Tips on consecutive Fast Days

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  SpecialK72 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi. I’m on week 3 and had planned my next 2 Fast Days for today & next Tuesday. Something celebratory has come up which means I’ve had to ditch today’s Fast Day and the next ‘clear’ day won’t be until Monday. Any tips on fasting 2 days in a row. Or would you recommend just having one Fast Day on this occasion? My ‘weigh in’ week runs Wednesday to Wednesday.
    Thanks in advance
    K x

    Hi K,
    I think either response will work. I have never managed back to back fast days so, if I was in your position, I think I would try to have the two consecutive ones, but have a back up plan (ie a healthy meal ready) for if I decide I need to bail.

    And if you decide you can’t face it, or start it and then can’t manage it, you know you’ve got the next week to get back into your usual routine.

    Good luck!

    I’m on day 5 of a planned 6 day water fast. The longer I’ve gone through this process, the easier it has become. It actually feels great. Lots of energy. Hunger is absolutely not an issue. The current plan is for one or two extended fasts like this a year. And to combine that with, say, one fast day a week, or a month, when my weight goal is reached.

    As to what will work for someone else, and what will happen for someone else? I don’t know. I don’t even know what will happen for me because my body now reacts differently than it did a couple of months ago. To an extent every day is an experiment and a learning opportunity. And ventures into the unknown (like you are planning), for me at least, are full of interest and even excitement.

    Thanks Cinque. That sounds like a good plan. I may adopt the increase of 200 calories that was recently published as I think that would help a lot.

    @specialk72 – I and many others find the 2nd day much harder than the first day. However I’ve only done 2nd days a few times. I’m at a point where the first day 36 hours is no big deal. I done around 50 fasts that were at least 36 hours now.

    Now I don’t eat while fasting so that might be a bit of a different. When I’m fasting I trying to get the maximum hormonal benefits and it doesn’t really take much food to mess that up, so I’m not just doing it for weight loss.

    Ok, that’s helpful, thank you. I can but try.

    One thing I’ve been doing is fiber loading. I’ll eat like more than 50g of fiber the day before a fast. Typically that means a *H*U*G*E* pile of vegetables, especially if you eat them raw. While it isn’t high calorie it still temporary pushes my weight up. That really seems to kill hunger for a long time for me. So if you were going to eat 500 calories on your fast day that might be a way to go. It takes some effort to eat 500 calories of raw vegetables.

    Great idea. Thank you.


    I often do consecutive day fasts and I find the second day easier which is probably psychological because on the first day I’m aware that I won’t be eating much for two days but having done it so many times I know I can get through it.
    I only eat dinner on FDs as dividing up 500 calories makes for very small meals and I would rather have a decent sized dinner but I do put aside some calories for a splash of milk in my tea and coffee.

    As others have suggested, the only way to find out if you can cope is to try it and if you get halfway through the second day and find you can’t carry on eat a small amount of something healthy.

    As for eating 7-800 calories on a FD, the less you eat the more you lose so this will slow things down. As the average woman only loses around 1lb per week it probably won’t make a huge amount of difference but for me eating that many calories on a FD would mean eating less on non FDs to maintain a regular loss.
    From what I’ve read the suggestion has come about because so many people have difficulty sticking to 5-600 calories.
    The fact is that it takes a while and a lot of willpower for both your mind and your body to get used to fasting. It also takes a while to figure out what the best thing to eat is on any day to satiate but keep hunger pangs and cravings at bay.
    I follow a low carb high fat regime which at present is working for me.

    Good luck 🙂

    Thank you. I’ve found that my homemade vegetable soup, which I’ve been making for years, is only 70 calories a bowl so I think I’ll make up a batch to have on standby.

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