arrested with your can of orange spray paint…we don’t want to see you in an orange jumpsuit. Or what color do Kiwis wear when they are in jail? Orange is popular here, though some states still use the old traditional black and white horizontal stripes. We are big on some traditions here in the South….:(

    @northgeorgia, you have weathered the hurricane winds and rain, now you will settle down to a good month of mindful eating.

    @at, thank you for the spreadsheet! You have our backs!

    @michelinme, we are in this month together. I like @louloudi‘s expression: “like-minded co-sufferers”–I know we are all trying to be positive, but sometimes, we are also struggling and it is good to know there are others out there with the same issues.

    @stichincarol, glad to hear your shingles have resolved quickly. Think about getting the Shingrix vaccine if you haven’t yet. It is extremely effective. It does have some unpleasant achy side effects. but good to be protected, because people often get recurrent shingles.

    Onward and downward, all!

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Hello to a new month with old friends and welcome @louloudi
    @excelsior12309 thank you for setting up this month’s challenge and thank you @at for the spreadsheet.

    F65yo first time on 5:2 was in 2017, by 2018 I was at target weight having dropped 30 pounds. I maintained until 2020 when the upward creep commenced. Now I’m working on getting back to a healthy weight. September went well, I lost 2 pounds, I never lose quickly so I’m happy with that progress. October will be challenging as DH and I are going on holiday on 21st for 10 days but I am still aiming to dispatch another 2 pounds this month.

    My plan is to eat a healthy Mediterranean style ‘diet’ everyday, no processed carbs or sugary foods. Only counting calories on FDs. Wine in moderation!

    Ready for an Outstanding October. Together we are stronger 💪

    Day 1-No. VA USA-2nd post
    @missybear: good to see you. I love the Mediterranean type diet. Are you vacationing in the Mediterranean ? That would help with maintenance, wouldn’t it?

    Day 1 second post

    @excelsior12309 sadly no, we are not going to the Mediterranean this time. This month’s trip is within the UK, we are staying in a National Trust property with a beautiful stately home and deer park in Cheshire. A mix of history, culture and outdoor exercise, lots of different walks.

    Day 1 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Unacceptable. I have to retrain my body to let go of the weight. The only major derailment I foresee this month are possible week-long antibiotics I may have to go on to get rid of this lingering gunk. Can’t see my doctor until November, so I’ll probably go to an urgent care center sometime this week.

    @flourbaby Good tips from the past. I’ll keep those in mind, too! @excelsior12309 Yep, I’m hoping to really increase the effectiveness of my FDs this month. @missybear I’m thinking of adapting my diet towards that style, too.

    Pocket list – Day 1

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 162.2

    HOW did THAT happen?? So much for a loss in September.

    Some key points:
    * I have indeed had the shingles vaccination and am told it doesn’t at all prevent shingles, but simply prevents them from being bad, and from leaving you with permanent symptoms.

    * I’m all but done with our taxes, and we even get a refund, which is only the third time or so in 18 years, LOL!

    * I was out the door over to church at 7:35 this morning to do something I forgot to do yesterday, so my whole day is turned upside down by the strange beginning, LOL.

    * I’m not doing an absolute Sober October, @flourbaby, because we have a couple of huge events in the month, but it will be far diminished from the norm.

    * I’ll post properly tomorrow. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 1 UK CD

    Hello! Delighted to be here for Outstanding October, my second consecutive month back on the waggon.

    Brief bio – F60 London UK one DD. Joined Dec 2017 and lost 35lbs in 9 months, maintained for a couple of years then started to stack back on post-covid. I’ve been back for short periods but continued upward trajectory until now. I rejoined in Sept and waved goodbye to just over 7lb/3kg which is an excellent start..my motivation is high after some FD800 weeks, a reset of my relationship with food and an eye to my longterm goals..Now *just* 40 more lb to go… and longterm maintenance

    I can’t weigh my way into the month as staying with DD until Thurs PM, so not quite as in control of my menus either. She’s labelled the pots of homemade dahl and soup I brought, clearing space for them in the freezer for future weeks when she’s needs easy food, so I’m free-ranging from her fridge/cupboard to make meals for two. Yesterday we had cauliflower & paneer curry with rice – a gourmet brand that just needed heating & adding panfried kale; that plus a baby apple and some dried mango kept me under 800 calories to finish Sept challenge.

    So far today it’s been kale, spinach and turmeric soup with spinach & cheddar mini savoury muffins and a tiny apple – around 350 calories. I’m aiming for a solid CD today and tomorrow, then a FD for my travelling home day on Thursday.

