The Good, The Bad and the Hungry >>>

This topic contains 43 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 12 months ago.

Viewing 46 posts - 1 through 46 (of 46 total)

  • PRESENT POSITION: It is 8:31am and I am about to embark on my third fast day. I am already feeling pretty hungry. If I’m honest, there’s a huge part of me that already wants to give up for the day. There is a canteen downstairs and I could have a delicious bacon roll in my hands in less than 5 minutes! BUT, I sit here with my water finding strength through knowing that tomorrow I can have that delicious bacon roll, minus the big side of guilt that I would feel if I ate it today!

    ABOUT ME: I have struggled with my weight since childhood and it has been a constant pattern of weighty ups and downs (sadly more ups!). In short, I have little willpower and a pretty unhealthy relationship with food (or maybe “an obsession with food” may is a better way to put it!). I have never managed to stick to any diet beyond a few months and I am looking for an option to last for life!

    The fast diet appeals to me as I only have to obsess about food twice a week and even then it’s pretty straightforward as I just need to focus on NOT eating it. Then best of all, for 5 glorious days of the week I can (within reason) relax and enjoy food without guilt.

    RESULTS SO FAR: So far, it seems to be working! I stuck to my two fast days last week and ate pretty much what I wanted on the days in between*, including a takeaway and a little too much wine on the weekend! The result: 2lb off. Okay, it’s not a huge loss and I have lost more in a week doing traditional diets. BUT-and it’s a big BUT- I only really felt like I was dieting for 2 days of the week and so I really cannot complain!

    *up to 2000 calories per non-fasting day!

    I don’t know if this will be read by anyone, but at the beginning of writing this I was leaning towards getting that bacon roll! Now, I feel determined to get through my fast day, so blogging may be the thing to help me out when I’m on the struggle bus! If anyone does read this, then please share your tips, tricks, successes and failures… there is something to be learned from all of them!
    Until next time … HAPPY FASTING! x

    Hi Kates297,
    Have a look at the Mediterranean 5:2 (MM’s other page on the Blood Sugar Diet). It combines the best science from both the 5:2 and the BSD. Basically, it works the same as the 5:2 in that you fast 2 days a week, but it is suggested that you eat the ‘Mediterranean ‘ way on the other 5 – i.e. Low carb, moderate fat and protein. I have done low-carb for a long time and I found after less than a week, the hunger pangs/cravings all but disappear – it’s the constant trickle of carbs that keep you hungry.
    Good luck – it will be worth it.

    Hi there kates, Good for you for sticking with the fasting day and passing on the bacon roll for time being! I’ve been practicing 5:2 now for 16 months and have been in maintenance for 11 of those. I found the first 2 months of 5:2 somewhat more challenging because my body was adapting to the program. After 2 months of practicing eating only the 500 calories per fast day, my body fell into a rhythm and if I didn’t fast, I missed doing so! I’m cheering you on to continue doing what you are doing and to know that your post was read and appreciated. I too have felt hunger as you’ve described and I too can obsess about food. With hunger on fasting days, I find that it comes and goes in waves and if I wait long enough, it usually passes, unless I haven’t slept well the night before and then it is more challenging! Best of luck and keep us posted!

    Kates, Minka has some good advice. And when it comes to hunger, set the timer for 2 hours and make a cup of tea or have a large glass of water handy for sipping. When the timer rings, you probably won’t be hungry anymore.
    Purplegranny also speaks wisely about a Mediterranean Diet for Slow Days.

    Kates, when you talk about a 2000 calorie intake as ‘normal’. It is and it isn’t. The US Ag Dept just sorta made that up, based on what people seemed to be eating. And look where that has lead us! On Slow Days I ingest about 1450 calories: partly to stay slim and mostly because that amount is very satisfying to me with my reduced appetite. By the way, 2 pounds off in one week is very good. Keep the faith.

    This is my first fast day so obviously I’m trying to take on board all the information I can get. I feel a bit hungry at the moment but I’ve got soup to look forward to later.
    I would like to loose a stone I’m 11st1lb.My main problem with loosing weight is I am a Marie Curie nurse and working nights with no set pattern. Hopefully this eating plan will be easier to do

    Marion, you can fit Fasting into any schedule with a little planning. There are Fast meals to have ready to go in the freezer and there are Fast meals you can pack to take to work. Soup is a good choice.
    Good luck, and keep us posted on you progress.

