
This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Megafatty 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi! I see that some parts of this topic has been answered but not my question! I am on week 3 of 5:2. I am obese class 1 with about 5 stone to lose. BMI 31.9. Like many others I have done nearly all the diets and lost a bit then got fed up and put it back on. I’ve only been obese for past 6 years after daughter was left severly brain damaged and quadriplegic after idiot on mobile phone drove into her when she was walking home from school. I have never been able to cry since I was a child so instead my thyroid gland packed up!! It’s not the only reason I put on 6 stone in a year, I lived on nothing but chocolate and cookie dough ice cream. I take thyroxin daily and so went to see gp when ’embarking’ on 5:2. My dr laughed, said he’s sick of faddy diets and to lose weight all I need to do is stop eating bread, pasta and potatoes. This made me laugh as I hadn’t eaten any of these for years!! So I started anyway!! Only prob I have is I take thyroxin in the morning but on fast days don’t tend to eat anything until 4pm and it makes me feel displaced/weird. If I miss my tablet on fast days I feel fine but been told I really shouldn’t not take it. I wonder has anyone else got this problem? How have you resolved it??

    Good luck Megafatty, it’s amazing how dismissive some doctors can be! I can’t answer your question but I sympathise with your situation. Maybe like others on this forum your meds will be reduced and your problem will diminish. I’m hoping you have to change your username in time!

    I agree with Kris, change your name – you are now being positive by being here. I also can’t help about your health/drug issue but I really recommend you think about changing your doctor. I was unhappy with mine (for other reasons to you), changed and although at my second visit my new doctor said, “tests bad – you need to lose weight”. I needed to lose 4 stone. I have found fasting really works (and my doctor supports it) and with the added benefit that you actually feel better and tend to eat less on non-fast days. I have only water on fast days and I think because your body stops expecting food and isn’t tantalised by caffeine or other triggers it’s easier. For me, the food and alcohol free days give me energy and I believe this will be for life in some form (6:1 whatever)
    I started on 22 January
    90.8kg (14.3stone)
    Total cholesterol = 7.2
    Tryglycerides = 3.2 (scary, don’t want type 2 diabetes)
    BMI = 34.18
    After 12 weeks retested
    81.5kg (9.3kg loss) (12.8 stone)
    Total Cholesterol = 5.9
    Triglycerides = 0.8
    BMI = 30.67
    I have slowed down a bit in the last 2 months because of a frozen shoulder which stops me swimming (and much else), but the weight is still coming off. It is now very cold in Hobart but I’m still happy with fast days – now 77kg (12.1 stone) after 27 weeks.

    Hi Megafatty, sorry about your family and your situation, life really does suck for some. I support the comments made by Kris and Vicky, Change your Poster name, you do not deserve it. By coming on this site and posting you have shown a positive mental attitude towards changing your life. Well done. By the way my health nurse was sarcastic about “just another fad diet I was trying”.
    Start to read the comments other posters put on this site. Go back in time to get a flavour of who and what they are. Many have some serious health issues but have been willing to share them like you.
    You will get nothing but praise and positive support, I do from just reading posters comments.
    Let us know your new name when you think of one and please keep us updated on your progress.

    Thank you for your replays :). I know the name sounds a bit negative but its a bit of a family joke. I put on so much weight so quickly that people thought I was trying to get on ‘the biggest loser’…. I think my name will change along the way as hopefully I too will. I’m doing ok.

    Hello megafatty, I quite like the name and wonder at what point you’ll become midifatty then minifatty etc. ? I look forward to the transition 🙂

    Very sorry to hear about your daughter, and pants that your thyroid took the brunt. I developed hypothyroidism after the birth of my daughter (1st child) so I know how hard being non/under medicated can be. Your dr sounds like a nice bloke 😉 however I’ve often found that they don’t appreciate the complexities if the endocrine system nor the many reasons some of us are over weight.

    Re your tablets… What dose are you on? I’m on 125mg and often forget/take it late. I find it such a faff! But I would suggest a few things (bear in mind I’m not medically trained at all!).
    1. Take half your dose first thing and the other at lunch
    2. Take all your dose at lunch
    3. Take your dose at breakfast and eat then… (One egg on toast = ca 200 carlories?)
    4. Take your tablet at night with your dinner. If you’re very sensitive to the thyroxine you could cut the dose slightly? Eg take 100 rather than 125 at this point in the day. As I said I’m not sensitive to its immediate effects. I’m also on day one of this diet but very used to skipping meals for various reasons so can’t see my meds being an issue.

    Good luck, hope one of those helps x

    Thanks for this Lyanne! I’m on 100mg and the tablets are 100mg so I can’t really break them down but think I may start taking them in the evening!! Your right, they are a bind and I too sometimes forget to take them then feel tired and remember. I find all nhs gp’s to be uninterested lately. We have 12 at our surgery and its not just me, everyone I speak to seems to feel that gp’s don’t care any more and half of them are more overweight and stressed than we are. When I was a kid your GP-family Dr was a friend. They came out to sick kids ect but not any more:(. Thanks for advice!!

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