Super October 2022 Challenge

This topic contains 337 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 344 total)

  • Day 9 UK NFD

    Hello again! I’ve caught up with this month’s posts and am going to try and check in daily from now on

    Yesterday I joined a charity’s AGM online from 11-4, using much of the time to catch up on chores and make a huge apple & plum crumble! I do love cooking from scratch as therapy AND eating home-cooked food. I found a healthier recipe with a topping of ground almonds, oats & oat flour, vegan butter and coconut sugar on top of bramley apples, red plums, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. It was strangely reminiscent of digestive biscuits and smelt slightly Christmassy. Yesterday I had two portions and today another one, saving some for my mother’s visit on Tuesday plus one spare portion. For recipe hounds, it was a variation on this one – I didn’t put sugar or cornstarch in with the fruit and used more jumbo oats than oat flour

    In the evening I mailed out online conference packs which was stressful with tech glitches but very glad to have it done. Delegates now have a week to choose workshops, contact with access needs etc which will take the pressure off the next week. Last year we had 80 people scrambling on Thursday/Friday and there were two of us, this year it’s just me!

    Glad to take today off but got up early and went to church, stayed for community gathering and came home gently. It’s so good to connect with community on a normal Sunday, rather than when I have to do something! I’ve had a lovely late lunch OMAD of cauliflower, brussel sprouts, new potatoes and vegan fish followed by crumble with vegan yogurt and spent time catching up with posts. Now to wash up then making a big batch of face moisturiser before bath and early zzzz

    @stitchincarol thank you for your excitement at the 18lbs since 27 May! It’s amazing how the steady progress adds up over the months, even – or especially – when it feels as tho i’m *always* [insert whatever weight I am now]! Really keen to turn the corner into 11 stone-something as it’s easier to see the progress with the mid-size milestones ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope all goes well with your church conference tomorrow

    @jaifaim welcome back! I’d been wondering how you are. So sorry to hear about your rotten time with covid, shingles and vertigo and your dear Mum’s Alzheimers progression. I hope you are on the mend and energy builds back up soon, your coastal walks and mountain bike rides have always sounded wonderful. In case it helps, I’ve had 2.5 years with long covid and have been taking a supplement called phyto V since June which has miraculously helped with restoring energy back to about 70% of my pre-covid levels. Info about the study here xx

    @snowflake56 lovely to be travelling with you again ๐Ÿ™‚

    @metatauta welcome back! ๐Ÿ™‚

    @daffodil2010 so sorry your energy was depleted during your holiday. It sounds as tho being home, meditation and self-care have been helpfully restorative. Wishing you good health and hope all resolves well with the family issues x

    @gardenlily welcome back from your holiday and many congratulations on your Golden Wedding anniversary! That is an epic achievement ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m on the home strait for the conference next weekend and keen to practice good self-care including fasting and healthy eating over the next week. I’ve got a fridge full of veg ready to make a stew and possibly a dal on Tuesday – parsnips, swede, beetroot, sweet potato, butternut squash – with onions, garlic, stock, beans and spices it could be a real life-saver over the next 10 days or so. Plus a couple of healthier snacks in – nuts, dried chewy bananas, and lots of fresh fruit.

    Looking forward to travelling alongside you for the rest of the challenge. We are always stronger together

    Day 9 USA/HI NFD. 16:8
    No weigh in today. Walked for 1 hour by the ocean. Son here so he is watching his dad allowing me a rare opportunity to go for a long walk. First in over a year. Hope to get creative and try to eventually get in daily walking again. I have recumbent bike and Cubii elliptical at home as backup so really no excuse. Motivation is the only missing ingredient. Lol

    Day 9 2nd post

    @metatuta – “I vaguely remember a discussion about the โ€œinner warthogโ€, but I cannot pinpoint exactly what itโ€™s all about. I can surely relate to the need to fight oneself, though, lol!”

    That is exactly what it is about …. the need to fight oneself !

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    Had another bad night’s sleep which does not set me up for success today.

    Still looking for my mojo… Has anyone seen it?

    Day 9 Ohio, US — NFD

    A little slow today — I got a new cpap machine up and running yesterday. It is computer controlled and updated itself with my medical provider according to my prescription, or so it said. I found out this morning that it pumped about twice as much moisture into my sinuses as it should have. So the sinuses have been draining all day — sort of getting a “one-day”sinus infection. I’ll go into it this evening and reset everything by hand before bedtime. Another marvel of modern technology!

    @penz I empathize with you!

    @maui You have a lot on your plate! And it is a mark pretty strong motivation that you chose to walk for an hour instead of getting a latte and a cinnamon bun. Kudos to you!

    @michelinme That dal sounds like it will be delicious!

    @northgeorgia After every time I’ve made round trips from coast to coast in the US, I’ve had to replace my car’s windshield due to fractures caused by stones thrown up trucks. I got to be friends with my local windshield repair company!

    @linda.b Perhaps there should be an “Easily Distracted Anonymous” group. I’d be a charter member!

    @funshipfreddie That’s a perfect start of the week! Hope you made your 10K!

    Day 10, Germany, FD

    @michelinme Thanks! Let’s see where this travel ends.

    Pocket list day 10


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 10 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Monday = FD and a bright start, so time to prune some shrubs in the garden, can’t beat a busy FD !