    Goals for October are:
    * Say goodbye to another 7lbs – I know it’s doable at this early stage of the journey. And that will get me down to 182lb /82.5kg, tucked back into the overweight category.
    * drink minimum 2.5litres water/day
    * restart gentle adapted yoga – 10 mins, 3x week
    * prioritise good sleep.

    @excelsior12309 thanks again for hosting!

    @flourbaby thank you for sharing your wisdom – I feel the motivation

    @jaifaim welcome back

    @funshipfreddie HUGE congratulations on your 2 year Soberversary!

    @at thank you for the spreadsheet

    @northgeorgia you’ve got this!

    @louloudi welcome! This is a great place to be. Daily posts are also helpful for me to keep accountable. And keeping a focus on better health and longterm goals… the results roll in

    @stitchincarol hope it’s been a good day for you despite the unnatural start 🙂

    Sending strength to today’s fasters, and to all of us for an Outstanding October!

    Pocket list Day 1

    @flourbaby FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    Better late than never for a quick check in

    Lovely walk in the sunshine this morning with my walking group, then a big food shop this afternoon kept me busy

    Cooked some lovely fresh mackerel for dinner so a controlled NFD

    Will post more tomorrow

    Day 1 – NE England – IF 16:8

    First time challenger I think! I’ve been on the forums for about 10 years on and off, but most names I recognise seem to have stopped posting.
    I retired early 3 years ago and I don’t miss work one bit. Spend my days with my husband, a mad spaniel and baby sitting, on and off, my 2 Granddaughters. I like walking, love to read, knit and potter in the garden.
    I’ve been watching my weight most of my adult life, never been totally out of control but as the years pass the weight goes up, aided by Covid lockdown. Earlier this year I was shocked to be told by my GP that I am Pre-diabetic and need to modify my life style. I have been put on the National Pre-diabetic Programme and so far it’s going well I’ve lost 12 pounds since late June but still have more to go to get to goal. It’s nice to find a vibrant community of like minded people – so here I am!

    Day 2, FD, Aus

    Done my 10 000 steps and feeling much more in the FD mindset today.

    Welcome @iona72, losing 12 pounds already is a great start!

    Good luck for Octsober, @flourbaby. I’ll be with you in spirit. LOL.

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @iona72 – welcome to the challenge, & congrats on the 12 lb loss so far!

    @michelinme, @flourbaby, thank your re my 2 year sober-versary 🙏 I never imagined my sober-October ’22 would turn into +730 days 💪

    @brightonbelle – have a lovely time in Sicily, & Happy Birthday for when it arrives! 🥳️ 🇮🇹🍕

    Mosaicking was good fun yesterday. I finally grouted the first side, pics below of before/after. I’d just finished it, so it still needs polishing up. I also made a good start on opposite side.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍳

    Day 2, London, UK, FD800

    Today will be soup & soup for under 800cals as I couldn’t face preparing something for lunch last night and figured raiding the freezer stocks would be better than chancing something from the supermarket of the nearby café. I might subsidise with water to get that ‘full’ feeling. This weekend I plan to make some dhal to freeze as @michelinme is tempting me with descriptions of lovely wholesome stuff!!!🤤🤤🤤

    @iona72 – welcome to this month’s challenge, you’re in the right place, we’re all on the same tricky path to health! Well done on shedding 12 lb so far!

    @funshipfreddie that looks amazing!! I want one!!!
    @penz, I’m glad you’ll be with me in spirit, but which one…………… rum, whisky, gin????🤣🤣🤣

    Ok, enough nonsense, back to work!!!

    Keep the faith folks

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

    Day 2-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Well, a proper fast day devolved into a controlled eating day, so going again for FD 800. I would like to to this for a week; did it in the spring and it is very tolerable for me. @michelinme, I need to drink more, but I am afraid if I drank 2.5 liters per day I would be running to the “loo” all day long! I must find a middle ground!
    @iona72, welcome. It sounds like you are already headed in the right direction…some of us will surely follow you!
    @at, mackerel sounds delicious. My son also likes the tinned forms; I am more fond of the fresh fish.
    @stichincarol, getting a bit of money back from the government is always a good thing. I’m glad your shingles are quickly resolving. You have had quite a busy and stressful last few months. Now for a good October.
    @funshipfreddie, your work is looking beautiful!
    @northgeorgia, “Baby steps, baby steps” is the way. You will get back in the groove this month.
    @penz, it sounds like you are already in the groove. I admire the 10,000 steps. My Apple Watch does not count my steps, (it would if I told it to); but it does nag me to move around, stand up, etc.
    @flourbaby, I am following your alcohol-free lead. One day down!
    @missybear, I am trying to figure a way you can eat Mediterranean style while at an English country house. It is taking a good deal of imagination…like, olive oil…probably not…fish, maybe…pasta…hmmm.
    Onward and downward, all.

