Weight guide assistance

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 8 years ago.

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  • Hi all just checking in on my firt day.Completed my HITT workpout as well.Also to ask what your progress has been like if you needed to lose 10kg?

    Thank you

    @mel.B4A ????

    Sorry @bigbooty.

    My question is how long would it take for one to lose 10 kgs by following the diet. I have started exercises for the last 3 weeks ( 3 times per week)- HITT as well as running 2,5 – 5km once every week.

    It varies from person to person and the average weight loss for women is just under 1lb per week.
    Exercise is great for fitness and toning but don’t expect it to speed up your weight loss unless you are doing 5-6 hours every single day.

    About 0.5 kgs per week. Focus more on what you eat rather than the exercise. Exercise is great for your state of mind and it tones your body but watching what you eat delivers the majority of the weight loss. Avoid sugar and simple carbs from grain based foods like bread, pasta, pizza, cakes biscuits and you will do fine.

    Read The Obesity Code by Jason Fung.

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