Virgin Fast Dieter question

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LJoyce 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi just bought the book yesterday and am half way thru, really like the idea of this, just wondering on your fast days is it best to spread the calories over two meals or to have them in one sitting, what works best do you think???

    There is no correct answer to this. If you read through this forum you’ll see there are as many variations as there are dieters.

    When I started I experimented until I found the option that was easiest for me. I tried grazing all day; eating lunch and dinner; eating just dinner; not eating at all just consuming fluids. The option that I found easiest in the end was to just eat dinner, and allow enough calories for 1 punnet of berries and some cups of tea throughout the day when I needed them. But I know plenty of people who came to a different answer that suits them. It largely depend on what your appetite is like throughout the day.

    The 2 pieces of advice I would give is:
    – plan no food at times when you know you are not usually hungry. For example, I rarely feel like breakfast so all the options I trialed excluded breakfast. Some people have no need of mid-meal snacks so they don’t allocate calories for them.
    – think about when you are always hungry and allocate the majority of your calories to that time of day.

    Many thanks for your reply LJoyce , I guess I need to experiment a bit to find my way so, I was a bit overwhelmed with the amount of forums and links on here is there one you would recommend to follow? many thanks San


    Click on “Active Topics” and see which forums have a lot of recent activity and choose one or two that are appropriate. Have a read through the most recent posts and see if the discussion feels comfortable. For example, I contribute to the Southern Hemisphere and Binge Eating Disorder groups because they are the most appropriate for me (I’m in Australia and I’m a binge eater).

    There is a “Fat Busting Brits” forum if you are in the UK, and another for Americans, there is also a forum for men on 5:2 (they can get a bit swamped by the number of women on the forum). There are also some forum threads for those with specific chronic conditions, but they tend not be forums that are as active. Some forum threads have hundreds of pages of posts, so make sure you click on the highest numbered page so it takes you to the most recent posts. The country/continent based groups seem to be the most active, so I’d start there with the one for our country.

    If your country isn’t covered, try the “Lose 2lb per week with JoJo” forum, this is a vibrant thread and I don’t think it’s country specific.

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