Today is my First fast….

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bronx 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I am so excited to start this process. I read this book in 1 day… It made so much sense to me.. I am excited to drop those 10lbs that just show up on the scale. Not to mention all the health benefits that come a long with the process…Today is my first fast and so far so good… Can’t wait to see what life is like in 6 weeks and then 12 weeks…and then a year!!!

    Hi Ayre! Welcome here! Congratulations on your first day!
    It is wonderful to have 5:2 nicely fitting into life so it is easy and sustainable and to find yourself feeling well and fitting into the smaller clothes size! Best wishes to you!

    That’s a good attitude to have when starting. I started 5:2 out of curiosity and some skepticism last September. It didn’t seem to be doing anything for me so I made some adjustments and am at the point where it’s just part of my routine now. My goal was to use this method to maintain the weight I had lost a couple years ago.

    I wish you great success with your fasting goals.


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