Tip-toeing in here to say …

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Elfstone 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello 🙂
    I’m sitting here with a mug of hot water with a thin slice of lemon in it, in place of my usual coffee with milk and sugar, on day 1 of this new regime.

    I’m 60, fat and frumpy … golly – just saying that, admitting it, is difficult. I went through a period just a wee while back where I had 5 operations in 3 years and that, along with a difficult menopause, piled the weight on and I am now carrying 4 – 5 stone excess. How I got to the 5-2 diet is a longish and not very interesting story but here I am, hoping that this will make a difference in ways that other changes to my lifestyle haven’t.

    I’m considering deeply the psychology of this fasting thing. I seem to have thought of food all morning and that is far from normal! I had a 243 calorie breakfast (I can’t seem to do without breakfast) and my plan is to eat nothing more until around 6.30 this evening. The book is right though – the thought that I will eat freely (of sensible foods) tomorrow is remarkably helpful. I hope to pop back in here and give an update tonight – the discipline of that may help me stick to my plan.

    Welcome Elfstone,
    What a lovely username you have chosen for yourself!

    All power to you on this first day of fasting. I am two months in and finding it all really manageable. I get through Fast Days exactly as you are finding: by thinking how lovely it will be to eat what you like the next day!

    Best wishes!

    Thank you Cinque! (I’ve been Elfstone in several other sites, including a writing site for many years; it ‘feels’ like me now!)

    “All power to you on this first day of fasting” – I don’t feel very powerful right now!! I nibbled one ounce of raw carrot at around 1.00 and I’ve drunk a couple of glasses of water since, but I have to say I’m a bit low on energy and I fell sound asleep in my chair for an hour. That’s not normal either. Hey-ho I just have to grit my teeth and get through to “dinner” time. All that I’ve read here suggests it’s going to be worth it. 🙂

    Hi again Elfstone,
    It is morning here (Australia) and I am wondering how your first day ended up. I hope you got through ok and are are looking forward to your non Fast day coming up.

    Those hunger messages certainly keep you thinking of food! But a non fast day is next, so that will be an easy one.

    It is Fast Day for me today. I haven’t quite managed to cut out my cuppas yet, but I am working toward it. You are inspiring me. I’m making mint tea with lemon now.

    Good morning to everyone and to you Cinque – good evening perhaps where you are?

    I survived my first fast day quite well in the end. I had a real slump in energy between lunch and around 3.00 and I was wondering how on earth I would get through to dinner time. In fact after 3.00 I began to pick up again and felt really quite good.

    I managed to hold out until 6.45pm and then had a salad (no dressings) with smoked trout. I have read here in the forums that food tastes better on fast days and I can certainly vouch for that!! I was so hungry and that simple salad (lettuce, cucumber, celery, half a small carrot and one small tomato) tasted wonderful!

    I decided not to risk any exercise as I wasn’t sure how I would react to the fast (I reacted very badly to my second attempt at the Atkins diet, which had worked well for me 8 years ago).

    This morning, surprisingly, I didn’t feel hungry. I had my normal breakfast and then went out to the shed to try HIIT for the first time. I had started back on my exercise bike a couple of months ago (and boy! was that a struggle!!) and had worked gradually up to 30 minutes at 20mph. Sadly I wasn’t losing any weight so I thought I’d try the regime Dr Mosley recommends in the book. I have to say that 12 minutes of that left me feeling as though I had done the 30 minutes.

    I may well fast again tomorrow; I thought that as this is not having any bad effect, I might try 4:3 and see how that works for me.

    As it is evening in Australia, you will be nearly through your fast. I hope it went well. Calorie-free cuppas are ok I think, as long as one doesn’t nibble biscuits with them – and isn’t that the temptation! 🙂

    Good luck Elfstone. I’ve been buying Rich Tea fingers (23 cals) – just in case I want cup of tea and a biscuit. 🙂

    Hi Elfstone, Hi Serenity,

    So glad you got through the day well Elf. I think my favourite thing of the 5:2, is waking the next morning and feeling good, not starving, ready to eat normal healthy food.

    I did three fast days this week, and it was ok, but I will go back to 5:2 because it makes it such an easy normal week that I can imagine doing for the rest of my life.

    It will be interesting to see how you go with it!

    It is evening here and I had a good fast day, cut down on the number of cuppas with milk (and completely avoided biscuits!). Did without my coffee which was good for my health, but made the day a bit harder. I will love having my coffee tomorrow though! So that makes it worth it.

    I had to check what HIIT was, good luck with it!

    Good night from me!

    Hello serenity 🙂 – I have never heard of Rich Tea fingers – worth investigating perhaps? I’ve been deliberately avoiding the biscuit aisle when shopping. It’s so much easier to just not have any biscuits in the house. The trouble with biscuits, especially wee ones like fingers, is that one is never enough! 🙁

    Cinque – ” I think my favourite thing of the 5:2, is waking the next morning and feeling good, not starving ..” I think you may be right. I felt very energetic this morning and got a lot done and I haven’t felt my usual mid-afternoon wilting. I also was looking forward to my coffee – fresh grounds with demerara sugar ( just a little) and double cream – bliss!!

    Good morning fasters 🙂

    Today is my second fast day. I’ve had half a grapefruit (59 calories) and I’m about to out to the shed to do some HIIT on my exercise bike. I still felt quite good yesterday and ate sensibly sticking to 1031 calories without really trying too hard. I certainly wasn’t hungry.

    I haven’t weighed or measured myself since Friday morning. I decided it was better to hold off and do that just once a week. How often do the rest of you measure/weigh?

    Hi Elfstone, Cheers for your second Fast Day. I am doing one tomorrow. Just made a big pot of soup so I have some tomorrow for my evening meal.

    I am very unusual here because I don’t have scales. They do my head in, and I am intending to make this a long term way of life so I am not in too much of a hurry. I can tell by my clothes, and how I feel, that I am losing weight.

    Best wishes and all good things.

    Hi Elfstone and Cinque

    On my fast day as well. I normally weight myself every Wednesday (fast day) at work before Supper.

    But like Cin was saying I might skip the scales and go by clothes and waist measurement and have my wife look at me strange. Guys don’t measure she says. Lol

    Good afternoon to you all. 🙂

    Hello Ceedub! I hope your fast went well. I have to say I found yesterday easier than last Friday. I know I’ve read other comments on here to that effect, that fasting becomes easier once one becomes accustomed to it. I didn’t have to nibble raw carrot this time and didn’t fall asleep either. I was very hungry by 6.30pm and again really enjoyed my meal! I think (and again I’ve read others saying this) keeping occupied is really important. I put a new warp on one of my looms, deliberately at lunchtime, and by the time I had finished that mid-aftternoon I had gone past the feeling-hungry-thinking-about-food stage.

    I’ve decided that weighing/measuring will only be once a week at most – possibly once a fortnight eventually. That way any change should be more noticeable and I hope more heartening. 😀

    Success to you all 🙂

    Wow!!! Weighed myself this morning, one week into the diet; I’ve lost 6.5 pounds in the week!!

    – and still feeling good. I think I’ve found an eating regime I can stick with. 😀

    Well done Elfstone – what a great start. 🙂

    Oooh lovely result Elfstone! Cheers!

    Thank you both. I’m very chuffed!! Mind you I doubt that rate of loss can/will be sustained, but it was a very good feeling looking at the dial on the scales. It’s that old adage – ‘nothing succeeds like success’. I was left thinking that I *can* make this work. 😀


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