Super October 2022 Challenge

This topic contains 337 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 344 total)

  • Day4
    FD 95kilos
    Good morning and thanks for hosting
    I am determined to lose weight- put on a lot over the last few months- crept on due to eating!!
    What a surprise!
    My main downfall are chocolate bread etc – I have lost before and can do it again

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. LOL! I just realized my quick 2nd day post was confusing haha! My boss, the president of the college! He’s diabetic, so he’s watching his diet, too. So, although my WFD was ruined, we turned into good influences on each other. We had water, the house salad with vinaigrette, and two soft tacos (mine was grilled chicken but mostly lettuce and cheese). The restaurant only placed a small cup of tortilla chips on the table with salsa, so we maybe had only 3 – 5 chips each. That was it! It’s very possible I did a FD500 or a FD800 yesterday with the OMAD; extra bonus points!

    Anyway, today I’m off to the doctor for a physical and then taking the rest of the day off work. I’ll do another WFD tomorrow.

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday wasn’t quite textbook–I had to resort to a piece of gum when I got home, LOL–but it was good and I’m down three pounds this morning. The challenge is what to eat today. We’re grilling hamburgers tonight, but I don’t think I should even attempt to make it OMAD because I don’t think I have a large enough stockpile of RESOLVE to pull that off. Plus, history shows that when I’m too stringent on T/W/Th, then I rebel on the weekend–like I said a day or two ago. So perhaps a tuna sandwich for lunch? I’ll have to figure out calories so I’m sure to stay under 1200 for the day.

    @northgeorgia I managed to figure out it was the president of your college, but it still made me chuckle. And what a glorious lunch partner; you need more of those in your life, huh?? 😜👍👍

    @maui I’m another daily weigher–and sometimes multiple times in a day, curious how a meal or a huge glass of water has affected the scale. After decades of doing that, I’m pretty accurate in knowing what I’ll weigh at any given time, LOL. Bummer on not pulling off a FD, but you’re right that TRE is a healthy thing for our body, so you’re on the road to the consistent success you’re looking for!

    @5413.5 Welcome back!

    @penz Yeah, I’m sad not to hear from friends from the past; that’s what makes the “returnees” this month so treasured!

    Okay, Nerdle is next, then the blog I follow, then I face my day. But first,


    HAHA! I just realized that the dilemma of what/when to eat is somewhat handled for me. I have a dental appointment (which I remembered) at 10:30 this morning to replace the crown (which I’d forgotten) that chipped a month or so ago. So that will make OMAD a given probably, since it’s no fun and not easy to eat with half your mouth numb! Hmm…maybe I could treat myself to a latte! Okay, now I have a plan. 😂😂😂👍

    As I was saying: …but first, I’m pouring a cup of coffee!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 5 USA/HI FD
    176 lb
    @matpi loved your comment. I will “ keep playing the game”. staying in it to win it!

    Day 6, NFD, Aus

    Not everyone looks forward to a dental visit with such enthusiasm @stitchincarol! Your post made me chuckle.

    Day 5 USA (California – LAX) NFD

    Killing time in the airport waiting for our connection back to O’Hare. Not really TOO worried about getting on the scale when I get home, but sure can be hard to watch calories on vacation!

    Hope I can get caught up with you all soon. All is well with us!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 06 – Thursday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD)🥦🥑🍄🥕🌶🍆🍅🥦🥦

    I love my FUN DAYS….. yes, truly, I do! I really look forward to my day of dark green veg piled high and unlimited, love my tomatoes and mushrooms, not to forget my avocado and munching on a crisp, orange carrot whilst preparing all the other veg I can find. Top it off with some protein, what will it be today? Chicken, salmon, sardines…. hmm… I think today I will top with sardines… so tasty!

    @funshipfreddie, that was a great youtube about living AF….. resonated with me!

    Somebody asked me about the catalyst for my curious sober year so far. Back in January/February I resolved to remove my excess 11kg and could see that drinking alcohol wasn’t going to help in achieving my goal. It actually started as resolving going AF for just one month which I managed quite well, so decided to do another month, and so on…. just month by month… really just like our 5:2 challenge. Now it’s become second nature and, just like losing the 11kg, has health benefits as well. I think, in our quest to achieve certain weight goals, we sometimes forget that the biggest benefit is not the fit of our clothes but the long term health benefits that are the greatest outcome of all this. The same with going AF … the long term health benefits are the reward. Carrying extra weight and regularly drinking alcohol increases risks of cancer, diabetes, dementia and a host of other irksome undesirables. So, what’s it like, having lost the 11kg and not being a regular imbiber? Fantastic… I feel alive!🥰🥰

    Funny thing, last night at our galpal dinner and trivia meetup, one of my galpals was at the bar with me as I was ordering my muddled lemon/lime + ice filled wineglass. As he handed it to me, the barman asked her if she was having her usual red… knock me down with a feather…. she said no, she wanted to have the same as he’d just made for me! Go gal! I know she’s thinking about losing some weight. I had loaned her my FAST DIET book a while ago and also mentioned our forum…. so I can see she’s been observing my little successes this year and thinking about it all….. won’t push her though…. she will come to her own conclusions in her own time and when she’s ready.

