We are starting today

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • We started today (hubby and I) on 5.2. Normally it would be me on a diet and him enjoying food but I think he has realised that he needs to do something about his expanding waistline. It feels great that we are both doing the same plan. I tried 5.2 last year after watching the programme and found it really easy and enjoyable to stick too whilst I was working. We are now both semi retired, interested to see we manage now that we have a bit more time on our hands.

    Looking forward to reading the posts on the forum and learning from others that are a further down the track.

    Good luck, we are retired and doing the plan together, we have both lost 6lb each in three weeks.

    It’s strange, not really missing the chocolate, biscuits and cakes, no in between food at all. Just an occasional glass of wine.

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