Succeed in September

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  • Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.5 kg

    @brightonbelle – I vaguely remember watching Grange Hill in the late ’70’s. I found that ‘Just say No’ song on YouTube?! 😳 I’m guessing it never reached #1? 😅

    @stitchincarol – well done on swerving that popcorn. It does smell amazing, but the taste is usually a bit of a letdown. If it wasn’t for the salt or sugar, there isn’t much to it. But 5 net carbs in just one cupful! Just saying ‘no’ can be tricky. I was telling a friend a few days ago about the weekly spread of junk food at the mosaic class. She wasn’t impressed by my not indulging, & actually suggested it was a little rude of me to not partake 🤷‍♂️

    @excelsior12309 – I finally finished 1 side of the giant plant pot I’ve been working on. I’ll be grouting it next week & then starting on another side. Poco a poco..

    @merryapple – you must be home by now?! Macrame or making fishing nets?! 🤣 Highly unlikely. Maybe a parachute jump.. 🤔 @at is still using the spreadsheet, at least. We last heard from @snowflake56 on the 3rd, when she said she was going to the Netherlands ‘for a short break’.

    @northgeorgia – stay safe!

    @flourbaby – Oh no?! I hope the rain abates soon, so that leak at least doesn’t get any worse

    A fishy diet…

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 27 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Checking in with PFDS after a slightly hungry but successful FD. I’m surprised how quickly this week has gone by……if only the pounds shifted as quickly.

    Last night I watched a TV programme about injectable weight loss drugs and the part I thought most interesting was about a woman who participated in a trial taking what she believed to be the drug for many months. She endured all the side effects and lost a huge amount of weight. At the end of the trial she discovered she had been taking a placebo. It was her own belief that the ‘drug’ would work that enabled her to control what she consumed and with that knowledge she continued on her weight loss journey and lost more. A lesson there me thinks 🤔
    Personally I’d prefer to do FDs than stick needles in my belly.

    @merryapple it seems like you have had good medical care, take it easy when you’re home x

    @northgeorgia hope you’re safe and don’t get any storm damage 🤗

    I need to get a wriggle on, we have someone viewing the house today so I need to do a tidy up.
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Day 27 UK CD

    Yesterday’s FD800 rolled into a CD with the follow up to my superhealthy dahl of halloumi and avocado then pear/plum compote and custard, then a slice of emmental cheese! I think I would have been okay without the halloumi starting the roll… I think it’s because I didn’t drink enough, didn’t eat lunch and then ate when ravenous – at @stitchincarol‘s number 4 – so the bowl of dahl jut wasn’t enough. Now I’m envying @missybear and others your PFDS!

    Nevertheless despite an exhausting week and last weekend’s indulgences my weekly weigh day shows me down another 1.2b/0.5kg this week to 188lb/85.3kg. That’s a total reduction of 7lb, 2″/5cm from my bust and 1″/2.5cm from my hips since I started on 2 September. Still a Looooong way to go to my 147/goal, but a great start! BMI is down from 31.5 to 30.4 – only 1kg to go to move down into the overweight category. My waist hasn’t moved yet but looking at my tracker from last time round, it was always slower to get started…

    I’m beginning to think about next month’s goals as it starts on Tuesday! I’m aiming for an October loss of 5lb/2kg, to drink more and restart adapted yoga. It will be more challenging in some ways as my busiest month of the year, plus going to stay with DD will fill my quiet weeks. But I’ve batch-cooked dahl, soup and compote and will take some down with me to share. And I’m travelling on my regular FDs which should hopefully make it easier to fast – focusing on drinking lots rather than eating on the journey, carrying healthy snacks with me so I’m not tempted.

    @merryapple that’s a lot of screws in a tiny joint! I hope your recovery is as comfortable and speedy as possible. Hopefully by now you are back home resting up after all the adventure

    @flourbaby it is delicious – so I’m having it again today! But I’ll learn from yesterday and eat proper lunch too. DD has been through 6 + 3 months chemo before so will stick to what works for her. She gets that I fast and is rooting for me to be healthier but isn’t interested atm. While I find I have more energy, less pain (after painful FDs) and better focus/concentration/sleep. But I’m there to be alongside as cheerleader/nurse/companion/housekeeper/cook…. and hopefully get some of my project work done on the side! i’ve got a few zoom meetings and some computer based stuff to get on with in the cracks around the edges… 🙂

    @funshipfreddie thanks for keeping track of our friends. I was wondering whatever happened to @rainbowsmile and @fatrabbit?

