We can't delete item in the APP

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We can't delete item in the APP

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  marielaem 10 years ago.

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  • Hi, got a problem whit the app.
    We can’t delete, and the reset diet is not working.
    Also, the app consider the day today as the 11 of june 2014 but we are the 12,

    Hi – the developer has asked me to tell you that there is an update coming out soon to address iPad issues. It’s working its way through the app store now but should be released soon!

    Sorry you’ve been having trouble.


    I am also having this problem on my iPhone.
    I downloaded the app last night, wanting to start today. I had a play around with the app lastnight when I downloaded it and now I can’t delete the calories I entered yesterday.
    The reset diet is also not working. It still wants to start from yesterday (sunday) and so while I had selected Tuesday as my first fast day it is telling me that today (monday) is a fasting day.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled but as soon as I sign in all the info remains as I mentioned above.

    I want to know how to delete an incorrect entry and reset the first day to today (Monday).


    I also can’t delete or edit items. Please can you let me know when this issue is fixed.

    There should be an update now that fixes the iPad login problem and the deleting calories issue. But email app@thefastdiet.co.uk if it doesn’t work after the update!

    I’m having the same problem on my iPhone 4s. I’ve just emailed as advised.

    Same issue here. Has anyone gotten a reply?

    Reset diet is working but not deleting calories. The exercise tracker is not a very useful feature as it’s weekly instead of daily. I’d much prefer to be logging everything daily. So far I’m struggling to see the benefits of this over My Fitness Pal.

    I can’t delete mistakes I made I calories. I only downloaded the app to my iPhone last week. Any more news, further to the above posts?

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