Succeed in September

This topic contains 285 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 3 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 286 total)

  • Welcome to Succeed in September💫 I’m taking over from @jaifaim who guided us through Atomic August🟢🔵🟡

    I’m committed to posting every day , but my posts tend to be on the short side , but we have plenty of very eloquent posters who will make up from my shortcomings.

    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces (monthly challenges), we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.
There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

1. Posting – Please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and you’ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.
    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group – this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet – we will have a spreadsheet available and we will post the link on a separate post when we have it. It will be in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 – 2nd Post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please don’t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!
    6.Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity
7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday)

    8.5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    9.The “rule”. The F word is not allowed!! (This is the only time I will use it – but here, the F word is FAIL.). We all stumble in our journey – it happens. But acknowledge it, think about what you can do next time, and continue. We’re all here to help!
    We tend to use a LOT of abbreviations in these posts. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days

16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast

IF – Intermittent Fasting

    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)

AF – Alcohol-free

    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)

BMR – Basal metabolic Rate

    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)

    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son

    DTF – Dry ’til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)

    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)

    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)

    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)

    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories

    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones

    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating

    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating

    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)

    LOL – Laughing Out Loud

M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)

    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new
Fast800, it’s a FD

    MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.

    NFD – Non Fast Day

    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)

    OMAD – One Meal A Day

    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of moi!)

    Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day

    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)

    TRE – Time Restricted Eating

    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)

    WFH – Working From Home

    WOL – Way of Life

    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age

    WW – Weekend Warrior (c/- @jaifaim)

    ZBC – Zero Breakfast

    OK Let’s go ! Let’s Succeed in September 💪


    BrightonBelle, thank you for ushering us through September. See you and everyone this month!

    USA. September

    See you all again soon!

    Day 0 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    @brightonbelle I object to calling your more concise posts a failing; you are who you are, and it’s fine for you to be you. ❤️🥰😂👍 And I love your alliteration!

    I’ll be here in September, although I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so I may or may not be able to post before Monday. We’ll see!

    Day 1 NZ NFD

    Here’s the sheet everyone
    Thanks for the introduction @brightonbelle!!

    Day 1, Germany, NFD 63.2 kg

    Good morning everyone!

    @brightonbelle Thanks you for guiding us through this month and @merryapple for providing the spreadsheet again!

    I’m a Dutchwoman living in the upper North-West of Germany, married, 68 years old, 163 cm/5’4″ tall. I’m here on and off since 2017, lost a lot of weight and gained a lot again. I’m fine with the weight I have at the moment so I’m try to maintain that.

    We’re off to celebrate my SIL’s 70th birthday, this is going to be a good day.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD – Spring Day 🌺 🌱🐞🐣 🐝

    @brightonbelle – thank you for hosting this month’s Challenge, & thanks to @merryapple for the spreadsheet 🙏

    About me:- David, 62, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014. I joined the Challenges in 2018. Currently maintaining at 70.5 kg. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm on NFDs.

    @davinac – welcome to the forum! 3.5 kg is pretty impressive in 3 weeks. But you don’t give much info, e.g. how close to your goal weight are you? How are you navigating your FDs, etc…?

    @snowflake56 – enjoy the party! 🥳️🥂

    Wishing everyone a Successful September! What better way to start the month than with a fast day? 🎯

    “It is worth taking the time to stop and contemplate at the beginning of each new month.” ~ Nadine Locke

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍒

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Good morning all I’m the host this month , I’m 62F living on the south coast of England with DH and have 2 sons .

    I joined @coda on the very first of theses monthly challenges 8 years ago and have been fasting ever since with varying degrees of success . I had a serious health issue last year and that’s made me determined to get to my healthy happy place but age etc is making it tough going .

    I’m aiming for a significant drop this month I’ve been re- reading the Fast 800 book and going to adopt that way of eating , but typical of me , I have stuff planned for today – so starting tomorrow

    Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all

    Thank you for the spreadsheet @merry🍎

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍒

    Day 1-No VA USA-FD 800

    Hello, all. Joining everyone for Succeed in September! I am 74, still practicing as a pediatrician (still trying to sell my office building, it is the portal to retiring!). I have a husband and two adult children, as well as two adult stepchildren and their three step grandchildren who live about two hours away. Also assorted dogs and now two cats. And a koi pond. etc etc.
    My goal this month is to drop 2 pounds; I am within 6 pounds of my goal weight, but have been bobbing around the past month not really consistently going down ward. So this is a good time for a re-start.