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 10

    Day 10 – UK Cam – FD
    Weigh in this morning 145 lb – up 5lb from holiday (all those fish n’chip dinners!). So, down for a gentle 800 FD today and will do a 500 later in week – breaking myself back in slowly. On a positive note, I was able to average 10,000 steps a day with all the super walks on the beach and in the hills, quite a lot of steep uphill stuff but no Munro’s this time around (DH not up to much walking so was on my own with dog most of the time).
    @penz – I can empathize with loss of mojo – it was really hard to climb on the scales this morning and convince myself that I needed to take action. As always, having a plan in place (foodwise) and keeping busy helps.

    Had to laugh – coming back from holiday to empty fridge etc, put in an online order with Tesco delivered in time for our Sunday dinner. I’d ordered steak pie, crispy oven chips and chocolate profiteroles – when the delivery arrived the nice driver was somewhat surprised when I screeched ‘where’s my dinner?’ – seems the 3 dinner items were ‘out of stock’ (despite being available at 11 pm the previous night). So my final indulgence meal ended up being a healthy omlette with salad!!

    @maui – keep up the walking – it lifts the spirits, clears the mind and is good for you!

    Pocket List day 10
    @garden lily

    Day 10 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    Monday morning PFDS! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    @matpi – I reached 11,470 steps. And according to my tracker my ‘sleep score’ was 91 (excellent). I guess I’m just an over-achiever ๐Ÿ˜…

    @penz – don’t stop looking for that mojo! ๐Ÿค—

    Food for thought, from today’s UK Mail:

    Sending RESOLVE to today’s fasters ๐Ÿ’ช

    “You always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” ~ Glinda the Good Witch

    Pocket List – Day 10 ๐Ÿ“

    Day 10 โ€“ Monday โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ FUN DAY (FD)๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ•๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฆ

    Just quickly checking in…. had a hectic day and now it’s late Monday night so won’t chat tonight but was successful FUN DAY.

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: Eat less sugar, youโ€™re sweet enough as already.๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงกโค๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’–

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 10 ๐Ÿ“

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD/ZBC

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Planning on Thursday as the next FD, and maybe tomorrow as an OMAD.

    @linda.b Good thought for the day!

    Day 10 – UK – FD

    Good morning all – Been super busy this past week and my laptop died on me – too much hassle on my phone so here I am back with a new laptop…….ยฃยฃยฃ spent!!

    Car had to be taken in for MOT and full service early this morning……now to wait to hear the ยฃยฃยฃ damage. Sadly when I was walking back home saw lots of police and ambulance on the main road through the village and diversion in progress….it would seem that someone was driving too fast through the village and knocked an older gentleman over – serious head injury…etc…..eventually taken to the air ambulance that had landed in a near by field and then to a specialist centre ……so sad….๐Ÿคžhe recovers well

    Went to a live telecast of Mayerling by the ROH Ballet last week with a couple of friends – we had a yummy meal beforehand – fab evening! When Kenneth MacMillanโ€™s Mayerling was premiered in February 1978, it was revolutionary, taking the three-act ballet into real-life realms of psychosis and misery that it had never explored before. The ballet gripped from beginning to end, fresh-minted in the moment, in the identification of the dancers with their roles. Great to see some of my favourite dancers ๐Ÿฉฐ in the lead roles and cameos

    Monthly Book Club ๐Ÿ“š meeting last week – a good turnout and some lively discussions about the book, live and everything……

    Foraging Workshop ๐Ÿ„ (that one to be avoided!!!) over the weekend – lovely way to spend a few hours with 3 friends and then a yummy vegetarian lunch afterwards.

    Home delivery from Simon Rogan was as delicious as ever – OH and I had a lovely evening at home enjoying with an accompanying wine flight for me!

    As you can see no fasting so far this month but about to remedy this with a 4:3 week starting today so will be joining our fab Monday fasters for support.

    @stitchincarol – what a romantic proposal with lasting memories – thanks for sharing your thoughts on Day 7 – all sounded very familiar – just shows how we can sometimes eat mindlessly and lose all control
    @metatauta – I too find using MFP when I’m trying to regain control a very useful tool – will definitely be logging on it this week!!
    @penz – we too had lots of rain over here but with some nice days in between so managed to do some walks as well as my exercise classes – I’m sure your MOJO is just lurking around and ๐Ÿคžyou can lasso it in soon
    @maui – totally agree with your “Still better than not trying.” well done on dropping off those 2lbs in week 1
    @i-hate-lettuce – Re Relay race – no injuries and pleased to see our local ladies team won and our men’s team came second but a close finish – Your post on Day 8 is so encouraging and shows us what can be achieved – You are such an advert for this WOL
    @5413.5 – welcome back to the challenges – I have added you to the spreadsheet in case you want to use it for motivation – remember that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @northgeorgia – sounds like you and your president were a great influence on each other – win-win!!! good to hear that physical was OK – shame about the windshield!!!
    @linda.b – gentle encouragement of your friend just by doing your WOL – she can obviously see the benefits by looking at you!! how wonderful is that x
    @jaifaim – great to see your posts pop up this month – shame about your health experiences with shingles and vertigo since testing positive for Covid – but good to hear that you are on the road to recovery – Vertigo is a real pain – I suffer with BPPV but luckily only get an episode once or twice a year
    @songbirdme โ€“ just two pounds up after your vacation!! that will disappear in no time!
    @daffodil2010 – sorry to hear that you have been feeling under the weather but good to see you back and getting back into a positive mind frame
    @michelinme – I just knew you would be back – great to read your posts for this month and how wonderful to have lost 18 pounds since 27th May!!!
    @funshipfreddie – well done on your first dry week btw I love that quote from Glinda the Good Witch
    @fastingnurse – welcome back – try not to overdo things – stick to the basics and be more aware of what you eat/drink especially on your NFDs – drink plenty of water as it does help
    @gardenlily – sounds like a fab 2 weeks in Scotland – how did Tesco know that you really wanted a healthy meal instead of an indulgence on Sunday ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 10 ๐Ÿ“