    Thanks I feel more determined with this diet. I haven’t told anybody that I’m doing it I think that might work well for me. I have rheumatoid arthritis which is controlled well with medication, but it means exercise isn’t that easy for me. I have a dog which I walk most days when I haven’t worked the night before usually about 2 miles + a day. I am now going to start doing my pilates dvd again.

    Hi all, I’m on week 6 of fasting and it’s getting a little easier, (dealing with the hunger pain,) only weighing myself every 4 weeks otherwise I’d get obsessed by the scales, I’ve measured myself at the start as weight loss doesn’t always show on the scales.
    Last weighin was two weeks ago and I loss 4.5 lbs pleased with that,normally by week 4/5 on other diets I would be fed up of it by now,planning meals etc but as it’s only 2 days a week I’m finding it great, I must admit I feel great,no bloating, jeans needing a belt so I’m more than happy, think I can keep to this, Reading blogs on here certainly
    helps, when I’m tempted to go astray I read comments on here, I know I’m not alone, I also haven’t told anyone that I’m doing it,( except the hubby) that way no pressure from anyone, “”thought you were on a diet,can you eat that” etc, my daughter asked me today if I’ve loss any weight so it must be working, so I will keep on going, hopefully by Christmas I will be able to get into a nice dress instead of a tent, looking forward to hear how your all getting on, Goodluck all, keep positive 😃😃😃

    hooray for you, Fosters girl: you have made a good start and the results are encouraging. For the hunger on Fast days: do you stay well hydrated? That makes a difference. Also the type of food you eat can matter: eggs and other high protein foods are good for keeping you full longer than other foods.

    Marion: walking 2 miles/day is good! It might get easier as you continue Fasting, since you will weigh less. Good luck.

    Good morning fasting-me, I drink plenty throughout the day water and the odd brew,
    eggs are my diet most of the time on fasting days,omelettes with different fillings, peppers onions mushrooms etc,with a salad, it doesn’t help when hubby sits and eats like a pig 🐷 and never gains a pound 😂😂 I’ve started at a gym which as given me more determination to get this weight off, it’s hard work and to be honest I’m really enjoying it, do a little more every time I go, going to try a spin class this morning, hope I survive it, it’s going to hurt, I eat around 1200 calories when not on a fast day, I also go out once a week for a few beers and sometimes a meal, I don’t actually feel that this diet as taken over my life,

    Marion keep up the walking any exercise is better than none,

    Fasting-me how long have you been doing this diet, and how have you found it? I love hearing how people are getting on it certainly helps,
    Have a good day all, just off for a spin, haha can’t believe I said that 😂😂😂

    Today is my 3rd fast day and I have managed very well. I always make sure I have 40 cals left for the evening and have an options drinking choc drink which sees me through to bedtime. Really pleased with myself today as I’ve waked 4.5 miles and have lost 2lb

    Well done Marion, keep at it, 4.5 miles your getting better and better,well done on your weight loss, I’ve just got back from the gym, did a mile on the treadmill and a spin class, my legs feel like jelly,and my bums sore 😂😂😂but I will stick with it, I haven’t weighed myself again yet,to be honest I’m a bit scared to in case I’m disappointed and go off the plan, I Will brave it just b4 Christmas, 🤞fingers crossed,
    Keep at it Marion you’ll be walking 1/2 a marathon soon, good luck x

    I get quite frustrated before I became ill I use to play squash, do 2 step aerobic classes 1 after the other, circuit training and tennis, kick boxing among other sports. So you can see just walking the dog doesn’t seem like much exercise to me. I use to go to pilates classes but because of working nights on no particular pattern I was having to pay up front for classes and then not able to attend which became expensive. I must make the effort and get my Wii fit out and start doing some of the exercises on there

    Fostersgirl, I have been Fasting since April 10, 2013. I got to my target weight and then lost some more and now weigh less than I dreamed I ever would. This is not anorexia, mind you, I look and feel great and my doctor approves.