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: Manana – don’t feel deprived on FD … there’s always tomorrow for that treat IF YOU REALLY, REALLY, TRULY, TRULY WANT IT 😍😎😋😊😁🤣

    Pocket List – Day 06 🎯

    Day 5 Ohio, US — NFD

    A little more energy today, but wasn’t able to get my yoga in this morning. Boy, does that make a difference! On the brighter side, I will definitely come in under my TDEE. I still think that the fatigue of the last few days has been a result of the major temperature shift that we’ve had. In the words of one Internet meme: The temperature dropped from 95 to 55 as if it caught sight of a state trooper.

    @linda.b You are right! Veggies are a faster’s best friend!

    @songbirdme O’Hare has got to be one of my least favorite airports. But then I’ve only gone through it in December and January. Not the best time of the year for weather in Chicago.

    @stitchincarol Hope the crown replacement went as smooth as silk!

    @northgeorgia It sounds as though you have a really nice work situation. At the university where I worked the social scene was heavily stratified. The president would usually eat only with vice-presidents, or, maybe if he was slumming it, an occasional dean.

    @ihatelettuce Are you touring the Greek islands on your own, or will you rent a boat with crew? It sounds like a marvelous adventure!

    Day 5 – USA

    Actually did my first real FD in a long time! Was out all day. Thank you linda.b for filling us in on the history of your AF life! Shout out to SongBirdMe! I use Midway for flights to see my kids; O’Hare is just too busy. Had a CD the other day; I think the accountability of the group is a good effect.

    Day 6, Germany, FD

    Good morning!

    @5413.5 Welcome back!

    @stitchincarol I hope everything went well at the dentist’s.

    Pocket List – Day 06 🎯

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 6 – Ireland – FD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻‍♀️

    Hi all! 👋

    Oh my, it has been so long…. I’m checking in quickly here first thing this morning to set my intention for the month but will be back later…

    A few difficult months here but I am hoping to get back into the swing of normal day to day from today. 💪

    I’ve thought of you all often and hope you are all well. I have so much catching up to do… 🤗

    Onward and downward arrow ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 6 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Still lots to do in the garden, especially as I lost yesterday to the weather! Hopefully get back on track over the weekend, overindulged slightly yesterday, started baking bread again! Mrs I-h-l has recently got an air-fryer and a Foodie Ninja, both bake excellent bread and rolls, going to have to keep an eye on the bread consumption, especially the ‘special’ loaves I bake.

    @matpi – For the Greek Islands trip we’re renting part of a boat 😉 it comes with plenty of crew and team of officers, several bars, 3 speciality restaurants but we’re sharing with around 800 others 😉 but will still have a cracking time. It’s actually a very nice ship we were on her Inaugural cruise in July last year and this will be our 4th adventure!

    Take care all

    Pocket List – Day 06

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD 🚫🍷

    @jaifaim & @5413.5 – good to see you back!

    @i-hate-lettuce – a few weeks cruising around the Greek islands; I’m green with envy 💚

    @linda.b – so true re the health benefits of going AF. This brief TED talk by Clare Pooley is excellent. How she describes society’s attitude to someone quitting smoking compared to quitting drinking. When you tell someone you’ve quit smoking you’re likely to be congratulated. Nicotine is seen as the problem, not the smoker. Tell someone you’ve quit drinking & you’re likely to experience an awkward silence, followed by, ‘seriously?! Why not just have one? Have you got a problem then?’ “When you stop smoking you don’t become a nicotine-oholic; you become an ex-smoker.”

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍏

    Day 6
    Blew it yesterday with bread!
    But lost some- now 93.35
    And didn’t eat in the evening avoiding ice cream temptation
    Embrace hunger!
    Entering a half marathon for early December so need to lose circa 5 kilos
    Thanks 🙏

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. I started the day off great, but it quickly downgraded. I ate a lot more than I needed, and half the stuff I ate and drank weren’t the foods and drinks I should have chosen. Anyway, still down a pound over this time last week, and have been down a bit every day so far this week.

    Lab results are back in. Still good, although red blood cell count was a little high, which I read can be due to dehydration. Proof that I really have neglected the water component on my FDs more than when I started 5:2. My non-HDL cholesterol was 3 mg higher than the top of the normal range, and 10 mg higher than my last check-up last year. Triglycerides were up a bit, too, but still in the normal range. HDL cholesterol up 4 mg, so total cholesterol up 14 mg over the last visit, but still in the normal range. Anyway, everything is still significantly lower since starting 5:2 (except the good cholesterol, which is up). I’m a believer that it’s sugar more than fat to blame for cholesterol build-up…so I need to watch those carbs again!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍏

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Contrasting with Tuesday, yesterday was NOT textbook. Suffice it to say the dental visit didn’t keep me sufficiently uninterested in food to make it to supper and the choices I made were higher in quantity than I needed. I’m working on it, truly I am, but after too many years of eating with abandon, I’m struggling to find “reasonable.” I’ll get there. I will, I will, I will. 😇

    Around four o’clock this morning, I started having such silly dreams that I woke up sufficiently to realize what I was doing, and tried so hard to stop the silly dreams and go back to actual sleep, but to no avail, and now I’m up and it’s only 6:05. Trust me when I say this is not normal, LOL!

