type 2 diagnoses

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PJBR 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Im a 56 yo male, i was diagnosed with type 2 eight weeks ago. I was 17st then. I immediately went on a low carb ( 10-15 grms a day ), i lost a stone in four weeks, however the weight then refused to budge so now im doing the 5:2 and having 10500 calories a week (1500 per day. This still allows me to have around ten pints of lager over a week, and eat well on my non fast days, the trick being the 1800 calories i save on the fast days.Give up all products that contain wheat, substitute veg for potatoes and no pasta or rice and its really easy.
    i have just started HIT on an exercise bike and do the super six with a body blade on the other days ( great bit of kit ). im determined to reverse my diabetes through weight loss and exercise without medication, ill let you know how i get on.
    Check out the study being done at Newcastle uni with reversing type 2 through weight loss- it may save your life!

    please give more info re the “body blade…(great bit of kit)” I am looking for an exercise program.

    Thanks Benny

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