    Marion [and others] there is a very good exercise App called 7-minute Workout. There is a men’s version and a women’s. I like the men’s because it exercises all the muscle groups that I want to target. All in 7 minutes in the comfort of your own home. And if there is an exercise you can’t do, either modify it or repeat another exercise.

    Kates, how is it going?

    I had a weight spike around American Thanksgiving — went up 2 pounds after the feast, lost most of it, then went up again when we enjoyed the ‘left-over meal’ 3 days later. Still working on losing that, but have been making inroads.

    Today is a non fast day but feel very angry with myself as I went out to lunch and over ate. I know I can eat what I want to but now worry that the weight I’ve lost will go straight back on again. Tomorrow is a fast day so will see what happens. I have a fitbit and have done over 10,000 steps today so hoping I will not have done too much damage.
    Thanks for the tip of 7- minute workout I will look at it tomorrow

    You’ll repair the ‘damage’ done by the lunch out, Marion. You know the way. I’m still working off my Thanksgiving, losing about 0.3 pounds a day — which is darned slow if you ask me! But I’ll get there. As will all of us if we stick to our guns.
    Happy weekend.

    Had my Son come and stay for the weekend, always lots of food around when my sons visit. I have eaten quite sensibly and today is a fast day. Feeling I can manage fast days well now I’ve got into a routine. With several Christmas meals in the next few weeks I need to keep going. Just walked 3 miles, a lovely sunny day doesn’t seem like exercise. Hope you’re all doing well with the fast days

    Marion, good job on the 3-mile walk. We haven’t walked in days, but plan to today as it is sunny. I know what you mean about eating more when your sons are around. We do it too. Put more 300-calorie dinners in your diet and see if that helps.

    After being abstemious yesterday, I have lost most of a pound and today’s Fast should continue the trend. Breakfast: Sprouted Bake [mung beans, avocado, egg] Dinner: Senegalese Tuna-Avocado Salad.

    Fostersg, how did your last weigh-in go? Are they monthly or bi-weekly?

    Hi fasting-me sorry I haven’t got back to you, had a bit of a rough week,
    I live in the UK in Cumbria, near the Lake District and the weather as been
    shocking lots of floods, power lines down,no WiFi, I’ve been lucky no damage to my home, all getting back to normal now, although not all family’s have been as fortunate,
    I’ve managed to keep on track,( fast day today) so feeling
    quite pleased with myself, still not jumped on the scales, I keep putting it off in case it disappoints me,friends are asking if I’ve lost weight, I just change the subject, I have noticed my boobs have definitely gone down (thank goodness ) I can get back into coats and jackets that were far to tight, so summit must be working, I went back to the gym this morning did another spin class which I’m now starting to enjoy, just need the courage to get on the scales,
    You have done great sticking with this plan for 4 years well done on your achievement
    Hope I can be as dedicated as you,

    Well done Marion P on keeping your walking exercise going, I can understand how frustrating it must be for you, after doing all that exercise, it must be very difficult, at least your not just giving up, keep it going,
    Great chatting on here, nice to hear how your both doing,

    Sorry to hear about your dreadful weather, Fosters. Say, did you weigh and measure yourself before you started Fasting? Dr. Mosley suggests that so you can compare and see progress that isn’t just weight. If you didn’t do that, do it now and write it down. Glad you have some indicators of weight loss.

    Marion, still walking?

    Kates, what progress?

    Fasting-me, yes I did measure and weigh myself the morning I started on this program,I’m going to weigh and measure myself In the morning (fingers crossed)
    as I have a doctors appointment to start on medication for a under active thyroid so will have to keep an eye on that, will let you know how I get on 🙁

    When your on your fasting day do you have breakfast or like me put it off till lunch time I tend to have a homemade bowl of soup then my dinner at teatime, not sure if I should have a small breakfast first then skip lunch, as I’ve read it’s best to leave a gap eating for 18 hrs, what do you think 🤔

    Yes still walking although weather very cold and wet with snow as well. had a busy weekend with family had all 5 grandchildren round with their parents LOTS of food about fasting day tomorrow

    Hi Ladies,
    I hope you don’t mind but I have just read your thread from the begining and it is interesting and heart warming to hear your progress and your support for each other. I am on my 3rd fast day today I started the 5:2 last week and did really well losing 4lb however my fast day should have been yesterday I did really well in the day and then caved in last night and ate crisps!!! So doing my fast day today. I thought reading through some posts may give me some resolve and it has helped so heres to a great day!