    @penz Oh, I’m not sure it was the dental visit, per se, that made me enthusiastic as it was finally having a plan, LOL! But my dentist has this cool machine that makes crowns: they run a wand over your existing tooth (or, in my case, my existing crown), and also over the tooth underneath, and then the machine makes an exact duplicate of what needs replacing. The whole thing took right at two hours, and I’m entirely done, with a crown that feels as if it’s always been there. Technology can be astonishing!

    @songbirdme That Wine Train has looked so fascinating and fun to me, but we’ve never managed to pull it off; one of these days… How far north did you get? Did you go to Dry Creek Vineyard? I’m sure it was a lovely time, and I hope your scales don’t have ugly things to report this morning!

    @matpi “The temperature dropped from 95 to 55 as if it caught sight of a state trooper.” Oh that made me laugh out loud in this silent house at 6:18 am!

    @jaifaim So wonderful to see you back!!!!! You weren’t on my list the other day, I just realized, and I apologize! I’m troubled that you say it’s been a few difficult months; I hope it was nothing awful.

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍏

    Day 6 USA/HI NFD 16/8
    175 lb
    Need to keep moving along this morning as I must get us ready and in the car so I won’t be late for work. Hubby is now able to go to adult day care so I drop him off on my way to work. I enjoy working 2 days a week. It’s a nice change from caregiving and hubby gets to interact with others. Win win for both of us.
    I enjoy everyone’s posts and read each and every one. Sorry I don’t comment on each but I am reading them and gaining strength to continue. Thanks so much!

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Hi, I am back….two weeks of vacation then straight into busy times at work and also family issues…so instead of hopping on the forum every morning I have been taking those minutes to meditate and gear myself up for the hectic day ahead.

    So I have only been gone 3 weeks but it feels longer. Delighted to see a lot of old timers back on board too. I have caught up on all posts, love to hear how everyone gets on.

    Sadly, my weight has increased since my holiday, and not in the headspace this week to do much about it, but next week I will be here.


    Day 6 Ohio, US — MFD

    Fasting has gone well. The day has seemed to go in slow motion — my energy levels seem okay, but everything just took than usual. I almost got the feeling the I was marching waist deep through mud.

    @daffodil2010 How was the holiday? I meditate every day also — I think it helps with mindfulness throughout the day, especially with meals.

    @stitchincarol “Reasonable” is something that I too find is a very gradual affair. I keep the old proverb in mind: If you want to eat like a longshoreman, you’ve got to work like one too. The dentist I used to go to had such a crown making machine and it was very nice to have everything done in one day. My current dentist doesn’t do that, and so for my last crown I had to wait two weeks. On the other hand, I’ve found that there is nothing like worrying if the temporary crown will stay on to make me mindful of what I’m eating!

    @northgeorgia Sounds the blood numbers are good news! I agree with you — sugar can be a monster

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍏

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) FD

    Got on the scale this morning and was up just 2 pounds, so not unhappy at all. So, what does one do when the scale is up? FAST! Hence that is what I did today, in my slight “zombie” state from lack of sleep in the travel. A good 450 calorie day.

    @stitchincarol – the train only went as far north as St. Helena. It was really more about eating great food and sampling many wines. Stops were for tastings, visiting a vineyard, and shopping. And we thought the people of southern Oregon were just wonderful.

    Perhaps poor planning, but tomorrow we go to Chicago for the Lyric Opera House production of “Fiddler on the Roof.” Wonderful show with tremendous music. Our youngest daughter performed it at Interlochen Summer Music in Michigan (with Josh Groban there that summer who played her son!) so this will bring great memories. Then Saturday we drive down to Champaign for the Illinois vs. Iowa football game. Just when we get home, we’re off again. At least this won’t entail lots of great food.

    One of these days I wil get caught up with everyone!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7, Germany, NFD

    @i-hate-lettuce Thanks for adding me to the pocket list!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Not fasting until next week but trying to get back into daily posting for accountability. And I do enjoy reading all your posts. ☺️

    @matpi, I have found the daily meditation and self-reiki to be a must this week as it has been hectic, but I feel strong and capable each day in work, it’s like I am topping myself up with confidence or something. It has been a stressful few months in work, but I have not let it get to me 👍

    However, I did feel burnout on holiday, suddenly in relax mode and both DH and I did not feel well for our first week…..extreme fatigue, head colds, warm then cold….we persevered and travelled about in our camper van but by the end of the first week we just wanted to come home and rest up. We did not take any Covid tests on holiday and was negative when we got home, but was still feeling burnt out until this week. I even wondered if I was depressed as I did not have interest in anything last weekend.