    Remember that โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Day 10 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    A very hectic weekend of partying and socialising, so while today is not an FD, it’s most definitely a Dry til Fri day ๐Ÿ˜„
    I plan my FD for tomorrow, I am WFH tomorrow so good timing for an FD. I feel like I haven’t had an FD in AGES

    welcome back @jaifaim and so sorry to hear of the treble whammy of Covid, shingles and vertigo ๐Ÿ˜จ…..hopefully you are on the mend now. I too have so far managed to avoid Covid, but it’s probably inevitable that we will all get it at this stage.

    @gardenlily, welcome back, and like you I put back on 5lb on my holiday….it’s not proving to be easy on / easy off though! Hope you will fare better.

    Have a good rest of Monday 10th. Xx

    Day 10 UK FD

    Long day at the laptop so this will be short! Yeserday became over indugent with nuts. Today I’m here and I’m fasting ๐Ÿ™‚

    @at sounds like a really full and fun week! Hope you have a good 4:3 to get you back on track

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 10 ๐Ÿ“

    Day 10 USA NFD 16:8
    Walked for over an hour this morning by the ocean. Beautiful day here. Planning lunch out with son and DH. First time he has gone to Restsurant in many months. With son here we can try a few things I would not attempt on my own.
    Best wishes to all hereโ€ฆ each with unique lives. Feels good to be sharing a worthwhile goal in seeking to be healthy, happy and useful to others for as long as possible. Great to be among friends.

    Day 10 – USA – FD

    Nothing new to report, except I’m determined to keep posting here and on the spreadsheet, as they and all of you are great motivators! I just changed my CD to a FD, because I realized that 800 calories is still acceptable as a FD; am I right?

    Day 11 โ€“ Tuesdayโ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ (NFD)๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ•๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฆ

    Love to read all your posts and so helpful too!

    One abbreviation, though, MFP keeps popping up. It sounds like it could be some sort of calorie calculator. Can someone explain MFP? Perhaps we should put it on the list too.

    Busy work day, so need to keep going but popping back in later. Stay focussed on the NFDs everyone! The FDs look after themselves but it’s the NFDs๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰ that are lurking in the shadows to sabotage us!

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: Once youโ€™ve taken back control in your relationship with food, everything else starts to fall into place.

    Day 10 Ohio, US — MFD

    Today has gone surprisingly well — I accidentally scheduled a flu shot this afternoon, so I was prepared to go off the fast, if things turned south. My arm got a little sore, so I took a nap, and the rest of the day has gone smoothly. It looks as though I’ll be able to make it down the home stretch.

    @linda.b I believe MFP means My Fitness Pal, which is a weight loss app.

    @metatautaYes, 800 calories does count as a FD! I almost always do 800 calories, and I list it as MFD. Some people when they do 800 calorie fasts, list it as F800.

    @michelinme What’s your favorite type of nut? I often have walnuts or pecans with porridge for breakfast.

    @daffodil2010 It always amazes me how one can be extra careful for a month and lose half a pound, and then one evening of gustatory delight adds 5 pounds. In this case, the universe doesn’t seem quite fair.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 10 ๐Ÿ“

    Day 11 – UK Cam – FD
    OK, yesterday’s F800 didn’t quite work out – seems my ‘mojo’ is still in holiday mode! I guess it was partly being at home all day and just doing boring, post-holiday chores but by lunchtime I felt ravenous, scoffed a tomato sandwich and then a slice of fruit cake that was lurking in the cake tin (last piece). It all went downhill from then …
    Today, a new day, off to volunteer so no food about to tempt, packed lunch (egg salad) ready with emergency sliced apple if needed. Today I AM in charge!

    Good luck to everyone joining me with a FD today and add me to your pocket lists – I will need all the help available!!

    Day 11 Pocket List

    Day 11, Germany, NFD

    Day 11 – South Africa – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    A whole third of October gone already?! And I’ve finally hit double figures for zero alcohol days, phew? ๐Ÿ˜‡

    I’ve been taking BP readings twice a day, i.e. morning & evening since the 3rd October. Yesterday was the first day both readings were normal, 105/73 & 109/68. So I don’t know if that’s due to the daily pill, or because I’m not drinking. Maybe a combination of the two? I’m going to keep checking every day, & then see what the doctor says at the end of the month when I go back. I probably sound like a total hypochondriac, but I really don’t want to continue taking a daily pill if it’s not necessary.

    @maui – I’m assuming you actually live on the island of Maui? Lucky you! Absolutely idyllic place. I was fortunate enough to visit the island a couple of times. I went to a beach wedding there about 20 years ago when a couple of our crew members got married.

    Dr Mosley on the importance of getting regular eye checks:

    Day 11 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Attending a seminar today with lunch included. It will be my only meal of the day, hopefully. Gotta run

    Day 11 – USA – CD

    Day 11 -Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD

    First FD in ages and first time skipping breakfast in a very long time. Twas grand, it’s easy to slip back into, but when I do skip breakfast I do feel rather hungry by evening.