    Fosters, we eat breakfast in our household since my ODH is a dedicated ‘most important meal’ sort of guy. I could delay breakfast if I had to, but we have a lovely <300 calories at around 8 am. Then we have a “Linner” at around 2 pm or Dinner at 4:30 pm, also <300 calories. The 16:8 eating window is not something we think about much but I do notice that there is often more weight loss with the earlier meal, as long as one can last until bedtime without eating! [i am a night owl]
    Sometimes we have Linner on Slow Days [Sundays] just so we avoid eating lunch.

    Welcome, Jay. Good job with your 4 pound loss. Keep up the good work.

    Fasting today: breakfast = Proscuito-mushroom Scramble with pears, usual beverages
    dinner = buckwheat crepes filled with chicken, chèvre, and mediterranean vegetables
    Happy Fasting and Merry upcoming Christmas.

    Hi 👋 all, Hope your all doing well, hope the temptations in the supermarkets
    haven’t been to bad, it’s really difficult this time of the year not to be tempted.
    Just a quick update, I’m over the moon with my weight loss

    10 1/2 pound loss
    2 inch off boobs
    1 1/2 inch from waist
    2 1/2 from hips
    Not bad for 11 weeks,

    The more I’m on this fasting I’m finding my taste is changing and also my eating habits, on non fasting days I tend to go for a healthy meal now, I’m no longer craving fatty and sugary meals, although I still go out for drinks at the weekends and a meal,

    Thanks for your input fasting me, you’ve certainly got this off to a tee,

    Welcome Jay, well done on your weight loss

    How are you doing Marion P still walking, doesn’t help with the weather,

    Merry Christmas to all have a great time, catch up in the New Year hopefully with not to many pounds on 🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🎉🎉💕


    Thank you for your replies.

    Like Fasting_me i tend to have breakfast and then an early dinner and then find ways to keep myself busy – a couple of cupboards are ear marked for a clear out tonight!

    Last fast before christmas with some exercise thrown in today.

    Happy healthy Christmas to you all xxx

    That last Fast Day was a real winner – dropped almost 2 pounds to a good low weight before the Feasting begins. Tuesday will be the next Fast and it will probably be much needed! Since I already know what to serve that day, it should be easy. Both our sons will be home and I will serve them the same as what my ODH and I will eat. What the Sons eat the rest of the day is up to them…..

    Happy Christmas to all. See you in the healthy New Year.

    Hi all I haven’t been on here for a while. My job as a Marie Curie nurse can be rewarding but also harrowing at times. I have been going through a rough time and haven’t been able to sleep. My mind hasn’t been in the right place for fasting.
    I am going to return to the fasting this weekend, I haven’t been very strict over the Christmas period but have continued to walk.
    I hope you have all been keeping well and have continued with the fasting. Please continue to help me with your encouragement, comments and tips.
    Wishing you a healthy and happy new year.
    Here’s to a skinny 2018

    Good to hear from you Marion, it must be very difficult at times for you, with the work you do, as you said very rewarding but it’s not the kind of work you can leave behind at the end of your shift I’m sure.
    It’s hard over the Christmas period to stay focused lots of days/nights out, lovely buffets and quite a lot of booze 🍷 ( in my case) thank goodness it’s only once a year,
    I’ve managed 1 fast day this week and 1day with only 950 calories which I know won’t make up for the calories I will of consumed but it might of helped 😂😂😂
    One more night out tomorrow, then back on track, plan to weigh myself Tuesday morning, to see the damage I’ve done,
    Back to fasting Tuesday and Thursday,
    Stick with the walking Marion, and take one day at a time don’t put to much pressure on yourself and I’m sure you will get back on track,
    Happy slim New year to you all,

    I’ve got a poorly husband at the moment with chest infection, which means he’s not eating much so I can get away with not having to cook meals. Tomorrow will be my first fast day after not fasting for 3 weeks and to be honest I am looking forward to getting back to normal and not eating so much (never thought I would ever say that)
    which proves to me I do feel better when I fast. I’m not going to weigh myself for 2 weeks so I don’t get disheartened by weight I may have put on over last month.