    Happily I got back to meditation and reiki, my earthing mat also used …..and it’s been a grand turnaround in just 5 days.

    Great to be back with you guys…back into the routine we go. 💃

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🚫🍷

    I was NOT in the mood for fasting yesterday, but I just got on with it ✅ & it really wasn’t so bad.

    @daffodil2010 – you’re back, yay! 👏

    @songbirdme – just two pounds up after your vacation?! I’m sure you’ll zap them away in no time 🎯

    Off to see a movie this afternoon, first one since pre-Covid. Very exciting! 😅 Forgotten the name of it; my friend Val chose it. Julia Roberts & George Clooney…

    Happy Fri-yay y’all 🍹

    Day 7
    Getting my mojo back abit – down to 92.65
    Trying for a week or so only a protein shake for lunch and then a proper dinner. What do you all think of shakes?
    Oh how I wish I had maintained my lower weight!
    The key to keeping going will be over the weekend! My usual time for scoffing
    Lots of exercise-is helping – went for a swim yesterday
    Keep on keepin on!

    Day 7 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Windy squalls passing through this morning and very wet, more indoor jobs today!

    Weigh in this morning and very firmly planted in my maintenance zone, despite some overindulgence last weekend and not just as much exercise recently. Must try and get a couple of MOAM walks in today between showers 😉

    Take care all

    Day 07 – Friday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 😜😝😛🙃🤪

    Well, it’s Friday evening here… busy with work and didn’t have time to post this morning. Yesterday’s FUN DAY (FD) went well and was delish! I had the sardine topper on my veg. 😋😋 tasty as!

    Here we are one week in for Super October 2022 already…. the days just go so fast…. so hope everyone has been able to set their pace for the next three weeks. The weeks will now just gallop🐎🐎 by as we are truly now in the lead up to C….. can’t even say the word! However,the shops can and do! They have been filling the shelves with the festive stuff since September! Why, oh why, do they do it so early? 🥴😵 IMHO it spoils the spirit of C as we quickly become desensitised to it with seeing and hearing it all about us way too soon. Just sayin’ 🙃😔😝😜

    Have a great weekend everyone! 🌻🌼🌻🌺🌺

    Thought: Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?”

    Day 7 UK CD


    Sorry not to have checked in yet this week – it’s been full-on, away for a few nights and very long days. But I’m still here and down a lb for the first week of this challenge.

    I’m F58 living in London, one adult DD. After an energetic life I put on weight in 3 stages with neuro condition affecting energy/mobility, stopping smoking and menopause. I found 5:2 and joined Dec 2017 challenge weighing 178lb, getting down to 145lb over the following 10 months including a 2 month plateau when I went down 2 clothes sizes. I maintained for a while, never quite reaching my lower goal nor realising how far i’d come, then fell off the waggon after a friend died suddenly at the end of 2019. I had covid in Feb 2020 and long covid ever since, wiped out for most of the next 2 years and still some long term effects – BP, POTS, peripheral neuropathy,cognitive impairment, energy. After a couple of false starts I jumped in on 27 May weighing 189lb, began this month at 172lb with a longterm goal of 147lb.

    This month’s goal is 168lb, with a mix of LFDs, FD500 and FD800. It’s my busiest month of the year with a conference next weekend and training after that; looking forward to a slower pace and catch up time from November. I’ve done a OMAD FD500 and FD800 this week and down a lb to 171 – yay! Really tired and not drinking enough but now at home for a few long days on zoom and making flasks of ginger tea.

    Hope all’s going well with y’all. Looking forward to catching up with this month’s posts from old friends and new over the weekend x

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. A few minutes after posting yesterday’s check-in, I discovered my windshield had a huge crack halfway across the middle. Looked like a stress crack, and I think it was from a hidden nick in the corner of the driver’s side that I never noticed and the heat/cold back and forth over the past week or two finally caused the glass to break. Because the car has lane departure control, the glass replacement company says they can’t come out — I’ll have to bring it in for calibration. So, I have a drop off appointment tomorrow, and they’ll call me when it’s fixed. No, no stress at all this week. LOL!

    Anyway, I’d love to be able to keep my weight no higher than 215 by Sunday. That will give me the little extra needed for the move downwards. We’ll see.

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday’s WF went fine, and now I’m at the challenge: getting through a weekend with stellar behavior. We all know how tough that is, right? ‘Nough said.

    My plan is to make tomato sandwiches for lunch with the last of our garden tomatoes, and then for supper make Filets, Gnocchi with a purchased sauce (the gnocchi are in the freezer and are leftover from DS26’s birthday dinner), and steamed green beans. And wine. Does that sound like 1200 calories or so, as long as serving sizes are reasonable? Perhaps I should do some calculating, eh?