    I do enjoy a protein breakfast (go to work in an egg ๐Ÿ˜†) and I don’t feel like snacking before dinner when I have 3 small meals instead of ZBC or OMAD. Hmmm.

    Anyway, feel good. I was working from home today which was cold, due to fasting and reluctance to turn on the heat during these inflationary fuel prices times.

    Is anyone else cutting back on fuel and energy consumption? We have gone through our house and replaced all lightbulbs to LED, water heater in a strict timer, lights switched off so most rooms in darkness..hey, I am evening forgoing my electric kettle and boiling water on my gas hob with an old fashioned whistling kettle. Hoping the electricity bill won’t be too horrific next month, but as prices increased by 38% in one month I predict it’s going to be tough.

    @funshipfreddie, I am on BP tablets since my appendix scare last year…..for a time after my BP went back to normal and my GP agreed for me to trial stopping the daily pill, but after a month or so it crept back up again and so I am back on the meds.. But it gives me comfort to know my BP is managed as my Mum’s BP wasn’t managed and she passed too young. Good for you in taking your BP every day, I still do mine quite often. Hope it works for you and you can come off them soon.

    Day 11 UK FD

    Yesterday’s FD disappeared in evening snacking. I find it harder to resist when overtired so working on getting as much sleep as possible. This morning my weight had ballooned 6lbs which has to be water!!

    Another v full and long day. My mother came over for weekly tea visit and we chatted a lot as i tried to set up her new tablet- a surprise present my brother had delivered here. It was only when trying to synch with her phone that i realised i’d not finished setting up her new phone last week – I forgot to activate the SIM card so she’d spent a week not getting texts & voicemails…oops!

    I’ve had a OMAD supper of microwaved mushroom omelette, green salad and baked beetroot followed by a fresh fig and an apple. I had some chopping help today so have made an ENORMOUS veg & bean stew – approx 20 portions! Swede, butternut squash, potato, carrot, parsnip, onion, garlic, chilli, tinned tomatoes and stock, plus drained/rinsed baked beans. I plan to freeze most and eat it over the really busy week ahead plus easy suppers when I’m recovering afterwards!

    it’s not quite done but i’m going to leave it marinading overnight and finish off tomorrow. I need a bath and as much zzzz as I can get

    @matpi i love cashews best I think, but these were mixed nuts with chilli and lime – 500 calories!!

    Day 11 Pocket List

    Day 12 โ€“ Wednesday โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ (NFD)๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ•๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฆ

    @michelinme… just reading your post and we are very similar in our cooking and dining habits! As I’m still working albeit with my office next to my kitchen (lucky me!), the microwave is my best friend for quick, easy and healthy meals. I use it to prepare my fresh veg al dente lunches and even use it for quickly poaching a lovely piece of salmon with slices of lemon in the dish which only takes a minute, literally .. or heat up a meal out of the freezer (7 minutes). Like you, I also sometimes on the weekend have a massive ‘cook-up’ and prepare casseroles, stews etc en masse which are seriously veg based like yours and sometimes with chicken or beef for extra protein…. yum! Always great to be able to quickly pull something tasty out of the the freezer and pop into the microwave and serve up with a great big salad on the side๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹. There is usually a big variety of my little home-cooked meals hidden in my big freezer so will never starve!๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡โœจ
    I guess the key here is having a plan and preparation, preparation preparation …. we are both on the same wavelength with that! Always easy to stay with a plan if prepared, hey? ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿฅณ

    @daffodil2010…. skipping breakfast? Oh dear, it makes me shudder to think of it…. like you I find if I skip my breakfast then I pay for it later with unbridled hunger.๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰ If I stick to three meals, I find my blood sugar is fine and I never need to snack later… ZBC or OMAD or WF will never be for me.
    On another note, we are hearing on the news here about the massive increase in power costs in the UK and totally am on board with you about switching off lights, unused powerpoints, not using heating etc etc. I installed solar panels about 10 years ago and have never had an electricity bill since. In fact, I get a quarterly credit from the electricity company for my overload being fed back into the grid. Now that batteries are so much more efficient and cheaper, I’m thinking about installing a battery into the system. Have you thought about solar? If you don’t have suitable roof space or orientation, you can always install an array at ground level which has advantages in that you can dictate their orientation and easily keep clean and maintain. The current solar panels are even more efficient and cheaper now than when I installed 10 years ago and, of course, now the batteries are also more efficient and cheaper too if you go that extra mile. It’s been a good investment for me and, contrary to urban myth, you don’t need uninterrupted sunlight, they keep working even on overcast and rainy days. Does your government help with subsidies for installing solar? Worth a thought perhaps.

    @funshipfreddie …. congratulations 12 days AF now…. you are acing it! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ After all, the world doesn’t stop, does it? Good for you!

    Must get back to work…

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: Enjoy your food. It’s one of life’s greatest pleasures, not a punishment.๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‹

    Day 11 USA/HI NFD
    Still hanging in there is about all I will say today.
    Hope everyone is having a positive day. Or strength to keep on if needed.

    Day 12 – UK Cam – NFD.
    Yesterday’s FD went well – broke my fast at 11 am with carrot sticks and hummus and egg salad for lunch. Both eaten in the sunny stable courtyard (staff canteen area) at work. Then back to more planting up – spent the day moving wheelbarrows of plants, weeding and planting up so no chance to snack. Finished the day with beef casserole (cooked for 24 hrs in slowcooker) and heap of green veg. Resisted the urge to leap on the scales this morning – will wait until end of week so the weight has time to redistribute after holiday.