    @missybear Congrats on your successful FD! Enjoy the PFDS. The TV programme sounds fascinating! What was it?

    Sending strength to any fasters today. And wishing you all a happy weekend, whatever it holds. I’m excited to be on an online course tomorrow morning, then at church on Sunday morning. other than that I’m resting and enjoying seasonal trim of lavender, picking last tomatoes/chillis, making some rosemary oil and restarting yoga – perfect.

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Off out this evening for a birthday celebration with DS 30 and his GF at a lovely Japanese restaurant

    Just watching Florida on the news @northgeorgia hope you and your family are ok

    Well done for a left handed post @merry🍎 and ouch that sounds painful 🔩

    Oh no a roof problem, not what you need @flourbaby Good luck getting it sorted

    Another viewing @missybear Here’s hoping 🤞I’ll have a look , that tv show sounds interesting 🧐

    Well done @michelinme great progress and I know you’ll be a terrific support for DD
    See you all tomorrow 👋

    USA. Day 27. FD

    I have’t fasted in a few days, so today is my day. Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I saw a number on the scale this morning that I haven’t seen in two years. Now, keep in mind, it’s not a real number, because I’ve simply emptied out my body of everything on two WF days this week, but it was lovely to see, and I have serious PFDS, motivating me to eat very, very well today so that my number in the morning is far better than last Saturday’s weigh-in.

    And I think my comment yesterday was more insightful than I realized. Remember me talking about choosing to take on my 32yo attitude about eating, rather than feeling sorry for myself at how little I could eat and how often I had to exercise restraint? Perhaps that is what is missing for those of us who are struggling to regain younger thinness, and to replicate the success we had the first (and second and third…) time around with this way of life. We’re all struggling to replicate the actions and the successes, but we’re forgetting to replicate the attitudes and thoughts. Who knows, but I feel myself being far stronger about RESOLVE as I work at focusing my thoughts and attitudes to align with how I felt about food when I was 32, when I weighed 132 and had a BMI of 22.7…and a flat stomach, LOL.

    @michelinme Yay for clothes being looser! The name of the color of the slacks I want is often called “stone” here in the US–not white, but very light. Is that the same name you have in the UK? I have a pair of capris that work for summer, but as the weather is starting to change, it’s time to find a pair for cold weather. I tried one Goodwill yesterday and didn’t even bother to try on anything; I’ll try a different store today. Your weeks ahead sound crazy busy, which is never good for your health, so hold tight to your determination to focus on self-care and plenty of sleep even as you also focus on caring for your daughter. ❤️ And, I’m slowly getting on board with the notion that when you feel hunger pains, that’s when you’re actually losing weight, so let’s celebrate every moment of feeling hunger! 😂

    @merryapple I looked at my hand and tried to imagine 7 long screws fitting anywhere. Amazing, and I am hurting for you. What a dramatic result for a simple stumble and fall!

    @flourbaby Oh, no! I’m so sorry about the mess with your roof and in your–decorated!–bedroom, and hope you are able to get it repaired quickly. And I’d entirely forgotten about the apparent link between fasting and effective chemo treatment, but when you mentioned it, bells started ringing.

    So, @michelinme, here’s one link of many:

    @funshipfreddie Oh my. That’s it: oh my. How can someone think they have the right to control what others eat, so that if you are in front of food–at a MOSAICS CLASS, no less–you are somehow required to eat or you’ll be rude? Is this friend who said this overweight? Or is she one of those women who can apparently eat anything and not gain? It seems to me that’s the only explanation, is one of those. Amazing. You stick to your guns, my friend, because she is WRONG.
    And, wow, that fish diet. Not willing to go that route, but it’s very impressive and makes me wonder if a tin of sardines–or other fish, for that matter–would make a good lunch, when I want food, but am wanting to eat minimally and save my calories for a lovely dinner.

    @missybear I’m impressed by the woman who lost weight on a placebo; goes to prove what I’ve always believed whole-heartedly: our brains and thoughts are far more powerful than we typically credit them with being. Good luck on the house showing today!

