Two weeks in..

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  • I’ve been on this diet nearly two weeks and already feel fitter and nowhere near as bloated as I used to get. Just wish my partner Paul would refrain from offering me chocolate cubes, biscuits etc on fast days, resisted them all though!

    Great work anniew7!!!

    Is it showing on the scales? I’m so hoping for encouraging results.

    My husband used to offer me things to start off with. I suppose it’s strange at first for them to see us fasting. They don’t really understand the process. Saying no doesn’t really bother me now – and my husband is used to it to. He always says what I am eating looks better than what they have! Lol! Thankfully we can say yes (in moderation) to treats on other days! 😉

    Hi this is my second week also. The first week I lost 5lbs so after Thursday I shall weigh again. I have taken measurements from every wobbly bit so the next measurement will be on 19/09. I am mainly going by inch loss and have a long way to go. It’s strange I didn’t think I would feel this good on fast days (Tue/Thur).
    I am also going to try not to have my 500 cal allowance, so my last meal was on Mon at 8.00pm, I’m not eating today and I shall have a cup of bovril tonight. I feel confident but you never know. My hubby took some pics of me at the beginning so every month I shall have some more pics taken.
    My slim clothes are in a locked vault deep underground, so I’m hoping to break into it one day and feel good about myself!!
    The first week I did suffer with a couple of headaches but now it’s my lovebirds are giving me a headache lol. I wish everyone the best x

    Wow, 5lbs in week one is amazing. Well done!
    I am also in my second week. I did two days 7pm-7pm last week and lost 2kg but by the beginning of this week I had put that weight back on. I’m not sure how as I eat really healthily (no white carbs, alcohol only once a week). I haven’t measured myself as I used to do this and it got a bit obsessive so I’m a bit reluctant to start.
    I’m starting at 60kg and hope to get down to 54kg, but I’m disheartened by the first week. I did struggle with the fast days, and was on holiday and I’m not sure if I will be able to do that as well as work so I am trying 2pm – 7pm today splitting my fast across two days, but still twice a week.
    I’m also trying to do HIIT for 1 hour each day, but my husband thinks this is a bit crazy on fast days.
    If anyone has any tips or suggestions about why I haven’t managed to keep the weight loss then I’d be really grateful.

    I am now 2 weeks in and week 1 lost 3lb, and week 2 lost 2.5 lbs. I am delighted!

    I changed my fast days this week (1st 2 weeks I did Tues/Thurs) and thought I might sneak another one in after a bit of a heavy weekend so I am trying to do Mon/Weds/Fri this week. Also going on holiday in a couple of weeks so want to lose as much as possible by then.

    I am realistic and expect the loss to slow down but am so happy that this is working!!

    I tried a pair of slacks on yesterday that were very tight a fortnight ago, so possibly I may have lost a little weight, as they fit me now, but may be the diet is helping with my IBS, as don’t seem to get so bloated since starting it!

    Thanks for all the encouragement and I’ve enjoyed reading about everyone’s experiences on the fast diet. I was on my 4th fast day yesterday and had bite size shredded wheat cereal for breakfast, 100mls semi-skimmed milk, with half a banana on top, chicken and noodle slim-soup for lunch and for dinner, one pork sausage, cooked in griddle pan, no fat added, plus a few mixed veg. Then later shared a small apple with my partner Paul. I weighed everything out to avoid going over the 500 cals. I enjoy smoked haddock with mixed veg on a fast day as a low fat easy option. Will have a weigh in over the weekend, feel thinner, but scales will tell me the truth!!.

    what a rotter your partner is!

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