    Does anyone else find that excessive eating doesn’t always appear on the scales the next day but can take up to a week to reappear?

    Today will be a ‘mindful’ eating day – trying to keep below TDEE. Lots to do on allotment after holiday – mostly pulling up dead stuff, covering beds with cardboard and layering with compost/manure – more wheelbarrow work! About the only thing I can snack on there is apples, and they are cookers.

    @daffodil2010 – yes, our water heater is on timer and I am now being more careful about making sure appliances are not on stand-by but turned off. We have a log burner which is very efficient and keeps us cosy in the evenings. My best kitchen appliance is the slow cooker – I use it for casseroles, curries, fruit compote, stock (from bones/veg) and even rice pudding. Potatoes do well if left for long enough and it uses next no power. After that, my bread maker is much used – makes quite good fruit cake too (no wonder I need this WOL). Whilst on holiday I read an interesting article about micro-wave cookers and how they are making a come-back. I will certainly be using mine far more – usually just used for thawing stuff out or reheating drinks.

    Time to leap into action – fruit and yoghurt for breakfast and I’ll have to raid the freezer for the rest of the day’s meals – chicken perhaps. Need a better plan for NFDs!!!

    Will-power to everyone on an FD today – after all, Fasting Days only last a day, the benefits last years …

    Day 12, Germany, NFD

    Day 12
    94 k

    Fast –

    Struggling! I need to reset! I realise I haven’t had a consistent few days of controlled eating for ages/months. Weight goes up, down, and inevitably up still more!

    Given up on protein drinks – they tasted too good and i had too many. oh dear.

    I keep eating biscuits choc, bread – carbs really, all stems from being tired etc.

    As I cant check into (eg, say exclusive Swiss diet/exercise facility LOL ) anything other than my life i will continue and hopefully get onto a better vibe

    The motivation must be my health!

    Day 12 – South Africa – FD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    @daffodil2010 – re your BP – was it just a coincidence that your hypertension was diagnosed at the same time as your appendix scare? Or are they related somehow? There seems to be a lot of conflicting info about it, & there doesn’t seem to be a known cause for most cases. This is from “In as many as 95% of high blood pressure cases in the U.S., the underlying cause can’t be found. This type of high blood pressure is called “essential hypertension.” At least it’s treatable, so I guess it’s just something we have to keep an eye on ๐Ÿ‘€

    @linda.b – “skipping breakfast? Oh dear, it makes me shudder to think of itโ€ฆ” ๐Ÿ˜‚ Funny how we’re all so different. I just can’t eat shortly after waking up. I need at least 4 hours after waking up before I have any appetite. But if I forced myself to eat something I’d be ravenous again by lunchtime. Re AF – yes, I’m acing it! I think day 10 was a turning point; I just feel so much calmer already, less anxious somehow. I’m currently reading ‘Tired of Thinking about Drinking’ by Belle Robertson for added motivation.

    @gardenlily – I only weigh myself after FDs; otherwise I get discouraged by the fluctuations. But as for excessive eating, that’s just not something I do anymore. I may eat the wrong things sometimes; but I think after 8 years of IF my brain – or stomach? – has been rewired somehow, & over-eating just doesn’t appeal to me. A pity it didn’t work for the excessive drinking ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

    A Wednesday FD for me. Two NFDs followed by a FD seems to be working best right now.

    Happy Hump Day! ๐Ÿซ

    Pocket List – Day 12 ๐Ÿ‹

    Day 12, FD, Scotland

    Hey everyone, back from holiday and back on the 5 2 ! Salad for lunch and salad for dinner, grit strength class after work. I got back yesterday and got myself to the gym, which i felt great about, but im realllllly feeling it today! But i quite like that feeling, sore legs, its some how satisfying ha!

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 12 ๐Ÿ‹

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Yesterday’s OMAD was successful. Thursday will be my FD, despite the temptation of the BBQ food truck on campus tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 12 UK FD

    Yesterday’s OMAD FD was a roaring success at just over 400 calories – a relief and a delight after Monday’s swerve into snacking. I’m still really tired but have that post-FD energy plus weight back down 5lb to 172lb, thus undoing most of my NFD weekend/EFS Monday bounce. Anything from here will be helpful progress…

    The stew was taking too long to cook last night so I left it to marinade overnight and switched back on this morning. The beans have disintegrated and thickened the sauce, it’s happily bubbled away this morning and filled the house with that lovely aroma of autumn/winter comfort food. I’m tempted to make some paleo gf dumplings to go along with it – but not today! Today could easily be a OMAD FD with plenty of lovely stew and some fresh fruit for pudding – one fig, a custard apple and an eating apple left from last week’s veg box.

    I LOVE Wednesdays – often a day without meetings or commitments and a chance to balance my week & catch up with home especially when weekends are full. This morning I enjoyed a later sleep, pottered household chores, rebooted the stew, finalised monthly supermarket delivery for tomorrow, fed the birds, watered the last of the veg and enjoyed some thinking time! Just drug boxes to fill and I’ll settle down to an afternoon of emails & work for Saturday’s conference.

    In the meantime DD has just finished radiotherapy and due to start tablet chemo again soon but yesterday tested positive for covid. She seems quite unwell with it and I’m trying not to worry, being so far away. She’s had 4 vaccinations, daily phone calls from GP and family will be around after schooltime.