    2nd Post – Day 2

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 2 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Down a few ounces only because of an OMAD yesterday. Unfortunately, I have to suspend my FDs for a week. I went to Urgent Care yesterday; they did an X-ray. Shadow of heart seems normal, as do the lungs, except proof of infection. Also said my ears seem to indicate ongoing congestion. So I have a week of antibiotics (2x a day) and steroids (1x a day). And you have to take with food.

    However, I am choosing healthy options. In fact, I have a homemade chicken soup with extra vegetables in the slow cooker on this morning. Thanks for the encouragement. Maybe I can get feeling better. I bet I’ve had major inflammation throughout my body for the last two months. If the infection goes away, that should calm down things and lead to more success on my FDs (but I am still reducing processed and “junk” foods during this time).

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I saw a lovely 158.6 this morning, so my protestations were clearly justified that I couldn’t understand why the scale was being so ugly the last few days. Yesterday’s WF went entirely fine except that, as usual, it made me quite cold–and the day itself was 15 degrees cooler than it’s been, so I was shivering by the time I went to bed, and I left my electric blanket on the highest setting for all night, LOL!

    Welcome, @lona72! This is a terrific group you’ve joined, full of wisdom, support, humor, common sense; continue posting and doing what you’ve been doing, and your 12lbs (congratulations!) will turn into your goal pounds!

    @louloudi I’m missing any chatter from you this morning!

    @funshipfreddie Congratulations on your two-year soberversary!

    @northgeorgia I’m so sorry your health is so rotten at the moment; I hope the meds make you feel far, far better!

    @jaifaim Welcome back!

    I slept for a solid ten hours last night, and am still struggling to be fully awake, LOL, so I’m going to give up trying to be my usual chatty self, and just slowly wake up, make some coffee, and get this day going. Choir resumes tonight, so I still have a lot to do to be ready for our first rehearsal!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Definitely autumnal here and time to switch from salads to casseroles, I shall be getting out our slow cooker @northgeorgia, hope you soon feel better now that you’ve had a diagnosis and got some meds.

    @iona72 welcome and congratulations on being 12 pounds down since June. What type of eating plan is advised on the Pre Diabetes Programme?

    @excelsior12309 we will be self catering in a cottage (converted stables) on the estate so what we eat is in my control……but its a holiday and there are nearby pubs and restaurants to be discovered!

    @funshipfreddie your mosaic work is lovely!

    Healthy eating within TDEE today to set me up for tomorrow’s FD. Keep going Wednesday fasters.

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 2 UK CD

    Yesterday’s was only a little north of a fd800 as I made some healthy choices and resisted almost all temptation!

    This morning I felt thinner and fitter. The mirror reminds me there’s a long way to go but I’m firmly in the journey. I’m rather enjoying being accountable to Future Me while away as I can’t weigh myself until I’m home on Friday morning, and Future Me is pretty keen that I’ve made progress!

    I had a mushroom omelette with green and tomato salad at lunchtime. My stomach is rumbling but I’m holding out for apple, raspberries and dried mango at 4pm. About to make something with butternut squash…

    Super stressful here,but doing what I can to ease things.

    Sending strength to today’s fasters and everyone for an Outstanding October.

    Day 2 – NE England – 18:6

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, nice to read all your posts, successes and struggles.
    I’ve had a good day, was trying to fast for 18 hours so went out this morning for a long walk to distract me and get out of the kitchen. We managed about 7km and my step count this evening is at 18,600. My goal is 15,000 so happy with the days work. Almost a successful fast at 17hrs 45 -but I was very hungry!

    @missybear the programme is run by a company called Second Nature on behalf of the NHS. It is based on a low carb, balanced plate eating plan but also encompasses Mindset, Exercise, Sleep and Stress. I am doing the App based course rather than face to face meetings (none near me) and I feel it’s going very well up to now.

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    Another busy day….

