The FAST DIET is good, so is the Energy Powder GLUCODIN bad???

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The FAST DIET is good, so is the Energy Powder GLUCODIN bad???

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Traminator 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello Fellow FAST DIET’ers

    I always thought it was a good thing that my parents taught me from an early age, to have a good hearty breakfast. But in my younger days, I used to sprinkle sugar lightly on my cereal in the mornings. But say roughly 10-15 years ago. I replaced sugar with the energy powder called GLUCODIN. So my question is, now having been on the FAST DIET for the last 4 weeks, and doing very well and enjoying it a lot. I am now slightly concerned & worried after reading particular scientific parts of the FAST DIET book that I don’t understand too well – that possibly? implies that after I eat my hearty breakfast following a 24-36 hour fast, will I run the risk, of ARTIFICIALLY SPIKING my insulin glucose levels – by now adding “Glucodin Powder” directly onto my breakfast unnecessary.
    If anyone with a medical background reads this {or anyone else who might like to comment with their thoughts} It would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks from Traminator from Melbourne Australia

    That stuff is glucose, pure unadulterated glucose – sugar. It will be absorbed instantly and shoot up your blood glucose level. Your insulin level will follow suit and rise rapidly. Insulin circulates much longer in the blood than glucose so you will be hungry in no time flat.

    The only people who need glucose are diabetics at risk of going hypoglycaemic. For everyone else it is an added sugar that we do not need for nutritional reasons.

    Thanks Dummerchen,

    That was my thinking too, so I’m glad to get a confirmation like that.
    Guess I’ll be changing to something like Chia Seeds or some other healthier topping alternative. – Michael

    P.S. The reason that I started in the first place, was my thinking that they give a similar thing in a glucose form to patients in hospitals that can’t eat for whatever reason – so my thinking was that glucose powder therefore must be very good for you. But I guess the FAST DIET book also suggests that I am simply adding more sugars to an already too fat body, cos I am already in “Go Mode” when eating normally anyway.

    The reason glucodin is given to patients who can’t eat in hospital is because their blood sugar levels can get dangerously low, causing other complications. As Dummerchen said, the only people who need glucose tablets are diabetics suffering a hypo or people with true hypoglycemia. Sometimes athletes use it also, but for them it is burnt off immediately. I think you will find that removing it from your diet will make you feel better almost straight away. Like you, as a kid I was also raised with cereal and extra sugar on top. I think back in the day the cereals we were eating didn’t contain anywhere near the sugar contents they do now. The sugar levels have snuck up over the years in many items as manufacturers opted for “fat free” and “low fat” etc. To be honest most breakfast cereals, apart from rolled oats, have some level of sugar in them already. Check this out:
    Hope this is helpful for you,

    Thanks for that Juliet,
    I can confirm that I do feel much better after dropping the GLUCODIN from my morning diet. I’m glad you mentioned the OATS too, as that is my main regular breakfast food – but as I prefer it with warm milk, it can just get a little tough in those 3 summer months, and that’s when it gets hard to resist those Corn Flakes in icy cold milk.

    Thanks for your reply – the Melbourne Traminator

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