Tips gratefully received, mid fifties with O.A.

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Tips gratefully received, mid fifties with O.A.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Grannyknits 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi, I am 56 and have had osteo arthritis for many years. I have chronic pain in my spine and the O.A is in most of my joints. I am on medication, one in particular lists weight gain as a side effect. A good excuse I told myself but I think I have just been taking in more calories than I’ve been burning off. Over this time I have become less mobile and now have to use a wheelchair when out but manage with crutches at home. As my mobility has decreased so my weight has increased, by 4 stone. Oh, have I really admitted to that in writing, makes me feel quite disgusted with myself. Never had weight issues before so I think I just ignored this weight gain and bought a size bigger each time I got new clothes. Now the weight is impacting on my health and my ability to do things so I decided I must do something about it. A friend told me she lost weight using this plan and so here I am!

    I started the 5:2 on Wednesday with a fast day and plan to have my second tomorrow, Friday. Next week I will change to Mondays and Wednesdays. During the afternoon of my first fast day I felt quite lethargic and cold but as these are symptoms of my various illnesses, I am not sure which it was down to. I had breakfast and dinner in the evening. I woke up with a funny/ muzzy headache yesterday but this cleared by early afternoon. I’m thinking maybe I didn’t take in enough fluid or sugar withdrawal!
    This plan sounds wonderful, I’m so excited to begin. The only thing that really worries me is the counting of calories. I bought a recipe book but it only gives amounts for the whole recipe not each individual item. If anyone could recommend a way to work out the calorie side of this I would be so grateful.

    I am trying to work out how best to use my calories on my fast days. I take medication first thing and so normally eat breakfast but wonder if I’d be better having something mid-morning and then dinner. Does it make a difference if we eat late. I’ve read things saying it’s not good to eat anything after 6:30. As we rarely eat dinner before this I’m wondering if I’m messing my digestion up!

    I have my BMI and TDEE, which I understood gave me my calorie intake for non-fast days. I have noticed that instead of the 500 calorie intake, some people seem to have worked out their own amount and then quadruple this up to get their TDEE. Should I be doing this?

    Sorry to waffle on so much. I think it has taken me so long to come to terms with my weight gain that I’ve bottled it all up, now the cork is out!

    Hi Granny and welcome:

    It makes no difference when you eat. Many eat one high fat/protein meal in the evening. Start with 500 and work from there.

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Granny, welcome to 5:2, and to the wonderful world of intermittent fasting πŸ™‚

    This is a way of life (WOL) that is changing lives. I’ve been doing it for two years, have reached goal but see myself continuing forever, I have more energy and have barely had a twinge from my mildly arthritic hands for ages.

    I started after seeing the documentary, Eat Fast and Live Longer, but lots of contributors swear by the 5:2 book by Michael Moseley and Mime Spencer. Initially I had an omelette for breakfast, fruit at lunch, and a small evening meal, but over time I have reduced this to not eating until I get home from work, just having fluids, and a miso soup for lunch, saving the calories for dinner.

    Your coldness could well be the reduced digestion on the fast day – lots of us find we are cold then. For me it varies.

    One suggestion is that you take body measurements, because sometimes when you are not losing weight (and getting very frustrated with the scales!) you are losing dimensions.

    Have a look at the resources menu at the top of the page, and explore what’s available there. Read some of the other threads, and join in any conversations that seem of interest. You will get wonderful support from folks around the world who are all on the same journey. πŸ™‚ Ask any questions, complain when you want if things are not going as you would want, and best of luck!!

    Hi Granny

    I’ve been doing 5:2 for about a month and have lost 9 pounds, which is amazing! I’m 47 and have an autoimmune condition, so I also have to take medication. I’m almost never cold – but found I get cold on my fast days, so yes, it’s pretty common.

    I also have to make sure I drink enough – my condition means I can dehydrate more quickly, and a couple of times I have woken up after a fast day with that muzzy head you describe!

    I’m veggie – so – I’ve been having a banana for breakfast, either an apple and carrot for lunch, or maybe a couple of rice cakes with cottage cheese or hummus. I leave enough calories for a cup a soup about 9pm so I’m not hungry when I go to bed. That leaves me about 230 cals for dinner – which is usually some combination of veggie sausages and broccoli or other green veg, mushrooms and tomatoes on a piece of toast, wholewheat pasta with veg and tomatoes, brown rice and stir fried veg, etc.

    I know some people don’t spread their food across the day, but I need to eat to take meds in the morning and lunchtime – and it seems to work for me so that’s the important thing.

    There are lots of websites that let you check the calories in food – and also lots of meal ideas online if you try searching for 250 calorie meal, 300 calorie meal, etc.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for your replies, they are helping me enormously in understanding.

    Thank you for the link simcoeluv, the first paragraph answered practically all the questions I had! I have started to read through all the newbie info, it is so handy to have all in one place. That has been my first bookmark! I’m sure I will need to find it on a daily basis.

    Thank you Barata, I think the term WOL helps to put it all in perspective. To hear you have been following this for over two years is so reassuring. The health benefits alone are worth doing it for from hearing what you say. I too, have arthritis in my hands and get so frustrated with myself, to think I have just taken sthe first steps to helping myself makes me feel slightly lightheaded…..or it could be that today is my second fast day and I’ve only had water up to now ? I have also taken body measurements, that was hard ☺️. I can see why the weighing could fluctuate. I weighed 13st 10oz on wed, (my starting day) this morning, 13st 5oz. I resisted the urge to jump for joy ( not that I actually could! ) because thanks to all the info you’ve given me, I realise it’s down to fluid and might go up tomorrow when I eat more!

    Wow SSp68! What a good start you’ve had. I wondered if it would take longer to loose weight if one was on medication but you’ve just answered that for me! Thanks for outlining your daily intake, I take medication 3/4 times a day depending on how I am and although I don’t need to take it with food, I tend to get heartburn if I take it on an empty stomach. Will search for a website to check calories next.

    Thank you for being so kind, patient and understanding. I really feel that this is something I can do now, I am so glad I found this site. You’re all amazing and so generous with your help. ?

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