Water Fasting to Kick-Start a Healthier 5:2 Life: Buddy Welcome

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Water Fasting to Kick-Start a Healthier 5:2 Life: Buddy Welcome

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  thehiddenyogi 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi! To kick start a healthier lifestyle with intermittent fasting, I’m going on a water fast to completely detox and cleanse my system as well as release excess water weight and lay to rest a history of binge-eating.
    Today is my first day, and I’ll be going for a while (minimum of a week but with a goal of 25 days). If anyone else is also thinking about starting off with a rejuvenating water fast, even if it’s a shorter 3 day fast, I’d love a buddy. Feel free to comment and then we can chat via email; I’d love to hear your story. I’m based on the West Coast of the U.S.A..

    Hi hidden and welcome:

    I suggest you watch the following presentation on long term fasting – start at about minute 15:

    And read the following article that appeared in Harper’s magazine:

    Good Luck!

    Thanks simcoeluv! The article especially was a really interesting read. Interesting that people used to think 10 days without food was enough to kill a person.

    Hi thehiddenyogi

    Keep us informed, I’m fascinated by the idea of a lengthy fast, planning to do what is, for me, an extended liquid fast next week, starting next Wednesday. Not ambitious, just hoping to extend the window, I’ve only done 36/42 hour fasts until now.

    There are a few on the forum who fast for days at a time, on a regular basis, hopefully they can give advice

    Hi Milena,

    Definitely, I’ll post some updates once I’m further in the fast. My first fast was a 3 day fast. It was supposed to go longer, but I decided to break it for my father’s birthday. Since then, I’ve tried fasting again, but my mind has always gotten the better of me towards evening time of the first day. I’m glad to say I got through that first day and am mere hours of officially getting through the second day.

    So does a liquid fast mean you’re juicing/souping?

    hi – may I call you yogi

    I think that is some folks interpretation, for me its tea and flavoured drinks, I can pretty much manage no food, but I do like my tea, Earl Grey with lemon is fine, but green tea and fruit teas are not to my taste, so I include English Breakfast with a drop of milk and a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar, I figure if I need a couple of teas to get me through why sweat it? I put lemon juice and lime juice in water, occasionally angustura bitters, if plain water gets boring. Ive tried just plain water but I find a little flavouring changes the fast from a clock watching penance to an enjoyment – though bear in mind Ive done less than half a dozen liquid fasts, an average of 36 hours.

    I hope its warm where you are, and if you want to chat, you can message me on Facebook, surname Paterson.

    Good luck!

    My family follows the Russian tradition of tea drinking for social gatherings (and throughout the day), so I agree, the worst thing about fasting for me is not giving up food, but giving up tea. And yes, it is warm here! It was raining yesterday, though, which made me realize just how big of a difference cold weather makes to the success of a fast.


    After reading an interview with Jasmuheen In 1999, wanting to know whether I would be able to fast for a day wanting to to do an extensive fast in the Summer, after 11 days of fasting I decided it would be a pity to stop then and in the end did the full 21 day fast, Yasmuheen had been talking about, and lost 13 kg. Unfortunately that was mostly muscle-tissue and i was physically very weak on the morning I started eating again, starting with a sip of rice-water. The problem for my body was that it was November in the Northern Hemisphere, our country lacking sunlight, hence I lacked energy. I was not fed with Light, so to speak.

    I have never been so elated and light as during that fast. It proved a wonderful and necessary initistion to another level of dimensions for me. Not eating was never a problem and I was not hungry at all. I loved it and would have loved to be able to stop eating altogether! However, my body became weaker and weaker and lack of strength became a problem having to take care of my family with 3 children. They thought I was going to die. Which might well have been the case were it not that on the morning of the 21st day “the doors were opened” and I was to break the fast as “the deed was done, the procedure completed”.

    The first sip of the rice-water brought me down to Earth and took away the perfect beauty of spiritual and mental lucidity. Weighing 73 kilos it felt like 200 and I realy regretted having to start eating. But seeing the state I was in physically I resolved never to do such a thing again, as I might have died there and then of heartproblems, the heartrate sometimes going up to 240-250 in order to get enough oxygen to my brains and tissues (I did not fdrink enough at the time).

    All in all it took me 10 months before I could eat all normal food again.

    The collective consciousness picking up on this will make prolonged fasting or even being able to stop eating altogether for the rest of our lives feasible. The more people do this, the easier it will get for the others, as we are operating in one morphogenetic field, learning from each individual.

    But for the time being, humanity has not reached that point as yet. And therefore I feel inclined to write this warning. Please be very careful! One person I met did a fast of 8 days and was still seeing his doctor ten years later because of his very serious health-issues resulting from his Fast! He never got over it. I was very lucky to have recovered fully.

    I’m happy to do the 5:2 diet, but will have to take care not to do more because it is so easy to not-eat.

    BTW, in 15 years time I gained the 13 kg I had lost + an extra 13 on top of that. Not knowing about the 1 or 2-day fast and afraid to end up like at the end of the fast, there was no way to keep the kilos off, even when eating about half the amount I used to eat and taking lots of exercise.

    Wow, well thanks for the warning. I appreciate it. I’ll make sure to listen to my body, drink plenty of water, and be open to stopping before the expected date if I grow too weak.

    Update: I broke my water fast during the evening of the fourth day, but will be following up for awhile on a variation (fasting during the day and then breaking it in the evening with a meal of greens and light protein.

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