Thank You Dr. Mosley

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sherylfromCA 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I posted a very long thank you note to Dr. Mosley, went in to edit bad spelling, and was oh so saddened to see I had deleted the whole post by mistake!

    I wanted Dr. Mosley to know how grateful I was that he revised 5:2 to 800 calories per fasting day. This has made all the difference in the world to me as far as compliance goes. I’ll keep this note brief and just say that I can finally stick to 5:2. I am not even 5 ft 3 inches tall, and if I can lose weight doing this, anyone can! I don’t know why an extra 300 calories makes a world of difference, but it does!

    I felt like such a failure before, not being able to stick to a plan I knew was the best for me.

    This is the year I reach a healthy BMI.

    Thank you Dr. Mosley.

    P.s. I’ll be 65 years old this year! And I’m losing!

    Thank you posting this I didn’t know it had changed. So 800 on fast days now and then just TDEE?

    Can you please tell me where this information is?

    Thank you

    Slogan, here is the link to the interview with Dr. Mosley in the Telegraph.

    I don’t count calories at all on non fast days, but hopefully this article will be helpful to you. Here it is:

    Thank you so much very interesting reading. I might try it as 500 is so hard to stick to sometimes

    I should have added that I also follow an overnight fast of 14 hours every day.

    For example, if I stop eating at 8 p.m., I won’t eat again until 10 a.m. the following morning, I do that every day, but do the 800 calories only twice a week. I choose consecutive fasting days, because I believe it lowers your insulin and burns fat more.

    As far as I know there are only two new books out that discuss the revised 5:2 (aside from Dr. Mosley’s wonderful 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet). The first is a book by Kate Harrison called 5:2 Veggie (a 5:2 book for vegetarians). I wasn’t crazy about that book because it’s a bit passive aggressive for me – first telling us about Dr. M’s revised calories for 5:2, then going into reasons why it might not work, with the rest of the book really supporting 500 calories on 5:2. And her website is even less enthusiastic, in my opinion. But this can be because the books she wrote are of a 500 calorie focus and wants them to sell. Who knows.

    The second book, the one I truly recommend, is titled The New 5:2 Diet Cookbook by Jacqueline Whitehart. This book enthusiastically supports the “new” 5:2, giving you options of doing both the “old” and the newer version. I got the idea of fasting 14 hours every night from this book, although the book only recommends the 14 hour fast on 5:2 days. But I do it every day.

    Whatever you do, good luck to you on 5:2. I finally can do this.

    I’ll try doing having dinner earlier then can still have breakfast at 7. Otherwise next chance to eat is at 1 which I definitely can’t wait that long

    Thanks for the advise it’s nice to speak to other people

    You are welcome Slogan. I guess I’m so enthusiastic because I’ve dieted since I was 13, and I can finally stick to a way of eating that is easy and works. We can do this!

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