    I heard on the news that Hurricane Helene is slamming Georgia this morning, so I’m thinking of you, @northgeorgia, and praying you and your family are all safe even though wet. ❤️

    Okay, a zoom call with my sisters today (as we do on most Fridays), and it’s time to pull out the tax stuff and finish it up, and I have quite a bit of choir preparation to do as our first rehearsal is next Wednesday, and we’re going to Omaha this evening so DH can visit a youngish man who’s been hospitalized since mid-May with a cancerous tumor, and then we’ll go out to dinner…there’s certainly plenty to do today to keep me out of the kitchen and away from food!

    So here’s to RESOLVE, to success, and to thinking the way we did back when we were thin!

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @missybear – the whole ‘placebo effect’ subject is fascinating. I hope the viewing went well 🤞

    @michelinme – I don’t remember @rainbowsmile. @fatrabbit posted a few times in July/August, but has disappeared again.

    @stitchincarol – well done on seeing the lowest number in two years! I think I would’ve taken a photo of it 😅 And if you saw it, then it’s real. And repeatable. And beatable 🎯 You’re spot on about my friend. She is overweight, & a smoker. A retired nurse too. Both her middle-aged daughters are overweight as well. One seriously & the other has had gastric bypass surgery but is still struggling. I think I’ve only mentioned fasting to my friend once, & she dismissed it with one sentence, “it’s not good for you, y’know?!”. 😂 Sure Val, have some more ice cream… That sardine diet was interesting. I saw a guy on YouTube who claims he ate 720 eggs in a month – 24 per day – & actually lowered his LDL (bad) cholesterol!

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 28 NZ NFD 70.4 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I took my dear furry friend Paisley the Scottie up Mt Eden this morning. My legs work and staying home with one 🖐️ out of commission was tempting fate – I was surely going to find I had to use it for something…
    I have realised that FDs will be difficult because of oral antibx hmm. This means modest eating on all 7 days… cooking with one hand and eating with my left hand does slow the process.
    @funshipfreddie the trouble was I didn’t stumble I kicked a uneven pavement slab (that should have been all one level) went flying and landed on my face and hand
    from memory the placebo effect is 30 % will say they feel better on a placebo so a new drug has to surpass this percentage to have a real effect
    Time for Val to hold up a mirror to herself…
    @michelinme it’s lovely and inspiring to hear how well you are doing👏
    Same goes to @stitchincarol’s new found enthusiasm

    @flourbaby can one of your work colleagues put a drone up to look at the roof? I thought you couldn’t sell a house knowing it had a problem like that. Will you have some comeback on the agent and previous owners?

    Bedtime for me. It’s day light saving tonight Spring forward…

    Day 28-No. VA USA-NFD
    We finally have a rain-free morning. Rather humid, though.
    @merryapple, I admire your determination to power through and go up the hill with your tiny Scottie friend. It is quite amazing how our non-dominant hand has to learn so much when Ol’ Righty is out of commission.
    @michelinme, you are so admirable! Best wishes to your daughter.
    @flourbaby, roof problems are the worst! We had to have ours replaced in 2021 after years of drips and ceiling spots in the house. Our handyman could not find any issues, but once the roof was replaced, all problems ceased. Of course, it was expensive. Sooo aggravating.
    I am mentally preparing for hosting. I just hope to be able to keep up with all your activities!

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. The insanity of this week caused me to get back to my weight four years ago. Forget it. I’ll be back on track tomorrow and have to get serious in October.

    It was a scary event. The hurricane tracked further east last minute, so the Carolinas fared much worse than we did. We have some small and medium tree limbs down, but no trees, no visible property damage, no flooding, and even the power stayed on (just blinked a bit yesterday morning). But there were those around who had power out for a day or so, trees down across roadways, and some localized flooded roadways and parking lots.

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Quick check in off for a 3 mile walk up to watch a rugby match 🏉

    Good to hear you’re all ok @northgeorgia

    Don’t worry you’ll be fine . it’s a very forgiving supportive group @excelsior12309 I’ve actually quite enjoyed hosting but I’m looking forward to handing over the baton

    See ya all tomorrow ☀️

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