    @matpi I chuckled at your silver lining of “worrying the crown would stay in place” to help you stay mindful of eating. One reason I’m rather content to have dental work is that, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized the stuff they use to numb me makes me sick to my stomach…on the face of it, not a good thing, but it’s mild enough, and I feel sufficiently icky that it’s simple not to be interested in eating until I get to the evening and the numbness and nausea are gone. I take help wherever I can get it, you see! Sadly, this last visit didn’t work as well as I’d hoped, because I ate badly on Wednesday once all was said and done. Oh well!

    @songbirdme No, I realized the train wouldn’t go there, but hoped you’d drive there on your way to Oregon. Did you go up 101? If so, you went through Crescent City, my home town, where I lived until I was 28. 🥰❤️

    @5413.5 You’ll have to give more details on what your protein shake is made from for us to have any opinions…

    @michelinme YOU’VE LOST 18 POUNDS SINCE MAY 27!!!!!!! yes, I was screaming with excitement for you! I hadn’t realized how much and steadily you’ve been losing, and I’m not only thrilled for you, I’m totally dazzled. Well, well done!!

    @northgeorgia Ahh, bummer on the windshield! Nice weigh in this morning; what a blessing not to have any conferences/meetings/luncheons/holidays in front of you for the next few days, eh? I have three in October, but at least they’re spread out through the month, not clumped all together.

    Today I’m going to get out my fall decorations…I go nuts with them, have a large bin full of stuff, and it’ll take me two or three hours to get it all done. But I love the look and the colors, and it’ll feel cozy when I’m done, so it’s worth the time involved. And I’m hopeful that I’ll be so distracted by arranging things that I won’t even be tempted to wander into the kitchen to find a nibble!

    Regardless, “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” – Jim Rohn So I’m going to spend lots of time today reminding myself how miserable the pain of regret is, how much better I feel in every way when I eat little, and how happier I am when I weigh less.

    I wish you success at the same goal!

    Second post, Day 7

    I’m busy thinking, and in case my thoughts are helpful to others, here they are:

    I haven’t eaten anything since Wednesday evening, and it’s Friday morning at 10:43. I’m a bit hungry–like, my stomach says so–but mostly I have a headache (I get those a lot, so it doesn’t necessarily mean anything), and my MOUTH is hungry. That’s a huge difference from my stomach being hungry. I was feeling more and more pulled to the kitchen to find something to eat, but stopped to think.

    Will my head feel better if I eat? Doubtful

    Will my mouth feel better if I eat? Almost certainly not, because I recognize this longing as being for lots of textures, lots of flavors, lots of quantity, the way I get from an actual cooked meal that’s lovely, and those aren’t available to me at the moment; that means I’ll engage in EFS in an attempt to satisfy my mouth’s cravings, and that will NOT make me feel better.

    Will my stomach feel better if I eat? Possibly. Except I’m not actually all that hungry…as much as anything, my mouth and stomach are bored (and I have a headache, and my meds haven’t kicked in yet), and if I eat too much, I’ll feel far worse than if I eat nothing at all, and if I eat little enough to be reasonable, it’ll take too long before my stomach feels better for me to be satisfied and stop eating

    So for the moment, I’ve averted the temptation to go eat; instead, I’ll go drink water.

    It’s all a question of mind over matter, huh?

    third post, Day 7

    Okay, is this self-evident to you all??

    Turns out my eating plan had to change a bit to a tuna sandwich for lunch, and everything I had planned added up to much closer to 1500 calories, my TDEE. I’ve shrugged at that detail, but here’s my insight:

    I want some sort of dessert. I’m eager for some sort of dessert. But even as I was thinking about, perhaps, a piece of bread with butter and jam on it, I thought about my stomach…and realized I really, really, really don’t want to put anything else in it. It’s full, and doesn’t want any more food in it.

    Have I realized that other times when I’ve gone ahead and eaten more any way? Possibly. But I think my success this evening is all because I’ve spent so much time THINKING about how I feel, what my belly feels, and how happy I am/am not after eating.

    So while I’m still going to have to use some restraint and RESOLVE in order not to nibble more, I believe I’ll be fine. Today isn’t a CD, but it’s at least a TDEE, so that’s a success! And one day at a time is all I can ask for.

    Day 7 – USA – CD
    Okay, here we go again. This is my 4th post and I hope it shows up. Day 6 was a NFD, but I hadn’t planned it to be….however, this entire week, so far I’ve been doing pretty well.

    Day 8, Germany, NFD

    Day 08 – Saturday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 😜😝😛🙃🤪

    Saturday and just doing household chores including being “Tim the Toolman” and replacing the submersible pump in the water feature at the front door. Turns out it was a two person job… my goodness that water feature was heavy! My 80yo neighbour came to my rescue and between the two of us managed to move it just enough so could get into the pond underneath to replace the pump…… we did a high-five when we finished…. proud of us! 🏆🏆
    Just like here really, when we all help one another, everybody wins. 🔔🔔🔔🔔

    @stitchincarol… what is this? “Today I’m going to get out my fall decorations… I go nuts with them, have a large bin full of stuff, and it’ll take me two or three hours to get it all done.” Never heard of fall decorations. I’d love to hear more about it.