    Pocket list day 1:

    USA. Day 1. WFD

    Despite the fact that we are in the midst of a national holiday here in this US, I decided to go have a WFD. So far so good! I am joining today’s pocket list.

    Pocket list day 1:
    @ccco WFD

    Brightonbelle, thank you for hosting this month. I am hoping for success this month! 🙂

    I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and good luck for success in the new month! 👍🏻

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. @ccco Good for you! I wanted to do a fast either today or tomorrow, but the whole week is now looking terrible except Wednesday. I’ll just have to try to be more mindful on most of my NFDs this week instead.

    I have lots of interruptions this month with overnight events and all sorts of craziness, so I would like to be very conservative this month and set my target just a pound below my low weight last month, to 228 lbs. It would be nice to be in the upper 210s by the end of the year, and it’s possible…

    Day 2, FD, Aus

    A bit late to thank you for hosting last month, @jaifaim. Pleased to read you’ll be heading o/s as a reward! Thank you @brightonbelle – such a positively sounding name for this month’s forum.

    September already!! Catching up on the weekend posts. “You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way…” really resonated with me @stitchincarol, thanks.

    @snowflake56. Absolutely not! I am not missing work at all and am seriously considering whether I need to go back next year. It will be a financial decision, sadly, not an emotional one.

    It’s been very windy here for the last several days. I dislike the wind! I really want to go for a long walk along our nearby bush tracks, but I’m worried about falling branches. A big tree lost a huge branch last week crashing down with no warning. They call our gum trees ‘widow makers’ for a reason! The wind is whistling around the house and it’s going to take a real mental effort to get moving today.

    I drift away from 5:2 frequently, and when I do, all caution gets thrown out the window and the weight piles back on. I do not like the way I look and feel, and I know I am smart enough to change this! September it is to get back on track and lose weight. A kilo a week would be lovely, but I’ll be happy with a kilo a fortnight (every two weeks). I got a FitBit recently and it’s made me realise how little I have been moving. I am changing that too.

    Day 2, Germany, FD

    Line-dance this morning, I need a bit of exercise after sitting in the car and sitting on a chair for hours yesterday. Although I didn’t eat much and skipped the cake, my weight is up. Eating out always makes my weight go up because of the amount of salt used in restaurant kitchens. Most of extra fluid I hold on to now will be gone tomorrow.

    @funshipfreddie We had a lovely day yesterday, my DH has a very nice family.

    @stitchincarol Most Dutch children learn to speak several languages at school. I had English, French and German. My French isn’t at it’s best at the moment, I haven’t spoken it for a long time and never read French books or newspapers.

    @penz When does you year off end? I loved working but was glad to retire at 61 and enjoy other things in life. Could you go part time?

    @missybear I saw your name on the spreadsheet, welcome back!

    @molij I hope you know more about your treatment by now, I’m thinking a lot about you, take care!

    Pocket list day 2

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.3 kg – 🇺🇸 Labo(u)r Day

    Monday morning PFDS! Can’t beat it. Had a productive Sunday afternoon cleaning windows AND I got my tax return all done 😇

    @penz – I wasn’t surprised to hear you say you don’t miss work. I hope you can find a way to turn your year off into ‘early retirement’ 🏖
    I got my Fitbit after I quit working over 6 years ago, & I can’t imagine being without it now.

    @missybear – welcome back! I hope you managed to find a new place?

    @snowflake56 – I’m very envious of your multilingualism. Enjoy the dancing 💃

    I hope our American forum friends enjoy the extra day off. Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 💪🎯

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍋

    Day 2 NZ FD 70.7kg🏃‍♀️

    Last month was one of the least committed to 5:2 that I have had… Bizarre and annoying when I consider getting to below 70kg would be such a great achievement for me. Somehow I lost my mojo and sabotaged myself by eating too much one day then too little the next in an effort to balance everything out. So my goal for this month is to eat three regular meals a day on the NFDs and do 2 FDs per week. I like to prepare my meals at home unless I’m going out to a great café or restaurant. Nothing irritates me more than paying for food that is below par…

    As the weather improves there are more trips to the pub and more snacky food around and the opportunity to be influenced by others…@stitchincarol I love your advice to @northgeorgia and want to take it on board for myself ie I need to develop a backbone and not be swayed by what other people are eating as well as making good choices when I’m on my own. Those old habits (which I thought I’d done away with) are lurking…
    I have kept my fitness going so I can congratulate myself for that😊
    I’m going on holiday for 1 1/2 weeks next Monday to Dunedin to catch up with old friends. We’re doing a road trip to some of the South Island’s beautiful mountains and lakes. Another reason I need to pull myself together!!