    Yoga class – coffee with the gang – volunteering afternoon – early supper before heading out to see a live telecast of Othello from the Globe Theatre

    Back home – cup of tea and relax before bed 😴

    Day 3, NFD, Aus

    PFDS. I checked the scales for the second time since I restarted last month. Down 2 kg! Not as much as I had hoped but if I’m honest with myself I have not been diligent in doing two FDs per week and have certainly not been DTF! So I’m v pleased with that result and feel my motivation returning with a vengeance! Look out world! 🙂

    Hope you start feeling better soon @northgeorgia; you’ve had a rough trot of late. With your focus on getting back to full health, 5:2 will neatly align with that mindset.

    How big is your mosiac pot, @funshipfreddie? I got some sort of scale from the newspaper it was sitting on, but not precisely.

    Day 3, London, UK, FD800

    I think I went a bit over my 800 cal allowance yesterday, at least it was cheese calling my name, not the demon drink!!🧀🧀

    Today will be high protein with a tuna salad for lunch then a prawn & crab ‘warm’ salad with tenderstem broccoli, cauliflower & peppers…………… not quite a stir-fry as I’ll barely cook the veg, hence the ‘warm’ salad idea.🤤

    The roof has been repaired!!🙏🏼🥳🙏🏼 Glad to put the nightmare behind me, but the friend of a friend roofer thinks £500 is in the mates rates category!!!😡😡 Although there were some missing or damaged tiles, I think the real culprit was the blocked gutter! It’s behind me now, so NOW I can try to enjoy my new house (after I repair the bedroom ceiling of course!😩🤞🏽

    @northgeorgia, take care of yourself, your resolve is certainly being tested at the moment!!

    @missybear, as much as I love a salad, I think I’ll have to swap the lettuce for broccoli and get the slow cooker out too. The dark mornings & evenings are depressing me already, I go to work in the dark & come home in the dark …………..I’m not sure why I bother to draw the curtains !🌃

    Happy fasting folks!

    “Eating breakfast breaks the fast. Skipping breakfast breaks the fat.” ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Thanks for the compliments re my ‘masterpiece’ 😅 I’m very proud. The grouting seems to work the magic though, & makes the colours pop. And the bits you maybe weren’t too happy with – after grouting it all just looks like that was part of the plan 😜

    @penz – I don’t have the pot here. It’s big & heavy, so I just leave it at the studio. But I’d guess it’s about 50 cm tall, & about 35 cm wide at the top.

    @northgeorgia – I hope the meds do the trick! I’m sure you don’t need to eat an entire meal to take the pills though. A small sandwich would suffice, or a couple of crackers. I think it’s just to avoid stomach irritation. But I could be wrong.. 🤔

    @stitchincarol – a 10 hour sleep? I can’t remember the last time I slept that long, even when I was sick. Not 10 hours in a row anyway. But since I started low carb my sleep has definitely improved. Close to 8 hours per night. And the quality too; last night my REM sleep was 25%.

    @flourbaby – £500?! Wow? And that’s the ‘mate rate?’ Still, at least it’s done.

    I tried to ‘ripen’ an avocado in the microwave last night, after watching someone on YouTube do it. Don’t do it?!! It tasted awful. There’s no way to speed it up, apart from putting it in a brown paper bag, or wrapping it in newspaper with an apple or banana. Some people say it’s enough to put them in a drawer where there’s no light. But it still seems to take forever sometimes 🙄

    RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters for an Outstanding fast day! 🎯 💪

    Pocket List – Day 3 🥑

    Day 3 UK FD

    Yesterday was another healthy-eating day of around 1000 calories. We had butternut squash, tofu and kale curry with a slice of garlic bread for supper; in the absence of coconut milk I used ground cashews to thicken the sauce which made it more calorific but increased the protein so it was amazingly filling! Followed by a refreshing bowl of raspberries and strawberries with a small dollop of greek yogurt.

    I’m travelling back home at teatime, so having butternut squash and kale curry for lunch. I’ll take apples and dried mango to help me resist the temptation of snacks on the journey.

    Reading everything but sorry not to respond to posts – fairly limited capacity while I’m away and laptop fan not working so it’s off for repair on Friday morning.

    Sending strength to today’s fasters, and to all for an Outstanding October!

    Day 3-No. VA USA-NFD

    Weight is stuck. I think I had better get into the groove soon! At least I am static at a tolerable weight, but it is not my goal. I want to have @penz‘s result of a 2kg weight loss in a month!
    @flourbaby, your roof repair was not expensive at all by US standards! Even partial roof replacement of a modest house (1500 square feet) would probably be in the range of $9,000 or more! Oh, the joys of home ownership! Is your bedroom ceiling plaster or drywall? I know plaster repair is more complex (which equals more expensive, of course!)
    @funshipfreddie, you will have to hire a flat-bed truck with a winch to hoist your magnum opus into its new home once you are done!
    @michelinme, your recipes are so creative. I have never used ground cashews as a thickener, though I know people do. I am afraid I would eat them all before they ever made it into a dish.
    Onward and downward, all.