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: When we all help one another, everybody wins. 🔔🔔🔔🔔

    Day 8 – Ireland – NFD 🚶🏻‍♀️

    Hi all! 👋

    Thanks for the welcome back! It feels a little like coming home after a long time away 😂. Hello you lovely gang!

    I thought I’d get to catch up on posts but I haven’t done that but do want to post today before I get busy with mum 💕

    I had been struggling at the start of the summer with getting back into the swing of normal life and getting back to the workplace and socialising having successfully avoided Covid that whole time. Then I left for my cruise holiday – minus a few of our group as they tested positive. It was just fab! I highly recommend the Norwegian fjords cruise if you have not done that before.. such beautiful and dramatic scenery ♥️.
    But I came back and tested positive for Covid – I was so so careful but did do a number of excursions etc so actually I think it was an inevitability even though I wore my mask on all of those…

    So I was quite ill with Covid for a number of weeks and then just as I thought I was beginning to come out of Covid fog I was ill again and literally couldn’t function and was diagnosed with vertigo and shingles so I have been off for most of the past two months trying to do all the right things to get back to full form.

    Last week was a turning point and I definitely feel much better now and I m looking forward to getting back out walking and cycling. Gently for a little while. Early to bed etc…BUT Thank god the very low mood of both Covid and shingles is gone – that was the worst for me 😢

    Mum then has deteriorated but… that is actually to be expected … at 88 the Alzheimer’s means that she does not want to do much at all so her system is slowing down and I don’t know if it was Covid or just her age but she seems to be picking up more infections now… so there was a pair of us in it 😂 I have lovely siblings so it’s not just me and mum (unlike @flourbaby) so they’ve been fantastic.

    Anyway I’m here! I’m so happy to be amongst you again and I still have a lot of catching up to do… 🤗 I do hope you and all your families are well and happy 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 8 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Funny how things change, I’ve noticed since I’ve been ‘maintaining’ for a while now I’ve very much gone into ‘auto’ mode! Must be 8 months or so now.

    @jaifaim – Norwegian cruises are excellent, the people are really friendly and scenery stunning, one of our favourite destinations.

    The brain/body has become conditioned to this WOL and it’s simply become second nature. I have very much changed my attitude towards food and drink, smaller portions, very rarely have anything between meals, ‘snack’ very occasionally. It always used to be biscuits or cake with tea or coffee, no longer. I don’t always have breakfast unless I’m going to be busy or going to be late back for lunch.
    I do stick pretty much to Monday/Thursday FD’s the rest, just eat and drink less than I used to, in fact when we do go out (particularly for a meal at a pub) the portions are far bigger than I can manage these days. Rarely manage more than two courses and that’s a struggle.
    Alcohol, we do occasionally split a bottle of wine between us and I often have a beer or two in an evening except on FD’s. But far from finding it boring I find I rather like where I am nowadays. Scales don’t upset me as I have my ‘fixed’ weight that I’m comfortable with and a 2 lb ‘buffer’ where I know I’ve overdone it, but rarely more than 1 lb over my fixed weight. I did revise my fixed weight down a few months ago when it dropped to a ‘new fixed weight’ and it really is working for me.

    So I’ve not been posting/involved as much as I was as I find I’m quite happy where I am and certainly don’t find this WOL boring at all. Find it rather logical to be honest, just needed to train the brain … and get rid of the ‘Inner Warthog’ 😉

    Take care all

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🚫🍷

    Nice movie yesterday, ‘Ticket to Paradise’. A ‘rom-com’ I guess. Stunning scenery. Supposed to be set in Bali, but was actually filmed mostly in Queensland, Australia due to Covid. School holidays here, so it was either that or a superhero/animated movie.

    @stitchincarol – by ‘fall decorations’ I’m guessing you mean for Thanksgiving/Halloween? Re wanting something sweet after a meal – normally a drink or 4 would have been all I wanted 🤦‍♂️ Otherwise, when I’m trying to behave myself, I wait about 20 minutes, & if I still want something I have a few raw nuts & a little cheese. As per Dr Fung’s recommendations. I have a very sweet tooth though, & if I could get away with it I’d probably survive solely on chocolate & gummy bears.

    @jaifaim – good to hear you’re on the mend after all you’ve been through?! Shingles is nasty. I got it about 10 years ago when I was working on a ship. A nasty rash all down my left arm. Apart from a few headaches though, I didn’t have any other symptoms. But by the time they’d figured out what it was, my cabin mate came down with chickenpox because he hadn’t been vaccinated. Somehow they’re related; you can’t get shingles unless you’ve had chickenpox.

    My first dry week accomplished – yay me! 😅

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    “Keep going. That’s all you have to do, ever. You really don’t have to be amazing, or fierce or beautiful or successful or good. Just keep going, please. Slowly is fine. Crawling is fine. No feeling is final. Except hope.” ~ Glennon Doyle

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. With all the stressors around me today, I am being kind to myself. I’ll just watch my frequency of my meals and choices today, and it’s probably the best I can do until tomorrow’s FD. Hoping all goes well with the windshield replacement today.