    @linda.b lovely to hear that we have similar cooking/eating patterns (tho I’m vegan who eats occasional eggs). Not least because of your stellar results with 5:2 and finding your way into maintenance. I do love my veg and so enjoy cooking. Not cooking from scratch/eating lots of veg is usually a sign that my life has become unbalanced

    Well done to everyone who had a good FD yesterday! Here’s sending fresh mojo to those who are struggling after holiday, through difficult work or life situations.


    Pocket List โ€“ Day 12 ๐Ÿ‹

    Day 12 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Hubby has been sick – could be flu, could be some infection after dental root canal. I’ve been nurse for 2 days, but may take him to the doctor today.

    So wonderful to see some long-missing names here! @jaifaim – so sorry you’ve dealt with such awful illness. I sympathize with any lingering shingles pains you may have – I had it about 15 years ago, and nerve tingles around my waist lasted forever.

    @michelinme and @metatauta – so happy to see you as well.

    @gardenlily – happy Golden Anniversary!

    @funshipfreddie – my Fitbit died while we were on vacation, and I can’t decide if I want to replace it. I NeVER got a sleep score in the 90’s – was happy with 85.

    @northgeorgia – take care of yourself

    @at – it seems like $$ expenditures have hit us too. Car needed a complete brake job, dental treatments, and now vacation bills are coming in. At least here gas prices have dropped. A little.

    @daffodil2010 – holidays are wonderful, even if we do gain, right?

    @linda.b – MFP has been my friend since I began 5:2 in 2016. I hate counting calories, but that little app makes it fairly painless. Even if the choices for my items aren’t exact, at least I can generally come close to what was on my plate. I have only used the free one, and it is wonderful.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 12 – FD 800

    Quick check in – returned home after an eventful trip to see papa and bro. It looks like I will be spending a considerable amount of time with them in the future – DH encourages this even tho it is hard on us to be apart.

    Still maintaining- but at the tip top of my maintenance range, so Iโ€™d be happier a couple pounds lower.

    Well wishes to all.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 12 ๐Ÿ‹

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Dunno

    Today should be a CD or something minimal, because Monday and Tuesday had an unreasonable number of indulgences….or, at least, I thought they did. I was pleasantly startled to see 154.4 on the scale this morning, up only a smidge. I think I’m just in the habit of feeling guilty, LOL. So I’ll think through the time I have available for cooking today (little) and for eating (even less, as I have choir tonight), and figure out a menu for the day.

    In the meantime, something has occurred to me. Many of you perhaps realize I spend lots of time trying to figure out what the difference is between how I ate when I was in my 30s and 40s and how I eat now, and why I’m struggling so now to reduce and maintain there. And I suddenly realized that I used to have a gallon of skim milk in the house always, and drank that with most meals. If I had a beer, I had ONE approximately 85% of the time. If we had wine, it was generally several weeks since the last time we’d had wine, and we often had only one glass.

    So, clearly, I practiced serious moderation…but I also drank lots and lots of milk. Anyone know anything about whether that’s generally considered helpful to weight loss? I’m not sure I even WANT to drink milk anymore, but I’m intrigued as I consider it.

    @matpi Your decorating style sounds not unlike DH’s, LOL. We laugh a lot together about how my approach to style differs dramatically from his. DH: “Seriously? You care where the fold is on the towel I’ve hung on the towel rack in the bathroom???” Me: “Yup, honey, it really looks better the way I’m suggesting.” I haven’t yet pointed out the decorative border, and how that ought to be front and center, not hidden on the back side! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    @i-hate-lettuce I’m contemplating “fighting with my inner warthog.” Not sure that will work for me, but I’ll seriously consider every strategy that has worked for others!

    @linda.b Yeah, I often wish there were a simple way to post photos to each of us!

    @northgeorgia I will keep your father in my prayers; do keep us posted, okay?

    @michelinme I’m always worn out by the time I read all that you’re cooking, LOL! You are a stellar example of how real food, cooked at home, helps with weight loss!

    @gardenlily I’m laughing out loud at your screech to the delivery driver wanting your dinner! So much, indeed, for a final indulgent meal, LOL!

    @at What a delightful few days you’ve had; thanks for sharing the details so we could vicariously enjoy the events also!

    @funshipfreddie @linda.b @daffodil2010 “Funny how weโ€™re all so different. I just canโ€™t eat shortly after waking up. I need at least 4 hours after waking up before I have any appetite. But if I forced myself to eat something Iโ€™d be ravenous again by lunchtime.” Yup, me too. The thought of food in the first few hours I’m awake is seriously repulsive. I’ve often rolled my eyes at the “healthy eating” articles that say skipping breakfast leads everyone to eating more through the rest of the day. The authors of those articles, perhaps, but that’s a lot of baloney for me: as long as my first meal of the day is around noon, I’m only normally hungry the rest of the day.

    Ohhh, @michelinme that’s awful that your DD has Covid now! I will add her to my prayer list.

    @mariaelena I’ve missed you; glad you’re back, and sorry there are issues to send you back to Chicago for your papa and bro; what a grand DH you have that he generously says for you to go.

    It’s lovely catching up with all of you; my days at the conference were long, and I was on the go even on break, because I had a responsibility to a table of information. It was a great conference, but it’s good to be back, and good to be caught up on all your posts.

    Now I need to tidy up the house so my cleaner has cleared off surfaces to clean, then I’ll tackle a huge pile of paperwork…that’s my hugest nemesis.

    Remember: it’s going to be hard, but is not impossible. We can do this, my friends.

