Three girls doin it for themselves

This topic contains 13 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’m a newbie (50yrs old), along with my sister (49) and mum (72) and we’re into week two, having made a new start on Sept 1st.

    I’d seen the original documentary and was interested but was (i) too lazy (ii) too busy (iii) too stressed with changes in my work-life and home-life, to get going. But I read an article on 5:2 success recently, and knew that my head was in the right place to start.

    My sis had been looking at a complex juice plus diet and liked the detox element but not the complete cutting out of so many things, but she also liked the ‘you can so easily incorporate 5:2 into your life’ argument, so decided to join. Mum had several medical conditions and I was worried she’d jump on the juice bandwagon and be unwell, so encouraged her to join us for the mutual support. We have different body shapes, type and eating patterns which have contributed to our weight issues, but we all want to be healthier, lighter and happier.

    So we agreed on support, not competition; a once a week weigh in and a once a month re-measure (having done the initial measurements etc all together on my sister’s scales… so all would be consistent); a no shoes weigh in and wearing similar clothes and that we’d adopt a positive attitude to the health gains and the loss of fat/internal fat over the longer term… so that if the scales didn’t shift quick then we wouldn’t feel like failures. We’re going to go to Xmas and see how we go – to see if it could be a complete lifestyle change.

    Personally, I did really well with WWs in 2000 went from 15s 9lb to 11st 2lbs (I was very into exercise too and broke my pattern of turning to food for what ever reason – for solace and support, to celebrate/reward, for any excuse possible – grazing++ after alcohol) and kept it all under control till 2006, when due to various factors (I moved back to the UK from Australia, had a job change – more stress and responsibility, and then there was a significant family tragedy) the weight gain started to slowly creep back on… and I went back to food for any reason. It has been steadily increasing and I’m now stopping it – now weighing in at 14st8lbs.

    Week 1 was 1lb loss, but my face looks and feels thinner and two skirts or more comfy… so I’m sure it’s happening. My mum lost 1lb and my Sis lost 3lbs. So we are very chuffed.

    Wanted to join with everyone else here. Wish you all the best too! I’m convinced that I’ll do well on it.


    Hi Shezzieh
    Welcome and hello. I have only been doing it for a short time, this is my 4th fast day and I feel great. It’s fantastic the 3 of you are doing it together. I wish I had that extra support! Good luck and keep us informed about how you all did x

    Welcome and looking forward to hearing from you (three). 🙂

    Love your heading Shezzieh and welcome. Keep us all informed of how it’s going 🙂

    What a great positive approach!!! Wishing all three of you much success!

    with the 5:2 healthy lifestyle I hope we can all call ourselves girls at 72 !

    Good luck and enjoy! I’m into my 5th week and upto now have lost 5lbs and an inch off my waist! I am really enjoying eating healthy! Who’d of thought I’d love spinach! Yum yum! 🙂

    Just checking back in here and soo thrilled to hear from folks.

    Tomtommum – love it! You might like a poem entitled ‘Warning’ by Jenny Joseph – great ideas I’d say, bar the dietary info lol, see –

    Saraann, yeh we’ve been on a fast day today and have been texting each other – agreed no food shopping on a fast day and we’ll speak in the evening to halt the desire to pick or prowl in the kitchen.

    Many thanks for all the encouragement everyone. 😉

    lol the poem

    welcome by the way

    & success 2 the 3 of u

    Hello Three Girls doin it for themselves!

    Love your group name! In my mind you are the Golden Girls

    You are really lucky to have each other to support and encourage one another

    Go Girls

    I would also like to welcome the Three Girls to the group! Wow! So lucky to be doing it with your sister and mother. My identical twin, who has no need to lose any weight at all, as her BMI is something ridiculous like 20, is also doing this with me as a way to try to improve her blood chemistry. In fact, it was she who told me about this and encouraged me to buy the book. We started at the same time, although she has one more fast under her belt than I do (I am up to 9 now).

    I would love it if my mother (who is 74 and has a myriad of health problems) would join us on this journey. I gave my sister my book to take to my mother when she visited a couple of weekends back, and the first words out of my mother’s mouth were, “But fasting is terrible for your health.” Yes, it’s ingrained in our culture–don’t skip meals! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It’s better to eat 5 small meals–grazing–than 3 big ones! Blah blah blah. I think the science is showing us otherwise. Anyway, I am hopeful that my mother will read the book and change her mind.

    In the meantime, in 4 weeks I’ve lost 5 pounds and 1/2″ around my waist. My skinny sister has also lost 1/2″ around her waist, and we are convinced it must be visceral fat. So cheers all around! We also support each other on fast days, by sending regular checking-in emails and texts throughout the days.

    Anyway, that’s a lot to read, and I’m sorry for that. I just wanted to say welcome.


    Melinda – so great to hear from you and I wish you both the best of everything. There’s just so many sayings about food and such a culture around what’s good and bad for a person, it’s hard to see the wood for the trees.

    My mother-in-law (78) today joined us, too, as she’s been trying the South Beach Diet with my sister-in-law but found it simply too complicated and ‘unnatural’ – her word. She explored the Fast Diet website when I sent her the link and started straight away with a weigh-in. So, I’ve quickly sent her the book via the online shop ‘A’ and will support her too. She’s planning to keep a food diary and has asked for the detailed recipe book as a present. All 4 of us now have graph paper charts to help us see our progress.


    Take care – hugs. Shezzieh

    PreciousBooBoo – just read your message and laughed out loud… yeh we are like The Golden Girls – ironic too as it’s been one of my mum’s fav shows -bought her the DVD too! ha.

    Hello Golden Girls!

    My husband and myself loved the Golden Girls-it was great to see more mature people, shall we say, given such a well written, hilariously funny show. We used to cry with laughter at them-they could be really raunchy.

    My favourite line of all time was Rose in the chemist asking ‘did they have condomns’ and then the assistant shouting it across the shop to another member of staff !!!!
    It was just made a million times more funny because of Rose’s age-pure priceless T.V

    And kind of relating to this eating regime forum-
    they would eat large tubs of ice-cream when they were happy or upset! Just like a lot of us folks really

    Well hopefully not anymore for you Golden Girls

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