    Fosters girl enjoy your night out tomorrow. you can start again Tuesday

    Thanks Marion, I know it sounds awful, but husband couldn’t of timed it better 🤒😂
    Good luck on your fast day, your sounding very positive, I’m sure you will get into the routine ok,I know how you feel about feeling better when fasting it does give a buzz, (when it’s over for the day) my husband who never ever stops eating,and never puts a lb on, just doesn’t know how we do it, but he has seen how better I feel at the end of the week when I’ve succeeded,
    Going to go to the gym in the morning to burn a few calories before going out, 🥂🥂it will help a little bit I’m sure, looking forward to getting back into my routine,
    Hope your husband gets well soon, Keep positive,
    Fasting me, Jay, hope you’ve both done ok, look forward to hearing how both of you managed over Christmas

    So far, so good, in terms of where the weight is now. New Year’s Eve will be another eatathon, although I’ll stick to the salad and shrimp at the pot luck, but then there will be dessert and sparkling punch at our house into the wee hours. tuesday’s Fast will be welcome.

    Marion, hope your husband will recover soon.

    Happy New Year to you all.

    Had to abandon the fast day today I’ve felt unwell with a bad headache and pains in my neck so may be coming down with an infection. Early night for me hope all who are celebrating enjoy themselves tonight. I will go back to fasting another day when I feel better, that’s the good thing about this diet one bad day doesn’t mean you’ve failed.
    Happy New Year to you all

    Big spike in weight today, after late dinner and bubbly last night. But that is no doubt due to the long eating window yesterday. Normal breakfast for us today, normal dinner of sauerkraut and sausage [a must for New Year’s Day] and Fasting tomorrow should make things better.

    Marion, I hope you will get better soon. Don’t talk about ‘failing’, that is a sad idea. Putting off a Fast Day for good reasons is sensible.


    Hope you are all well, if not well hopefully better Marion P.
    Back to it this week fast day Tuesday and today, today was certainly easier than Tuesday! I will weigh myself at the weekend to get fully back on track I didn’t go mad over the festive period but I certainly enjoyed plenty of cheese and wine!! Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year! X

    Hi all, Happy New Year, hope you’ve all had a good time,

    Hope your feeling better Marion, as fasting me said don’t beat yourself up your not failing,last thing you need to be doing stressing yourself,get well and start again,

    Time to get back to normal, yiphee, I had a fast day Tuesday and Thursday, just got weighed and amazed to see I’m 2lb lighter than before Christmas, cannot believe it,
    12 1/2 lbs off now, this isn’t a diet it’s a way of life,

    when I first started on this, I thought I wouldn’t be able to stay on it,I thought I would be starving and feeling pretty ill, it goes against the way we’ve been told to eat for years, How wrong was that, I find it so doable, only 2 days a week, far better than counting calories, weight watchers, slimming world, yes like most of us we’ve tried them all, when I was doing them diets all I ever thought was,I can’t eat that,I can’t eat this,if I had a night out I beat myself up as I had to many points,syns,etc

    Stick with it and be amazed, fasting me as proved that, being on this fasting for 3 years and keeping weight off and being healthy, Thankyou for your encouragement,

    Good luck with your weighin Jay & fasting me, get well soon Marion,
    I’m off to the gym for a spin class, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


    Can I just say your post Fosters girl was perfectly timed.

    Watched/read a couple of ‘which diet is best’ type programmes/articles this week and must admit I was wondering if this 5:2 was my best option but after re-reading the back and your testimonial (and excellent results) I’m all fired up again!!