    Hello! Hello! I am 66 and have managed to drop from 93 to 71kg over 19 months by aiming for a kg per month loss. What I am talking about above is not about weight loss but rather the psychology behind maintaining healthy eating habits. My target is around 66 kg. That’s my mantra – 66 for 66!!

    I wish every one a great start to Success in September!!

    Day 2 UK FD

    Hello. I’m back after a year off the rails and emotional eating, unsurprisingly at my heaviest ever at 195lb/88.5kg. But making a fresh start today. Thank you @brightonbelle for leading this month’s challenge.

    I’m F60, in London UK with one adult DD. I’ve gained weight on and off with stopping smoking, disabling illnesses restricting mobility and capacity. I joined the monthly challenge in 2017 at 182lb and steadily progressed to 145lb over a year, maintained for year then fell off the waggon when a friend died unexpectedly. Came back late 2021 after more than a year ill with long covid at 180 and made steady progress until I disappeared in Sept 2023…

    It’s been a really tough year since I was last here. My mother became acutely unwell and died in January after a month in hospital; my DD has a second bout of primary breast cancer – now recovering from surgery with long road of chemo ahead. Two friends have died unexpectedly after very short illnesses. My post-covid hypertension has been poorly controlled leading to several other issues, some scary times in hospital and new onset eye issues. So today I’m starting to control the things I can – including better health via fasting and self-care.

    This is mostly a rest and prep week with a couple of long day trips to family and friends. I’ve restarted my fortnightly veg box and planning my schedule to be able to batch cook from scratch. As far as possible this term I’m re-prioritising my health and wellbeing and reducing external commitments, both regular and one-off.

    I haven’t looked at portion control, times of eating or counted calories for over a year. I’d forgotten the attention to detail and time it takes to get back into the swing of it all. To help with commitment and accountability I’ll be posting daily – likely far briefer than this. Looking forward to catching up with friends’ news and meeting newer members.

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍋

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    Good morning from a wet Cumbria today after a lovely sunny last few days

    I am joining you all to “Succeed in September”

    @jaifaim – thank you for hosting August even though I only lurked in the background…..
    @brightonbelle – thank you for taking up hosting duties for this month and I am hoping your positive title will rub off on me to succeed
    @penz – your last paragraph could have been written by me as it totally reflects exactly where I’m at so I’m getting back to basics this month and looking for support from this group to lose those extra kgs that has crept back and sticking like glue to me 🤣
    @snowflake56 – thank you for adding me to the pocket list – great incentive to stick to it 🤞

    I’m 66 too and retired to the Lake District in 2013 and loving life here – Been 5:2-ing since 2016 – lost 22kg/49lbs and found the lifestyle so easy until the last 2 years, since when I have struggled and have slowly been gaining some of that weight back…… Currently not happy at 64.5kgs/142lbs and desperately wanting to get below 60kg/133lbs once more…..ideally get back to 58kgs/128lbs

    I am usually fairly active – doing yoga x 2/pilates x 1/aerobics x 2/hiking x 4 weekly but a severe episode of sciatica limited my activities over the summer and classes were not running over the summer break but so happy to report that sciatica has resolved and classes restart with yoga this evening 😇

    I also managed a 12.8km/8mile hike with friends yesterday so a good start to September

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍋

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Hi everyone. I thought I would quietly rejoin and stay in the shadows while I try to regain some control but as @snowflake56 has kindly picked me up and put me on the pocket list it would be rude to not say hello! F65 successfully lost 30lbs with 5:2 in 2018 and maintained for a while before the pounds started creeping back on. This time round I’m setting what I consider is a more achievable target weight and one I might be able to comfortably maintain.

    @funshipfreddie no, we didn’t find a new home and our buyers lost patience with us. They found another property and withdrew their offer on ours so we are back on the market. Horrible experience but it has taught us that we need to move quickly next time even if we have to rent for a while.

    @brightonbelle thank you for setting up this month’s challenge, I will try my best to make it a successful one because like @penz I don’t like the way I look and feel right now.

    @michelinme sorry to hear you and your family have been through such a rough time, hope things get much better soon.

