Top 10 foods when fasting.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Smith2015 10 years ago.

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  • We all choose different foods when fasting. What are your top 10 foods to get you through each fasting day? Can you all list them to see our food choices please.
    I’ll start with my 10.

    Apples, bananas. Natural yogurt, salad leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, soy sauce, roasted vegetables, stir fry vegetables and mushrooms.

    Being a vegetarian My 10 are:-
    Mushrooms, cucumber, veggie soup stock, Tofu, sparkling water, eggs, spring onion, low fat yogurt, pumpkin, frozen spinach and corn

    I’m vegetarian also and find fasting easy with theses food choices.

    protein- boiled egg, canned salmon in brine not oil,
    fruit-strawberries, rockmelon
    Salad – lettuces/leaves, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, tiny pickled beetroot, grated carrot
    Hot vegies – broccoli, cauliflower, carrot,
    Yep, 11, I know…..

    Nibbles – 1-3 pistachios, a strawberry, nori sheet(wierd but works for me, 1 no sugar lolly (candy, sweet),
    Drinks – water,water,water, sparkling water, weak black earl grey tea, decaf coffee with a dash of milk

    I’m just starting again today but I remember from before it’s usually:

    eggs, mushrooms, onions, chicken meat, my homemade leek & potato soup, salads, a few brazil nuts, smoothies, ham slices, strawberries.

    My 10 ingredients are egg cooked tomato, cooked egg plant salad leaves fish chicken carrot apple peach spring onions. I seem to eat the same food each fast day that way I am very organised – sounds boring but it seems to work for me

    I gotta say, even though I’m relatively new to this, I just find it easier to KISS by using Lean Cuisine or similar frozen entrees for my main meal on fasting days. Easy, quick, simple to toss in my bag on the way to work. If I’m home on a fasting day I’ll cook, but otherwise I just like the simplicity of the readymade meals. So my “top 10” are really “top 3” – eggs for breakfast, premade meal for lunch, 100 calorie something in the evening (Orange, snack, whatever). keep it simple, I like NOT having to think about what I’m going to have on fast days, takes some of the stress off.

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