Trouble with Fasting

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  • Im having trouble with keeping my calories to 500 broken up into 2 meals. Has anyone tried doing three smaller meals or does that defeat the purpose?

    I just do strawberries an orange then a decent eve meal and snack before bed.

    I have no problem with this. Mornings I have porridge with fruit and evening I cheat with an M&S Ready Meal.
    Do what suits you, we are all different.
    Good Luck.

    Have you tried saving all your calories until the end of the day? Apart from the calories I use as milk for tea and coffee during the day, I save mine for a reasonably sized evening meal. I find that this makes the hunger far more manageable too (I get ravenous as soon as I eat anything on a fast day, so the bigger evening meal sorts that out).

    I can’t make two meaningful meals out of 500 calories so I save them up for one nice evening meal. I just drink water and tea during the day.

    Like StephB I find eating breakfast makes me hungry all day. I can usually get through to 15:00 before feeling any hunger.

    Some people prefer to have two meals and some find snacking on low calorie food helps them to go the full day. Find whatever suits you best.

    In the book Mimi had breakfast, an apple for lunch and then a meal in the evening. It really is up to you how you distribute your calories.

    Thanks 5:2 friends. I finished my 2nd fast day yesterday. I am having trouble with just 500 calories because of how hungry I get during the day. I will give your suggestions a try next week.

    I have done 5 fasts now and found it easy really calorie wise. I have porridge made up with 1 part skimmed milk to 3 parts water at 7am drink plenty of water during the day and a couple of fruit/herbal teas. For my evening meal at 7pm I have fish (cook in the bag portions) or prawns, and use the rest of my calories up with grilled mushrooms, tomato. Lots of spinach, rocket, watercress. Strawberries and blueberries for after! I go to bed feeling fine. I keep on look out for fast day ideas when I walk around the supermarket.

    hi ksleatherman firstly well done on getting through your second fast that in itself is fantasic, secondly your name makes me wonder if your male, if that is the case then your a lucky one because you can have 600 cals each fast day, having said that when i first started i was having closer to 600 cals a day as like yourself i found it really hard to drop so low, once my body stopped screaming and having its tantrum at the changes and got over the shock of small meals i was able to cut to the 500 cals, it does take some getting used to, but you can do it, just relax and give yourself time to adjust this is a life long change and for me after years of abusing food to get to the weight i was, was the only thing ive been able to do long term, where as all other diets ive tried have failed, keep us posted on your progress and best of luck! xx

    I find that *what* I eat for breakfast makes a difference. If I eat cereal or bread or drink juice, I will be hungry two hours later any day of the week. If my breakfast has a substantial amount of protein and a little bit of fat I do much better, I can even have whole fruit with it, just not juice or concentrated sugars. Right now my fast day breakfast is 4 oz. of low-fat ricotta (140 cal), 4 oz. strawberries or a small pluot (40 cal) and 6 oz. coffee with 1 tablespoon 1/2 & 1/2 (20 cal, an American mixture of 1/2 milk, 1/2 cream, without which coffee gives me a terrific stomach-ache). This holds me just fine for at least four hours and in fact I eat basically the same breakfast on feast days, just a bit more fruit and double the coffee. I do get hungry for much of the afternoon but I figure that’s part of the process, I ignore it and it usually goes away in 2 or 3 hours. Surprisingly I have no trouble exercising during fast-day afternoons, in fact brisk walking makes my hunger pangs go away. My fast-day dinner usually includes a large pile of low-cal veg, also a tablespoon of olive oil in cooking, I feel plenty full afterward — sometimes get hunger pangs a couple of hours later, but not so much I can’t sleep. Hope you figure out what works for you.

    I snack a lot on celery to curb hunger.I don’t count it in my calories. Does anyone else do that or should I count celery. It’s about 6 calories a stick and very high fiber.

    Hi ,I have a bowl of low calorie porridge in the morning ,maybe some raw carrots at lunch time and then a quorn burger or fillet with loads of stir fry veg ( done in one cal frying stuff )at about 6pm. Loads of water ,with 5 cups of tea ,one sugar and semi skimmed milk and I can get through the fast days knowing that at 6 am the following morning its back to egg and toast with marmalade. Thats the beauty of this diet ,only one day at a time not months and months.
    Hope it all works out.

    Regards to all Phil.

    Hi Couscous. I also have porridge in the morning and an M & S meal at night. Obviously great minds think alike. Makes the calorie counting easier.

    I think you know the answer to whether you should include the cals on just some things you eat on fast days or all of them!

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