Thanks Michael!

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  • Michael Mosely – if you ever read these threads, thanks!
    I’m the most unlikely person to try dieting, but saw your docco, which appealed to my sense of rational science rather than the miriads of fads out there, and so gave it a go.
    I thought ha ha, this will never work, where’s all the pain. 7 weeks later I have lost 11kg with practically zero effort. My wife has lost 14.5kg and looks fantastic.

    This just blows me away, you are a life saver, so thanks for a new lifestyle, and ultimately, a better life.

    Wow BeemerRider they are amazing results…can you tell us abit about how you have implemented 5:2 please as you may be able to help and inspire others. Are you doing 2 fast days only and are you having one meal on a fast day or are you splitting your calories over the day? Do you stick to TDEE on non fast days. Well done & great work and thanks for providing really helps if others are struggling 🙂

    We chose Mondays and Thursdays to be our ‘fast’ days, which doesn’t clash with weekends and are far enough apart to not feel it is too much effort.
    For me it is 3 weetbix for breakfast, a mushroom omelette on toast for lunch, and at night a can of corn, can of tuna and tomato salad in lemon juice(looks and tastes better than it sounds!) followed by a desert of chopped up orange and yoghurt.

    It is enough, just enough, for me to get through the day without feeling hungry. The bottom line is that you have got to want to do it. Heading towards 15st (95kg) and potential diabetes and everything else that fatness leads to, there was an incentive to finally do something about it. My wife was tested and told she was pre-diabetic and has a fatty liver. Her mother injects insulin daily, and hates it, but its too late. We had a chance to ‘head’em off at the pass’, and decided that if I’m to go through a day without making a pig of myself, then no cheating.

    The off shoots have been quite amazing, if unexpected. Even though I pretty much return to eating ‘normally’ on the other 5 days, the continuous and steady weight loss has inspired me to not eat the whole tray of lasagne ‘just because its there’, which in the past I would have. Sausage rolls and custard tarts are such short term enjoyments but take a lot longer to lose them again, so I don’t.

    Lastly, and the jury is out on this one, is that at the age of 60 I suddenly developed Acnea Rosaeca, or adult acne, with pimples/spots on the upper parts of my face and nose. Before the 5:2 diet I went on a 6 week treatment course, which reduced it, and when it finished, back it came, which is pretty much the expected outcome. After 2 months of diet change and 11kg weight loss, the acne is disappearing! Coincidence? Maybe, but I had resigned myself to having to deal with it for the rest of my life, and to see it disappear with my weight is a bonus.

    My target is to reduce from 95kg to about 77kg, something I haven’t been in 30 years. And as for my wife, she is looking fantastic. So all in all its been a life changing experience for us, with benefits all round, and is the diet when you don’t really want to be on a diet. But! You have got to want to do it and not cheat, as it is only you who will be the biggest loser.

    Hi Beemer:

    Congrats on your success.

    ‘Her mother injects insulin daily, and hates it, but its too late.’

    IF is being used to totally reverse type 2 – even for those on insulin for years. Page 2 of this thread has some of the information in a post:

    Wow that’s truly amazing and I am so glad that it is working for you. I have had a similar experience with my migraines….have had them about once every three weeks without fail and so bad that I can barely work. Once I started 5:2 I still get them but they are very mild and not nearly as painful. I have just started my hubby on this as he has piled on weight with medication so am hoping it will work for him. I have lost 6.1kg in 7 weeks which I am very happy with as I don’t have much more to lose. It is a great WOL and I can’t see myself going back to my old ways. Good Luck with your journey and I hope you give us a further update in the weeks to come 🙂

    The number of abbreviations on this site make it difficult reading. I have no idea what IF or TDEE or any number of others might mean. I have just retired from a career supporting a lot of staff, and made it my mission to remove such abbreviations so that anyone could understand how to use the data, which worked because they never needed to ask me what on earth such and such was. Before then we moved to a new corporate financial database, and joy of joys, that supplier had the same attitude as me, and in almost every case it was readable and usable, unlike the previous suppliers who were oblivious to the frustration it caused their customers, or thought well tough luck.


    Well, guess not everyone wants to spell out everything, especially when those that are interested already know because they have taken the time to learn. If you read through the threads on this post you will learn some of the shorthand:

    IF means intermittent fasting, of which 5:2, 4:3 and ADF (Alternate Day Fasting) are examples.

    Have fun exploring this new world – it may help your wife’s mother.

    Good Luck!

    BeemerRider..happy fasting tomorrow…less than 6 weeks until Xmas!

    I also have Michael Mosely to thank. Being science trained I was looking for the empirical evidence. I had been on numerous diets in the past, yo-yoing between 70kg and 93kg. It ALWAYS went back on again very quickly. Suddenly I tried the 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, found it remarkably easy, got down to my goal weight of 63kg and have stayed there. In fact, today is one year since I started the diet and I have been at my goal weight now for about 4 months. Remarkable. (I’ve even changed my meat-eating habits based upon Michael’s documentary on meat.)

    It seems that all of my eating habits have completely changed. I eat items now that I never would have in the past. I avoid most of the fast food items I used to regularly eat. My fat levels have gone way down without affecting my muscle mass too much (I even had a DEXA scan to measure these factors.) My abdominal fat levels now put me into the very low risk category. My diabetic blood glucose levels and lipid levels have also improved dramatically. I walk about 15,000 steps a day as well.

    Thanks Michael for your inspiring documentaries.

    Roddlez..Thank you for such an inspiring message! So good to hear from someone who has been on the diet for 12 months and is now maintaining sucessfully. Plus all those positive health facts…how can anyone doubt this diet….keep up the good work!

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