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Okay, I’m going to try this CD thing again, LOL. Turns out the calories planned for yesterday were way over 1200 according to MFP, so that’s a bummer, but I’m giving myself some kudos for actually entering them. Tonight we’ll have grilled hamburgers again (using up patties in the freezer and buns on the counter) but no idea what for lunch; I’ll use MFP again to figure out calories and make some decisions.

    @linda.b I grinned to read your story about replacing the submersible pump; well done, you two! Fall decorations: I have four things I’ve quilted over the years (a large wall hanging with printed panels of a black cat, an ear of corn, a scarecrow, etc., all in a pseudo-primitive style; a small narrow wall hanging of a sunflower with beads stitched on the center of the flower; another smallish one of a cornucopia with appliqued fruits and veggies spilling out; a table runner done in a stained glass style), lots of candle holders for votives, a couple of “toppers” for jar candles (I choose a cinnamon smell for both fall and Christmas), a basket cornucopia with fabric leaves and fake pine cones and gourds; lots of fake gourds of various sizes…all in gorgeous fall colors. The trick is putting it all out and having it look lovely rather than like “I’ve vomited fall decorations all over the house,” a phrase DD used as a teenager describing the Christmas decorations I’d put out while they were at school that day! 😂😂😂😂 (Adult DD is truly kind and pleasant, in contrast to her teenage self, LOL!) I’m trying to imagine doing fall decorations in April in Australia, but that’s the season for Easter decorations, huh? In the states, even grocery stores have a few “fall decorations” for sale: wall hangings, candles, and other tchotchkes.

    Oh, @jaifaim, I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through! The fatigue of covid is awful, and then shingles are hideous (something I know only from what I’ve been told, thankfully) and vertigo is worse yet (something I know from seeing DH suffer…he hasn’t had an attack since last fall, but at that time he had bout after bout over the course of a few months). Yuck, yuck, yuck, dear one. I’m so glad you’re on the mend, and thankful with you that you have great siblings to help care for your mum.

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, at one point I had my sweet tooth under control, but it’s loud and obnoxious these days. I know that the only way to tame it is to actually abstain, but that’s proving quite the challenge for me.

    @northgeorgia How’s your dad feeling? What’s the treatment for his kidney disease and has he begun it yet?

    I may well not post for several days now; DH and I have a church conference to attend on Monday and Tuesday, leaving the house at 7am on Monday and getting home at supper time on Tuesday, so I’ll be busy. Talk to you all when I get back!

    Day 8 – USA – NFD

    Well, in looking over my record for the past week, I’ve managed to be AF for almost half the week, as well as having incorporated 1 FD so far. Very pleased with that, and the scales are already taking a downturn. I attribute any success to having rejoined this forum, and all of your uplifting posts and motivation!

    @jaifaim, I’m so sorry to hear of all your health battles, as well as your mom’s. I cannot empathize, as I never had chickenpox, and therefore never contracted shingles, but I know it’s pretty nasty. My mom also had Alzheimer’s but did not live with me as I was a newly divorced mother of two, working full time and could not take her in. The progression is heartbreaking.

    @stitchincarol, I love the change of seasons too! Just finished swapping out summer clothing, bedding, curtains, and decorations to fall, but the decorations don’t usually last too long, as Christmas decorations are upon us in a month or two. My British friend thought it amusing that I “theme” my decorations, but I don’t think it’s all that unusual.

    Day8 USA NFD. 16:8
    175 lb
    I thought I posted yesterday but I must have forgotten. I’m sorry as I planned to post every day!

    Happy to be down 2 lbs the first week! Trying to tighten up the calories. Also will try for 18:6 as suggested by my acupuncturist. He’s a big fan of IF so it’s good to have his encouragement. I need all I can get lol

    Wishing everyone well on this journey we are sharing. Getting ready for a house call from our doctor to checkin on hubby. Must get all my questions written so I don’t forget. Forgetting is becoming a big issue these days.

    Day 8 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 7 — NFD

    I tried some flaxmeal in a pancake yesterday and had a big reaction to it. As a result, today has been slow going also. My weigh-in yesterday only showed a 6 oz (~180 gm) loss, but I’ll take it!

    @maui Congrats on the 2 lb drop! Great work!

    @stitchincarol Your fall decorations sound great! Since I’m not sensory oriented, the only wall decorations I have are pictures friends have given me so that they could visit and not have to look at blank walls. On the other hand, I can appreciate the decorations that other people put up!

    @northgeorgia Hope the windshield replacement was smooth sailing. Was it just a ding from a stone thrown up by a truck?

    @funshipfreddie Kudos on the first dry week! Keep up the good work!

    @ihatelettuce Wow! The place you are now sounds like exactly what MM describes in “The Fast Diet” as the ideal steady state. You model the ideal!