    Thankyou Jay,

    I watched the same programs myself Jay,what diet is best, etc,
    Most of it was just a waste of space, you must do this you must
    exercise, don’t eat carbs,the list just keeps getting longer,
    and have you noticed the presenters are always nice and slim
    and a bit smug, well that’s my opinion

    Keep on this one Jay only 2 days a week to really think about it,
    as long as you don’t over do the calories on non fasting days it works,

    I only weigh myself once a month, I find if I do it weekly and don’t lose
    in that week i feel let down and disheartened and it makes me doubt
    myself, we all find a way that’s best for us, which ever way you decide
    to go just keep at it,This Diet Works, 😁😁

    Hi All
    I’ve attempted 2 fast days but gave up in the evenings. I am having a fast day today so hopefully will be able to stick to it.
    I like reading how you’ve all been doing it gives us new fasters encouragement. I will be sticking with it as I know it will work, just got to get my head in the right place.
    My birthday is the 27th of Jan I’ve decided not to weigh myself until the day before, hopefully my weight will be a nice birthday present

    The best thing about the Fasting Lifestyle is that one can individualize it: when to weigh; which days; food or water fast; but it works and we can all attest to that.

    Happy Fasting tomorrow.

    Hi all,
    Hope your all doing well and getting back into fasting, I definitely agree with you fasting-me it’s so adaptable that it doesn’t interfere with life that much as we can swap it about,

    Marion hopefully youve been able to get in a fast day, hope your birthday gives you the push you need,

    Jay how you doing? did you get back onto your fast day ok,

    No need to ask Fasting-me, you’ve got it sorted, well done,
    I’m doing ok, fast day today then on Thursday,

    Have a good week all 👍🏻👍🏻

    Hi All

    I haven’t been able to stick to the fast days. I’m thinking of having 700 calories on fast days to get me back fasting. What do you all think? Is it better that I stick with 500 but try having my meals organised differently I get to the evening then cave in. Or give myself 700 until I get into a routine then cut back to 500.

    I would be very grateful for any help or advice from you all.
    I feel fat uncomfortable and annoyed with myself.


    Marion, to help you with Fast Days, it would be good to know what and when you eat. In truth, I never did a 500 calorie Fast — I did 600 calories, eating exactly what my husband ate. Now that we are Maintaining, I do more like 700-800 calories on Fast Days.

    Here are some recipes we like for breakfast:
    LAUGHING HERB OMELETTE: 290 calories 8.9 g fat 3 g fiber 15.3 g protein 27.5 g carbs 219 mg Calcium PB GF if using GF bread [or omit]
    1 ½ eggs HINT: If you are serving one person, crack three 2-oz eggs into a small bowl or glass measuring cup. Whip up those eggs and pour half of their volume, into a jar with a lid and put it in the ‘fridge for next week 1/2 section Vache Qui Rit [Laughing Cow] cheese 1.5 Tbsp fresh herbs 2 oz apple 1/4 slice bread, 70-calorie/slice, whole grain 5-6 oz green smoothie or fruit smoothie or natural apple cider blackish tea or blackish coffee or hot water with lemon
    Whisk the eggs and herbs together. Take the cheese from the ‘fridge [HINT: keep it cold so that it will slice better] and slice it into as many thin slices as you can. Spritz a hot non-stick or cast iron pan with cooking oil and pour in the eggs/herbs. When the bottom begins to set, lay the cheese slices over half the surface of the eggs. Cook to your degree of doneness, fold and plate. Slice apple, toast bread, shake up the smoothie, pour your hot beverage and laugh along with the cow.

    LEEK & SMOKED SALMON SCROMELETTE: 290 calories 9 g fat 1.7 g fiber 15.6 g protein 34 g carbs 226.4 mg Calcium PB GF This classic flavor combination makes for a superb breakfast.
    1 ½ eggs HINT: If you are serving one person, crack three 2-oz eggs into a small bowl or glass measuring cup. Whip up those eggs and pour half of their volume, into a jar with a lid and put it in the ‘fridge for next week. ½ oz smoked salmon ½ oz leeks, sliced thinly dill + salt + pepper 1 tsp light sour cream [optional] 1 oz applesauce blackish coffee or blackish tea or lemon in hot water 5-6 oz green or fruit smoothie or unpasteurized apple cider
    Spritz a hot saute pan with non-stick spray and stir in the leeks, salmon, and dill to soften the leeks and warm the salmon. Whisk the eggs with the seasonings and sour cream. Pour into the pan and scramble to your taste or prepare as an omelette. Pour the beverages and dish the applesauce. Meals like this make Fasting easy.

