Three weeks in.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  fast for life 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi,just thought I would introduce myself and seek advice.

    I was 22 stone , am 62 and have a sedentary job,driving or desk bound.However I have always walked , swam or used a rowing machine ,so I have no underlying medical problems.

    I have been on the 5:2 diet for three weeks and lost 9lbs so I am pretty pleased that I have found a diet I can live with for the foreseeable future that dosent leave me suicidal.

    In fact I feel good at the end of my fast days as if the “system” is detoxing.
    However , I do seem to get headaches on my fast days and last untill I have an intake of food the day after.I drink plenty of water and limit myself to three cups of tea ,milk and one sugar on my fast days.
    I am not keen on taking pain killers as that almost seems like replacing one set of waste products with chemicals.

    Any advice would be welcome.

    Regards to all , Phil.

    My view would be to take the painkillers! It’s still quite early days for you yet, and you may find that the headaches subside once your body gets used to the fasts. If after a month or so you are still getting the headaches you can investigate other solutions. Just my humble opinion, though! I’ve always taken the view that life is far too short to be in pain.

    Hello! Ive been on the diet now since 19th Aug, so not long. Ive done 5 fasting days so far, and its starting to get a tichy bit easier. One thing i found that really helped me was taking a packet of cherry tomatoes to work (average punnet is about 45 cals so nice and low) and i ration myself to one every half an hour ish. Perhaps I’m imagining it, but i believe it keeps my blood sugars steady, because I’m not literally starving all day. I also chop up a small apple (50 cals) and nibble that for ages too. This means i still have about 400 cals for the evening. I am prone to headaches, and i havent had one yet, so perhaps yours is due to a sudden dip in blood sugar. Just an idea

    Do you normally drink caffeine free tea or not? Although it doesn’t have as much caffeine as coffee, if you normally drink lots of tea, you could be suffering from caffeine withdrawal. Just a thought 🙂

    How much water is plenty for you? I think it is surprising how much you need…. Maybe try doubling your water intake and see if it helps. My experience is there is a bit of a diuretic effect going on with the fat burning and I seem to pee quite a lot more than normal.
    Worth trying more water as it is the most natural solution if it works.

    Thanks for the advice all.I had to change my second fast day this week from Thursday to Friday for a business meeting ,I wasnt going to miss a business lunch paid for by my boss was I.
    This Friday I increased my tea intake to 5 cups per fast day from 3 cups. No headache. It is probably just a case of fine tuning the diet to suit your self.
    Lost 10.5 lbs so far.Onwards and upwards.

    Regards to all. Phil.

    Hi Phil, glad you’ve managed to sort the headaches out, your spot on with your comment “It is probably just a case of fine tuning the diet to suit your self” best of luck, Onwards and Downwards! xx

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