To fast or not to fast

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Chocolatelovingoptimist 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Well I’ve done one FD so far and I’ll be honest, I don’t know whether I’m going to continue.

    It was a risk as I do have IBS, but I thought I’d try it. Yesterday I wasn’t sure what food would be best so I had porridge and blueberries for breakfast. I had a cuppa soup and some ryvita thins for lunch and a small salad with a bit of cheese for dinner. I was starving by 11 am though and I ended up having a few snacks and going up to 756 cals.

    Today I was back at work and for lunch there wasn’t much in the canteen I fancied so I had tomato soup, a small roll and apple crumble for desert. I now feel so bloated, like I’ve swallowed a beach ball. It’s been hours, but I still don’t feel well. I’m not sure whether to continue fasting or not.

    Has anyone else struggled and how did you cope with the hunger/side effects?


    I eased into a fasting routine. At first I picked 2 days a week and delayed my first meal and ate mindfully for the rest of the day. Eventually I found myself delaying my first meal everyday. I continued to eat less on the 2 days that would eventually be my fasting days. This has evolved to waiting to about 3 p.m on fasting days to eat a 300 cal meal and then a snack around 5-6p.m. Other days I usually have my first meal around 10 or 11 a.m. I fast on M/W. I have found the longer I wait to eat the first meal, the better!

    I found that when I “officially” starting to fast my body was already getting used to the new way of eating.

    Just experiment with it and see what works for your body. I wouldn’t give up after 1 fast.

    That is a very good idea. I often wonder if I didn’t have breakfast whether I could go longer without eating. I didn’t used to have breakfast at a teenager, I just had a coffee first thing and I wasn’t massively hungry by lunch. I eat breakfast at about 6:30 at the moment, so I could start eating when I get to work instead. I easily eat hours later at weekends.

    Thanks very much for the advice. How long have you been doing it for now?


    I did it a few years ago and it worked very well. Life got out of hand for a while and I stopped fasting. The weight came back on gradually.

    Started 2 fasts/week 2 weeks ago. Lost a few lbs so far and feel way more energetic. It is a great way of eating and I regret falling off the wagon. 🙂

    Another thing, you may want to incorporate proteins into your fast meals. Stays with you a little longer. Also, soups are an excellent low cal filler if needed!!

    Thanks again. I think I need to try making my own soups! Let me know how you get on this time!

    chocolatelovingoptomist, have you looked into the link between gluten sensitivity and IBS? You only mentioned a few little details, so obviously I’m just making a quick judgement, but just yesterday I was reading in the south beach diet with gluten sensitivity about the common link between the two. That roll with lunch very easily could have caused the bloating and general unwell feeling if you are gluten sensitive.

    -just a thought to explore!

    p.s. my own gluten sensitivity issues (skin and joint issues) and slowly improving with IF. I would recommend exploring the gluten idea along with IF, not instead. Our bodies get to do a lot of healing when we fast. I fast 22-24 hours though. Dinner Sunday until Dinner Monday etc. not 3 meals = 500 cals. Don’t know if there are other issues involved with fasting and IBS – haven’t looked at that, just letting you know what I do and what I’ve seen help.

    Good luck!

    Hi Foodfreedomgirl. I hadn’t considered gluten specifically. My sister has IBS and has given up lactose. I feel mine is related to stress or not eating regularly enough. I might get stomach issues if I’ve had booze or a Chinese. I do get an awful lot of bloating, but it seems prey random. I feel like today may have been the to yesterday’s fasting, then having a filling breakfast and lunch. But period pains don’t help and my IBS can play up around this time. I probably ought to keep a food today and see if I can see any patterns.

    I’ve decided in going to try another fat day tomorrow. This time I’m going to have my breakfast later when I get to work and I’ve lined up lots of low calorie food I’m going to eat as much of it as I need to, so it may be up to around 800 calls or more, but as a start I’d be happy with that.

    Hi Foodfreedomgirl. I hadn’t considered gluten specifically. My sister has IBS and has given up lactose. I feel mine is related to stress or not eating regularly enough. I might get stomach issues if I’ve had booze or a Chinese. I do get an awful lot of bloating, but it seems pretty random. I feel like today may have been the to yesterday’s fasting, then having a filling breakfast and lunch. But period pains don’t help and my IBS can play up around this time. I probably ought to keep a food diary and see if I can see any patterns.

    I’ve decided in going to try another fast day tomorrow. This time I’m going to have my breakfast later when I get to work and I’ve lined up lots of low calorie food I’m going to eat as much of it as I need to, so it may be up to around 800 cals or more, but as a start I’d be happy with that.

    a food journal is an excellent idea!

    At one point the MD suggested that my husband go on the IBS diet. But that did not stop us from Fasting. [it turned out that IBS was not the problem, so we didn’t have to be on it longer than 6 weeks] For the record, what the specialist thought was IBS-C was actually Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. A course of the right physical therapy set that to rights.

    I’ll look up some of the recipes we used and send them on.

    How did you find out it was pelvic floor dysfunction? I wondered if I had that due to other digestive issues and I’ve got really weak core muscles and a bad back. I’m trying wii yoga to get stronger.

    Re the fasting, I’ve done a second fast day today and it’s completely different. I had yoghurt, fruit and for breakfast, but made sure to include a banana. Then I made courgette and spinach soup for lunch. I had a few snacks and coffees and I’ve had turkey Bolognese without pasta for dinner. I decided I wouldn’t stick rigidly to the 500 to start with, but it’s come out at 766cals. If I don’t feel hungry will it work as well?


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