Topics with no replies 186 total no replies

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Topics with no replies 186 total no replies

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • as u can c 2day

    i have replied 2
    5 people 2day

    i know how it feels when not responded 2 our thoughts
    as many of u do 2

    let’s all do this
    when we get on this site

    we should all click on

    unanswered topics

    reply 2 @ least up 2

    let’s have a 0000000000000000000000000000000 unanswered topics

    Hmmm, I know how this feels too as a newbie. I posted this:
    5:02 pm on 17 Aug 13
    Report this post
    I have both books, the Fast Diet Recipe book and the Hairy Dieters one. Does anyone know if the Salmon with ginger chilli sauce would be viable as an evening meal on a fast day?

    I thought this site could give support, but I guess not.

    Yes i try and answer because we need support as its quite hard at times.

    wow u really reply allot ljc1011

    saw the fish sauce i’m going 2 try it

    wiltldnrUSA and ljc101, you keep the site busy! At least now I know it is not just me with unanswered posts if there are answers needed.

    Hi all, I try to answer as many topics as I can, but I know it is disheartening if you dont get any replies. However, we dont all have answers!!! Maybe we should just all try better………..

    I just like to talk. Forums or face to face in not fussy!

    ok we r down 2 only 176 unanswered

    i know the articles that i post i don’t expect a response

    & the questions that r super medical ???? that’s 4 a medical person wish we had more of those geniuses or a good researcher w/ acumen like jeanius

    as nniemac said

    8:10 am on 21 Aug 13

    “Hi all, I try to answer as many topics as I can, but I know it is disheartening if you don’t get any replies. However, we don’t all have answers!!! Maybe we should just all try better………..”

    however,the new people that r from the welcome topic or just getting on this forum

    let’s click allot more on

    unanswered topics
    when we get on this site

    some of us r super busy i will be in the future
    even 1 reply would b good
    we r not all geniuses but we do have interesting minds & experiences
    a reply even a simple one is better than nottin

    let’s get the #s down

    Hi wiltldnrUSA

    I couldn’t agree with you more: I make a point of going through the posts and I look for posts which haven’t had any response whatsoever and then…I respond. I totally agree with you about making an effort just to acknowledge a post.
    In my opinion, it’s just good manners to acknowledge someone who is trying to communicate with the forum users.
    Also I feel strongly; it’s kind too and there can’t be too much kindness.

    Having said that, I’m not on this site constantly; so I find myself responding to a lone post (that is usually not recent) and the poster (if that is the right term) doesn’t monitor their posts and doesn’t make any response to me!

    So perhaps another bit of advice that could be taken on board is: if you make a post – monitor it!



    good point
    always click on
    Add this topic to your favorites when responding or posting

    thanks 4 ur precious experiences 🙂

    got 2 go

    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    u should all
    4 ur topics & replies

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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