    And for dinner:
    CHILI NON CARNE: PB GF The recipe is my mother’s, except that she used beef. And she served it on a heap of mashed potatoes, but we won’t do that on a Fast Day.
    1 cup =133 calories 0.7 g fat 6.3 g fiber 7.1 g protein 9.8 g carbs 70 mg Ca
    1.5 c. =199 calories 1.1 g fat 9.1 g fiber 9.4 g protein 14.2 g carb 120 mg Ca
    HINT: This is enough for 4 one-cup servings OR two 1.5 cup servings with 1 cup left over. Save the remaining chili for a lunch or check other postings to see how we use it for breakfast.
    For 1.5 cups chili served with cheese garnish and melon, as in photo: 276 calories 9.7 g fat 6.1 g fiber 13.3 g protein 19.4 g carbs 227 mg Calcium
    15 oz canned red beans, drained and rinsed 16 oz canned tomatoes – in chunks or diced, not drained 1 cup chopped onion 1 green pepper, chopped 2-3 tsp chili pepper, or more if you like it hotter ½ – 1 tsp ground cumin per serving: 1 Tbsp cheddar cheese, grated, as a garnish 2 oz melon
    Saute the onion and green pepper in some of the tomato juices until tender. Add remaining ingredients and cook gently until the stew is thickened. Taste to see if it needs more seasoning. Serve one or one and a half cups for dinner tonight with the grated cheese on top.

    FETA NICOISE SALAD: 263 calories 2o g fat 3.2 g fiber 15.3 g protein 28 g carbs 243 mg Calcium PB GF There is a lot of food on this plate – bring your appetite.
    1.5 [1 cup]romaine leaves ¼ cup green beans 1 scant cup cucumber, diced 1/2 c feta cheese, crumbled or diced 1.5 black olives, quartered 1 tsp olive oil 1 tsp white wine vinegar
    Steam the green beans, cool and set aside. Slice the romaine crosswise into 1” strips. Prepare the other ingredients as described. Pour the oil and vinegar into a wide, shallow bowl and whisk briskly. Put all the other ingredients in the bowl and toss gently to coat with dressing. Welcome to southern France for fine dining.

    Hi Fasting me

    Thanks for the recipes.
    I have the same breakfast that I normally would have
    quinoa, almond milk, blueberries, pecan nuts and a little Greek yoghurt that equates to just over 200 calories
    lunch is a cup of soup or open salad sandwich which is 200 calories
    evening meal soup or a salad.

    I just want to eat during the evening.

    I don’t want to make excuses but I’ve got a lot of pain in my hip and left hand due to a slight flare up of my rheumatoid arthritis. But I know I have to get weight down which will help with the arthritis.
    MY weight at the moment is about 154lb. I would like to get down to at least 140lb. But I seem stuck at this weight.

    I just need to get my head in the right place, but at the moment I’m finding it very difficult

    Hi Fasting me

    Thanks for the recipes.
    I have the same breakfast that I normally would have
    quinoa, almond milk, blueberries, pecan nuts and a little Greek yoghurt that equates to just over 200 calories
    lunch is a cup of soup or open salad sandwich which is 200 calories
    evening meal soup or a salad.

    I just want to eat during the evening.

    I don’t want to make excuses but I’ve got a lot of pain in my hip and left hand due to a slight flare up of my rheumatoid arthritis. But I know I have to get weight down which will help with the arthritis.
    MY weight at the moment is about 154lb. I would like to get down to at least 140lb. But I seem stuck at this weight.

    I just need to get my head in the right place, but at the moment I’m finding it very difficult

    Marion, is it possible to eat breakfast later? And then skip lunch but eat later in the day? If you want to eat in the evening, then do so! Why not 200 calories for breakfast [I’d swap egg for quinoa.] 50 calories at mid-day, and 200 calories i the evening? This might help you to stick to the plan. Even Dr Mosley’s wife [the other Dr Mosley] couldn’t get through the day and had to have an apple at ‘lunch’.
    Two ideas: creep up to 550-600 cal/Fast Day, then look closely at what you eat on Slow Days to see if there are some calories to eliminate there. This might get your off your stuck plateau and make you happier about the whole thing, too.

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