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Lovely day here ☀️ we’re forecast to have a couple of warm sunny days before the rain returns at the weekend so we need to enjoy it while we can. After my boiled egg brunch I am going to go out for the afternoon, walking and shopping and distancing myself from the kitchen. My FD dinner will probably be my last cold salad of the year, followed by fresh strawberries.

    @iona72 thank you for the info, I will google Second Nature, I am interested to see that they address stress in their programme. Emotional issues are likely at the root of my weight issues, I turn to food and alcohol to cope with stressful times…..but also to celebrate happy occasions!

    @penz 2kg is a very pleasing chunky loss 🙂

    @flourbaby now your roof is sorted you can relax and properly settle in 🏡

    I am resolved to have a good FD!

    Pocket List – Day 3 🥑

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Nearly halfway through the antibiotics…

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Wow. Despite “refeeding” (as @northgeorgia has aptly termed it) yesterday, I’m still 158.6 and am in awe. Just imagine how lovely the scale will be tomorrow morning, LOL!

    @michelinme Ahhh, feeling thinner and fitter is a glorious feeling, isn’t it? And I can’t imagine how tough it would be as a mom to witness a daughter struggling with the effects of chemo; my prayers continue for you.

    @lona72 It sounds as if you’re doing great, and eating fifteen minutes early doesn’t strike me as unreasonable on any level…but next time you’re feeling such hunger pangs, perhaps it will please you to remember that–apparently–when you feel hungry is when you’re actually losing weight.

    @at “A live telecast of Othello from the Globe Theater”–how totally delightful!

    @flourbaby How wonderful that your roof is fixed, even if the “mates’ rate” is so high. I spent a few minutes staring at the name with the quote. The quote itself made me smile, but the name took some time to sound out, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie I forgot to say anything about your gorgeous mosaic, but it’s truly stunning–and I had the exact same reaction to your grouting, that it made everything look perfect. You are truly skilled at your choices, sir.

    @northgeorgia Well, at least you’re not gaining more as you miss your FDs, right?

    It’s an extra-busy Thursday for me, as I get a pedicure today after working in the church office, and before heading off to Omaha for lessons. All pleasant stuff, however, so nothing to complain about.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 3 🥑
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 3 – NE England – 16:8 DTF

    Successful fast broken at lunch time after 17+ hours. I find these overnight fasts the easiest way to fast.
    No change on the scales this week but I think my body is finding a new Set Point??
    Lots of steps today, currently at 23,148!

    @flourbaby speaking from experience of roof issues in our 1930’s house, £500 sounds reasonable enough. It”s a constant worry to me but a replacement is way out of budget

    @stitchincarol I like that idea of hunger being a sign of fat busting, I will embrace it!

    @northgeorgia hope are starting to feel better now

    @missybear I’m not sure how much of the Second Nature you can see without being a member, however you can pay for the programme outside of the NHS but no idea what kind of cost

    @funshipfreddie I love your mosaic, the grout makes such a difference

    day 4 NZ NFD 69.6kg 🏃‍♀️

    I wrote a post and forgot to submit it…
    It’s not that I’m advocating a smashed finger for weight loss but one left hand has defo slowed down my food production and consumption considerably. And because I can’t do anything at home or drive I’m out walking… 😁💪
    @northgeorgia I swallowed my antibx with a big spoon of Greek yogurt followed by a glass of water on FDs
    @funshipfreddie WOW!! Looks fab. congrats on the EtOH free success. I’ve had two weeks off and sadly am looking forward to a Friday night games and plonk with my girlfriends shortly!!
    I ripen avocados naturally then put them in the fridge. the fridge then ripen doesn’t work…
    @penz Great to hear 2 kgs dispatched
    @iona72 Welcome.
    @stitchincarol fantastic to hear you’re firmly in the 150s!!
    I went to an op shop today and bought sock DPNs in the hopes I might be able to rig up a knitting belt for one hand… C’est non possible
    @excelsior12309 I have had 5 days of white fish and vegetables for dinner if that helps
    @flourbaby “subsidise with H20″… hmm possibly a skill you learned growing up after getting into your parents liquor cabinet???😂
    @missybear Your upcoming holiday sounds gorgeous esp the pub food!
    @michelinme Your daughter will be sad to see you go…
    Must get going…
    Cheers everyone😁

    Day 4, London, UK, FD800

    That cheese is finished!!! Temptation is tricky to navigate when you’re doing Fast 800!!! There’s no ‘day off’ as you get with 5:2, so staying on track takes a bit more effort😩

    It’s a quick one from me today, I need to get the current project off my desk so I’m not working or thinking about it over the weekend.

