The battle has started

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 9 years ago.

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  • Now into my third fasting day I started last Monday and my first day was a breeze I had a cold so didn’t feel like eating much anyway,the second day Wednesday also wasn’t too bad , but today Monday is becoming a bit of a struggle, I miss out breakfast and eat lunchtime and again in the evening, I am drinking loads of water and am just about to take the dog out to try and escape the hunger pains hopefully things will get easier after all it’s only a day isn’t it? the weird thing I have noticed is on my normal eating days I have become very conscious of what I am eating and feel guilty if I consider eating anything fattening like a piece of chocolate is that normal?

    Hi, I don’t know why but I think many would agree that fasting makes us more aware of what we are eating. I have to disagree about chocolate though, nothing is fattening in moderation 😉

    Good luck.

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