Weekend Away – Tips?

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Weekend Away – Tips?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Vwyrien 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    Just started the 5:2 diet this week (on my second fast day today) and I have amazingly lost 2lbs already! Feeling very pleased with myself 😀 Even on my non-fasting days I have tried to eat sensibly and it seems to be working! The problem is I’m going on a camping trip with my partner and his friends this weekend. We’re staying Fri night, Saturday and leaving on Sunday. It wouldn’t normally be an issue but, even though I’ll have finished my fast days for this week, I don’t want to ruin it all with a huge binge over the weekend 🙁 There is already talk of a Chinese on Friday, then a BBQ on Saturday evening and we’re visiting a cider brewery!

    Any advice/tips for not overeating and spoiling all my hard work?


    Avoid starchy carbs – eg minimum rice and noodles at the chinese, NO sweet and sour balls in syrup.

    Ditto the BBQ. pig out on protein – you will soon fee full. Avoid the garlic bread, dips and creamy dressings ie mo coleslaw

    Don’t overstress – the trick to making 5-2 work is to treat it as dieting 1 day at a time.


    Congratulations on your good start. Here’s what I suggest regarding your upcoming weekend:

    1) Continue to feel “very pleased” with yourself for beginning the 5:2 and seeing good results, and try to get some time outside for nice walk.

    2) Enjoy the Chinese food on Friday.

    3) Repeat number 1.

    4) Enjoy the BBQ on Saturday.

    5) Repeat number 1.

    6) Have at great time at the brewery.

    7) Repeat number 1.

    8) Next Monday morning have a good fast day. And let us know how you’re doing.

    One of the most powerful things about the 5:2 diet is that it gives us room to be human. It’s not a grind that goes on day after day, wearing you down into a state of despair. The “intermittent” nature of the diet schedule can actually seduce people into looking forward to fast-days, especially after holidays, vacations, or big weekends.

    Right now, as a beginner, you are making a good faith effort to do the 5:2 diet. But you are not just dieting. In the beginning you are also trying to build a degree of confidence, in both the 5:2 and your ability to do the 5:2. This can only happen with time, with experience.

    You’ve already taken the leap, seen some initial success, and you are “feeling very pleased” with yourself. Keep that feeling with you, and…

    Have a great weekend.

    And, repeat number 1.

    Thanks for he help Piquet and D52! 🙂

    I’m just going to make sensible choices with my food (maybe not after the cider haha!) And hope that I stay within my TDEE if I can.

    I’ll update you with my progress on Monday, which is my usual weigh in day.


    Don’t weigh on monday after a weekend of heavy eating. how can i put this politely….. you are likely to be fully loaded! Leave it a day for the system to clear.

    Don’t stress about staying within TDEE.

    Chill. the diet works one day at a time.

    That’s how my wife and I ran in. she lost 12kg from 76kg and i lost 14kg from 107kg, without ever stressing, without ever feeling hungry, without ever missing out on a good chow down at dinner parties, weddings or weekends away.

    Even if you weigh yourself, the weight gain will most likely be mostly waterweight. So w/e you do, don’t stress about it. Feeling guilty will set you back. This diet is meant to be a guilt-free one. It’ll be a lot easier adapting to healthier longterm eating habits if you don’t beat yourself up about weekends out with Chinese food and breweries.

    Piquet, you raise a good point! I might hold off on the weigh in until Tuesday at least (I can’t help myself…I might have to hide the scales).

    Thanks for the advice FlemishCurves 🙂 I’m just going to be sensible and enjoy my food/drink instead of pigging out needlessly. Only 1 week in and this diet is definately changing the way I think about food!

    So here’s an update:

    Went on my weekend away, had a really good time! 🙂

    Got home and was exhausted, so just vegged out in front of the TV for the evening. Monday morning rolls around and I weigh myself (this is my usual weigh in day). Bang! Back to where I started, the 3 lbs I lost have reappeared! 🙁

    I completely forget this should be my fast day and I have a bowl of cereal. Not a problem I thought, just don’t eat anything else until dinner…That didn’t happen. I well and truly fell off the wagon! Even had a full fat coke (which I rarely drink!). Then I had chips for dinner.

    All in all feeling crappy about things!

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