Visceral Fat. How to find out if you have it ?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  BernadetteMc 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I am not overweight but I have just been diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. I would very much like to find out if I have visceral fat hidden round my organs but cannot find out where I can get a test done. I have asked at my local Nuffield Hospital but their MRI scanner does not measure tissue and I was told I would have to find another “modality” to do the test. I think a DXA scanner might be what I need but when I looked this up on the internet all I could find was to do with osteopyrosis (sorry, wrong spelling !) and bone density. Can anyone give me any relevant information on where I can go to get a scan done ? I would be so grateful.
    Many thanks !

    Bernadette, here’s a quick and easy..and free…way to get an approximation for starters.

    Thank you so much, K-Lo. That is a really helpful article, and directly I get myself a decent tape-measure (tomorrow !) I will get going with the measurements.
    Can’t wait to get a grip on all this !
    With renewed thanks !

    Good luck!!!

    BernadetteMc, in May I cut way back on added sugars in my diet. That mostly involved cutting deserts and avoiding sweetened sauces, but I went down form around 60g a day to about 20g a day. I lost 8kg and 16 cm around my waist in just 3 months. It was fast and surprising because I spent two years eating less and exercising more and only lost 3cm and gained 2 kg. Now I’m lower with the fasting.

    That is a really amazing result !!!!! You must be thrilled. It is all very encouraging because it seems to be the cutting sugars and fasting which does the trick. I have just had my second fast day (so I have someway still to go) but your story spurs me on. Thank you very much.
    PS Have just send Dr Moseley’s book to a friend and told her she simply must read it. It is so sad that so many people still think (like my friend) that cutting down on fat is the answer.

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