    Day 12 – USA – NFD

    Day 12 USA/HI NFD
    A day on my own to take care of errands and having lunch with a friend. Looking forward to it.

    Day 13 โ€“ Thursdayโ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ my FUN DAY (FD)๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ•๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฆ

    13 days into this month already, that’s a whole 13 days of opportunity to realise our goals… wow!๐ŸŽ‡โœจ๐ŸŽ†

    @gardenlily love ๐Ÿ’š your thought so will use that today…. thank you!

    Thought: “after all, Fasting Days only last a day, the benefits last years โ€ฆ”

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŽˆ (anyone with me, jump on board!)

    Day 12 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 11 — NFD

    Yesterday took its toll with another food reaction, but today has gone reasonably well. It’s the start of Fall Break at my university — really just a four-day weekend, but I definitely have a feeling of freedom this evening.

    @maui Have a great time on your “free” day!

    @stitchincarol About some things, like towels, I’m quite specific, since I like to maximize their drying surface. But, to tell the truth, I find blank walls somewhat soothing.

    @mariaelena Congrats on keeping within your maintenance range! With all the travelling that you’ve been doing, that’s quite impressive!

    @songbirdme Hope your hubby gets better quickly and completely! This summer I also had a root canal and was on antibiotics for a month before all the infection cleared up. The post-procedure infection was worse than the procedure itself!

    @michelinme Kudos on getting the weight back down! I hope your daughter is on the mend very fast! With any luck her vaccinations will help her to fight the virus quickly!

    @goal10kg Welcome back from holiday! It sounds as though you’ve hit the pavement running!

    Day 13 โ€“ Thursdayโ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ my FUN DAY (FD)๐Ÿฅฆ 2nd post

    This post is for @funshipfreddie as you are doing so well with your AF month and I can see you are very serious about it. However if others are also reviewing their relationship with alcohol then please read on.

    I’m passing this information on because it was useful for me. When I do something, I usually do a lot of research to increase my knowledge base and I certainly did find that at The Naked Mind … see link below.
    This is a link to a FREE 30 day challenge that I did join in February this year and found it very helpful in re-educating me around every aspect of alcohol.
    BTW, the FREE 30 day challenge is for anyone who is interested in exploring their relationship with alcohol further, no-one preaching at you, just solid information although it is delivered with an element of intense enthusiastic ..well…hype which I just ignored as I hoovered up as much information as possible every day. We Aussies are a little more laid back but, you know, to each his own and the information is still good.
    For me, I logged into this FREE 30 day challenge every day for 30 days to read the new information that they release every day… they kind of step you through the education program day-by-day (read drip feed! but maybe that is useful too as you need to absorb and consider the information in smaller doses). Some of it was very interesting, some of it less so but as a whole it was very useful in keeping me focussed on my goal to have a DRY FEBRUARY. It gave me a plan to stick to and it worked.

    After the FREE 30 day challenge, of course, they would like you to sign up ($$) to further stuff in their list of programs. However, I’ve never done that or found I needed to do that. The FREE 30 day challenge certainly assisted me to stay focussed to quit alcohol for just one month.
    Then at the end of the 30 days, I just continued as AF but without any further assistance. Now it’s eight and half months….. I’m certainly not saying I’ll never have another alcoholic drink, but I’ll save that for special occasions and I now feel confident it’s my choice rather than a habit that infiltrates your life.

    So here is the link if you’d like to check it out yourself. Yes, I had to create a login account for it but I’m relieved to say they’ve never bothered me with spam.

    Register: Free 30-Day The Alcohol Experiment

    cheerie dearies ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ

    Day 13 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    You won’t hear much from me until next month, off today and travelling, but will still put in a FD today.

    Take care all, Greek Salads here we come ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13

    Day 13 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD

    Doing an FD with breakfast included, lunch and dinner, it can be done. Unlike @funshipfreddie, @stitchincarol I have always had breakfast and enjoy it, but I can go without it too as evidenced by my first three years on this WOL ๐Ÿ˜„

    Thanks @linda-b fir the solar panel tips, we did have somebody in 10 years ago trying to do a hard sell on them but the price then was ridiculous. We have solar panels on our camper van and it’s astonishing how much power is generated even on a cloudy Irish day.

    Have a great day all.

    Day 13, Germany, NFD

    Day 13 – South Africa – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    @goal10kg & @mariaelena – welcome back!

    @songbirdme – I can’t imagine being without my Fitbit now. It’s looking a bit battered, screen scratched. I won’t replace it until it croaks. But I would definitely get another one. 90+ sleep scores are rare for me too, & sometimes the scores make little sense. e.g. last night I slept from 11:05 pm until 8:45 am! I remember waking once; but my Fitbit tells me I slept for only 8 hours 45 minutes, & my sleep score was 86. I would’ve given myself 99 ๐Ÿ˜… . I like being able to change the colour of the strap too; it kind of feels like a new watch every time you change the colour. Or maybe that’s just me ๐Ÿ™„ Wishing Mr. @songbirdme a speedy recovery ๐Ÿค—.

    @linda.b – thanks so much for the info re the 30 day challenge. I have read her bestselling book – This Naked Mind. Annie Grace? I read it about 3 years ago during my last serious attempt. I didn’t sign up for the challenge back then because I was already into my 2nd or 3rd month when I read the book. But I’ll definitely check it out now. What really helped me back then – & I just read it again recently – was Allen Carr’s book ‘The Easy Way to Control Alcohol’. I don’t know how it works – it’s long & repetitive – but it works! If you read it as it’s written from start to finish & take it to heart. Here’s an interview with Nikki Glaser talking to Joe Rogan about how she quit, & I can identify with everything she says about the book.