    I’ll catch-up & comment later.

    Onward & downwards people!!!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    “Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” – Oprah Winfrey

    Day 4 UK FD800

    Yesterda was a good CD rather than FD. I travelled home v hungry but resisted all the free biscuits, cake and even beer/glass of wine that came with the first class upgrade in favour of black decaf coffee, peppermint tea and fizzy water plus my own dried mango and baby apple. BUT when I got home had a cheese and onion omelette with leaf salad, followed by MORE cheese…. fortunately low fat emmental but still..

    Weekly weigh day and I’m down 1.5lb from last Friday. I feel a lot slimmer which I suspect is muscles tightening up after all the exercise of DD’s steep stairs. My bust is down 0.5″ but the rest of me is the same size… which feels strange given how much better my clothes are fitting. One tunic is now looking positively baggy… it’s all progress.

    I was really glad to be with DD and hard to leave, but know she has great support when I’m not there. A lovely partner who can be with her at weekends and dad’s family just 5 mins away… I’ll be back down again later this month, then on and off until the end of the year

    Today I’m dropping off my laptop and hoping the fan will be repaired while I’m at hospital appointment, reviewing post-surgical problems with my foot after an op back in May. My email inboxes are slightly overwhelming but I’m steering clear until Monday. Tomorrow I’m going to two conferences and Sunday is a rest/cook day.

    @merryapple I thought you might be interested in this one handed knitter

    Sorry to write and run. I’m really appreciating everyone’s posts – you kept me connected and motivated. Sending strength to today’s fasters

    Pocket List Day 4
    @flourbaby FD800
    @michelinme FD800

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    Major PFDS this morning after what felt like a perfect FD. No hunger at all, & I had a great night’s sleep.

    @iona72 – +23,000 steps?! 🏃‍♀️💪

    @merryapple – 69.6?! Almost at your October goal already 🎯 Avos – I love them. But my usual supermarket is charging R 20 for 1 ripe avo. I hate feeling like I’m being ripped off. I can buy a bag of 5 or 6 unripe ones for about R 40, but sometimes they just refuse to play ball 😅

    @stitchincarol – thank you! And well done for holding onto that nice number. I hope you see another pleasant surprise after yesterday’s WFD

    I’m not sure I’d like to make it to 100, but apparently this is the best diet to get there…

    Free ‘fat-busting jabs’ on the NHS:- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13922731/More-1-5-million-Brits-set-King-Kong-fat-busting-jabs-free-NHS.html

    Off to soak up some spring sunshine & have a well-deserved brunch 🍳

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 4-No. VA USA-FD800

    So good to hear of all you motivated fasters! @iona72, you are amazing with all your steps! Some drop in weight will surely follow such energy expenditure!
    @merryapple, I can see why fish and vegetables would be a great weight loss/weight control method. I am making sole with some little langoustine “stuffing” for dinner tonight. I am intrigued by the idea of one-handed-knitting. Not just the procedure, but the eventual product…I think you should try it and then send pictures of your work!
    @flourbaby, I am in sympathy with your cheese battle. I cannot keep much emmenthaler or other type of cheese in the house very long…it will get eaten…by me. And then the scales will reflect that….
    @stichincarol, good going!!!!
    @funshipfreddie, the avocados must not be refrigerated, as @merryapple says, until they are fully ripe. But some of them seem to take forever, and then suddenly are rotten. Frustrating fruits.
    @michelinme, you are headed the right way! With all the stress you have dealt with, that is quite an accomplishment. I hope your daughter is faring well. So good there are others to help her out at this time.
    @northgeorgia, soldier on. Better October days are ahead for you.

    Day 4 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Hey, at least it’s staying constant. Fully expected some gain by the time the course of antibiotics and the very yucky steroids are through, but that hasn’t happened. About half-way through it all, and I admit I am sleeping better at night and getting a better feeling in the lungs. I have to remind myself after taking the pills, I’ll still be recovering for some days afterward.

    Anyway, looking forward to feeling 100%!

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