    @jaifaim Glad to hear that you are on the upward mend! Four of my relatives have all had shingles, surprisingly they are all female. The herpes virus that’s responsible for chickenpox (not herpes simplex!) often propagates along nerves and then goes dormant. If a person’s immunity gets weakened, say by a Covid infection, then it takes advantage and re-activates. No fun! Because of the family history I got the shingles vaccination as soon as I was of a certain age.

    @linda.b Good for you! Changing out that pump sounds like a major operation. Say, do you have any fish in your water feature?

    Day 9. New Zealand. NFD
    Basically been half arsing it since July this year and maintained. Really need to get my weight down as this is the heaviest I’ve ever been – I am 115.7kg and 164cm female. I hate the way i feel – in the way that I never have energy anymore and i move slower. Plan to check every couple days. Goal for this month to lose 2kgs.

    Day 9, Germany, NFD

    @jaifaim I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better now.

    @fastingnurse Welcome!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 9 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @matpi – Thanks for your comments in your post yesterday, I’m incredibly pleased the way the last 3 years have gone. It was difficult at times with a certain health issue, but the journey has been worth it. This WOL really does work, but you do have to work at it until it becomes just that … a WOL.

    I just feel good, have more energy, Mrs I-h-l commented the other day about the way I have a spring in my step as I’m bouncing around the house and garden. It took a while to ‘re-train the brain’ basically I ‘enjoyed my food and drink’ but just ate far more than I should, including snacks and supper.
    However, I still enjoy my food and drink, in fact probably more so, just nowhere near as much by volume and no snacks or supper.

    The silliest, but most effective thing for me was my fight with the ‘Inner Warthog’ that many folk here will recall, but the brain is a weird bit of kit, by having ‘something to fight’ even though imaginary, it helped. Strange but true !

    Take care all

    Day 9 – South Africa – FD 🚫🍷

    @fastingnurse – welcome back! Whereabouts in New Zealand are you? I love the ‘half-arsing it’ comment; sounds so British 😅 At least you’ve maintained. Baby steps, & no more half-arsing it 😜

    Chromebook playing up again. It did spring back to life shortly after I replaced it in August; but I think it’s really given up the ghost this time. Anyway, it’s a glorious sunny day here, so I’m starting the week with a FD & off out to make a start on those 10,000 steps

    Happy S🌞nday everyone

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Day 09– Sunday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 😜😝😛🙃🤪

    Sunday night here, sipping a cup of tea and reviewing all the chores on my extensive and expanding ‘to do’ list and realise I seriously underestimate time or am yet again the victim (self-inflicted) of becoming distracted so easily from the tasks at hand! But the water feature, at least, is fixed! Nothing as desolate as a non-functioning water feature, is there?

    @stitchincarol… your fall decorations and, especially the quilts, sound just amazing…I had never heard of such a thing… pity we can’t post photos here as I can only imagine how colourful and crafty they are…. you clever gal.. here’s a medal just for you! 🥇🏆

    Well I’m ready for the week ahead, and hope you are all on board.🎇🎆✨

    cheerie dearies

    Thought for the LOCAs: Night sweats are hot flushes that occur while you are asleep because catching fire in the daytime is not deemed to be sufficient enough..🕯🕯🚒🚒🔥🔥

    Day 9 – UK NFD
    Well, back from holiday in Scotland – what an amazing 2 weeks away! This is just a quick check-in, will be back in the groove tomorrow with a FD (much needed, I fear!). Now to catch up with all the posts and find out what you have all been up to whilst I’ve been away! See you all tomorrow.

    Day 9 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Not great, but not as bad as it could have been this weekend. As I said, tried to go easy on myself since it was an unusual time. Yes, the replacement went well (as far as I can tell … we’ll see at the next rainfall, I guess). Not sure how it happened. Stress fracture and was just there earlier this week when I went to work. I do vaguely recall a dump truck speeding in the fast lane going 80 mph and a small rock I guess hitting the glass, though I never saw it. Perhaps it was in the very corner of the driver’s side and unnoticeable. I’m thinking that might have started it, and with our hot/cold/hot/cold ranges from morning to evening each day, I guess that finished it off. Just a guess, though.

    @stitchincarol He sees a kidney specialist at the end of the month and an electrocardiologist this week. We’re hoping they will present some options to help his a-fib, which we think is causing the majority of his daily malaise.

    I made myself some quick tomato-based soup stock yesterday so it should be easy to throw in some leftover meats and vegetables (or not) to tempt myself during the week. I also boiled a couple of eggs and will thaw a couple of slices of pork loin in the refrigerator today. If I can tempt myself with some satisfying “ready to heat and eat” options this week, my NFDs should go better.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Day 9 – USA CD
    Had a very nice fall cookout with friends yesterday; the weather was a tad nippy, but it was so nice sitting in the sun in the fall as opposed to sitting during a summer afternoon! Looking forward to a FD or two in the coming week. @i-hate-lettuce, I vaguely remember a discussion about the “inner warthog”, but I cannot pinpoint exactly what it’s all about. I can surely relate to the need to fight oneself, though, lol!

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