    @i-hate-lettuce – bon voyage! ๐Ÿšข

    Day 13 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. That’s less than a 2 lb. gain after a full NFD! I wasn’t “perfect,” but I was a lot more mindful of choosing more vegetables and proteins.

    My father had his appointment, and the electrocardiologist was upset he hadn’t come sooner. Weirdly, they didn’t have one of the procedures written in his medical records and he almost gave incorrect medical advice and was handing the medicine to him while explaining! When he discovered my father had the other procedure in the more detailed surgical records, he actually took him off some medication to see if it will stabilize his heartbeat and raise his pulse. They will check it next week to see what effect that has, and once the pulse increases to a normal level, they will attempt to shock the heart back into rhythm.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13

    Day 13 โ€“ Thursdayโ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ my FUN DAY (FD)๐Ÿฅฆ 3rd post

    @funshipfreddie … just watched iv with Nikki Glaser…. spot on! ….. not as hard as one might think…. whodathunk!โœจ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†

    Day 13 – UK – FD800

    Day 10 as a successful FD800 and Day 11 = TDEE and Day 12 was a CD

    Had my Covid booster on Tuesday morning – Went for meal with friends (8 of us) that evening then went to see Mrs Harris goes to Paris – great meal and light hearted film.
    Back home feeling great and relaxed but had a weird reaction that night – woke up freezing cold around 2am with an upset tummy – tossed and turned all night and woke up with a total body ache – took 2 paracetamols and went to my Yoga class and felt OK so went out with friends for a light lunch afterwards but was tired and feeling unwell all afternoon and evening, could not manage any supper, hence the CD but slept well and woke up completely normal this morning…..put it all down to a reaction to the vaccine very weird…..

    Happy Hour Aerobics class this morning with celebratory cake and coffee afterwards as it was our teacher’s 60th birthday – I had made an Italian Apple Cake for us – I only had a very small slice!!! Pilates class this evening and planning on a light supper afterwards to keep me within my 800calories ๐Ÿคž

    @daffodil2010 – we are also looking at cutting back on fuel and energy consumption – we have an instant hot water tap in the kitchen instead of using a kettle and turning it off has made a difference in electricity usage….surprised us how much electricity it uses!!!
    @funshipfreddie – 12 days AF – well done you!
    @linda.b – as @funshipfreddie said we are all different….I’m like him and I have not had breakfast for years, even before this WOL I was never a breakfast person, preferring to have brunch making my WOL – 2 meal a day – due to full working lives OH and I always had a big evening meal together. I never wake up hungry unlike my OH who is always starving on waking up but he does run around 10miles every day!!!
    @5413.5 – don’t try too hard – read the book and try to aim for 2 FDs each week, might be easier to go for FD800 and then try to keep and eye on what you eat on NFDs. A lot of us found carbs a real weight gain issue and it’s a slow process weaning ourself off these – I found it easier not have biscuits choc, bread in the house – if they are not there you can’t eat them!!!
    @goal10kg – welcome on board – did you have a good holiday?
    @songbirdme – how is your DH doing?
    @mariaelena – lovely to see you back – I’m sure your papa and brother appreciate what you do for them
    @i-hate-lettuce – have a fab cruise around the Aegean ๐Ÿ›ณ not even a tad envious ๐Ÿคฅ
    @northgeorgia – that was a bit of a near miss with your Dad – good thing the electrocardiologist was thorough!!

    Going to the coast to meet up with DD tomorrow morning to join her for a few hours of dog walking – here’s hoping the nice weather of today holds out! I need to back by mid afternoon as have a manicure booked as a treat ๐Ÿ’… and a quiet weekend planned so a chill and relaxed one to look forward to!

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŽˆ (anyone with me, jump on board!)

    โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) CD

    DH was a bit better yesterday, but still quite weak. We truly think this is flu – we were out among crowds last weekend at the Lyric Opera in Chicago then football game at Univ. of IL, so likely he picked up something. With him not eating much at all, I have also lost a couple pounds. Hope it stays off! He is pumping fluids and sleeping a lot. @stitchincarol @at and @funshipfreddie – thanks for asking about him.

    I have a haircut this morning, also the fall “check the furnace” man is coming by. Expect all is well.

    @mariaelena – hope your family trip was a good one. High maintenance is what I have been at for several years, so hope you’re happy with yours.

    @stitchincarol – I also used to drink a LOT more milk. I had a pint jar every day at lunch at school then maybe that much again at supper. I find now just an occasional glass is satisfying. I don’t have a clue how that plays into weight loss, etc. Guilt over eating? Girlfriend! We HAVE to eat something. But guilty pleasures are another matter…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @michelinme – prayers for DD for health and healing.

    @matpi – the dentist said DH had some pus infection at the root canal site, so he put him on antibiotic for 8 days. But it was after dental work a couple years ago that he ended up in the hospital with sepsis, so we both were concerned for another bout of that. Prayers much appreciated.

    @funshipfreddie – I miss my Fitbit more than I thought I would. I got 2 several Christmases ago on a special, but for the life of me, DH’s won’t delete his data to transfer to me. I did an “update” on mine, and that seemed to kill it. Won’t even turn on. Maybe there will be another sale this Christmas!

    @northgeorgia – prayers for your dad. Doctors often need to be corrected, don’t they?

    Onward and downward.

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