    Looks like we’re off to a good start to the month

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍋

    Day 2 UK f800

    OK going for a few days f800, ideally I’d commit to 2 weeks, but honestly I don’t know if I can so I’ll have a rethink on Friday

    @penz – I hear you , those targets are what I’d like to achieve too 💪

    @merry🍎 66 for 66 You go girl 💪

    What a time you’ve had @michelinme 💕You sound pretty organised, so let’s go for it

    You are an exercise inspiration @at I’m aiming to up the intensity on my yoga practice this month 🧘‍♀️

    Welcome back @missybear I agree it doesn’t get any easier , but you’re in good company🙂

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍋

    USA. Day 2. WFD

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍋
    @ccco WFD

    Yesterday was a success, so I thought I would try it again! A good start to the new month!

    michellinme, welcome back! I can commiserate with you. My biggest problem seems to be stress and emotional eating. I haven’t yet been able to stop this but I am working on it. Good luck!

    I am still in recovery mode, so there are a lot of physical activities I can’t do. This makes losing weight a little harder. I am in physical therapy, though, and that helps.

    In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a great day! 🙂

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Spent several hours with MIL and assorted in-laws yesterday; had a lovely time and feel bad for the zero quality of life my MIL has; we’ll all be relieved when she finally passes.

    Wow! @missybear, @michelinme (I was thinking of you just two days ago and wondering about your DD and mom; I’m so very sorry for your loss ❤️ and then YOU had serious additional health issues–UHG, eh?), @at and @penz–it feels very much like our group of several years ago. If only @daffodil2010 would pop in to say hello… At any rate, ladies, welcome back!

    Carol, female, I was always thin, at one point was truly skinny at 112/19BMI, then stayed steady at 132, and even lost all the baby weight from three kids…then moved across states twice in three years, started menopause, DH changed profession and the weight was creeping up. I lost most of it in 2015, again in 2020-2022, and now I’ve finally begun the process of losing it again. I used to be a committed adherent of fasting on M/Th, but now that I’m teaching piano lessons in Omaha on T/Th, I’m finding that fasting on those two days works best, and I’ve even decided that I like WF on those two days. NFDs are, OF COURSE, the toughest days of each week when so many poor decisions are made.

    We typically go to our friends’ lake house on Labor Day, but they’re in Croatia today. 😂😂 So one of the couples is coming over around 3 and we’re having a lovely meal whenever she and I get it all cooked. So, I’m going to spend several hours working on tax bookkeeping, then tidy up everything, perhaps even run to town to the grocery store, and then relax and enjoy our friends’ company.

    @funshipfreddie I’m so envious that your tax return can be accomplished in a single day!

    @penz Yeah, the first time I read that quote, it hit me smack in the face!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 2 – USA/GA – Blah.

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. I really need today to be a FD. I really need today to be a FD. I really need … but it’s a holiday. I don’t know. I’m going to approach this as a FD and see what happens. If it doesn’t work out, I will try to limit what and when I eat as far as possible. Wednesday should be a great FD. It’s a messed up week.

    @northgeorgia May I just say…You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way. So don’t TRY to limit what and when you eat, just do it. Are everyone else’s feelings truly so tied to when you do and don’t eat, and what you eat then? Train them to get over it. ❤️

    Third post

    And I hope you know I meant that as encouragement and having your back, not as criticism. Far be it from me to criticize someone for eating when they shouldn’t!!!!!


    Day 2 – USA/TN

    I missed at least a week of posting, but still reading! Going back up to see my granddaughters, so will be travelling this week. Probably not fasting too much, but keeping a steady weight.

    Day 3 NZ NFD 70kg 🏃‍♀️

    Apologies for my rave but any bad habits resurfacing will lead to weight gain… I’ve given all my larger sized clothes away so I can’t allow the possibility that happening!!

    Welcome back @missybear and @michelinme!! I think we are often so focused on weight loss we forget that maintenance requires just as much attention otherwise we would all be racing sardines once we lost enough weight to get to our ideal zones!! Life has a way of throwing curved balls at us and I hope that being back on the forum helps with dealing with their impact on yours and all our lives.

    @metatauta Have a great trip and enjoy the girls!!
    @stitchincarol and @brightonbelle Sending you 💪❤️ for managing the end of life care for your in-laws. Keeping them comfortable and cared for is the most important thing in what ever way they need.
    To our USA friends, Enjoy your Labor Day.
    @ccco You are an inspiration. You have such a great attitude and are working hard. You’ll get there.
    @at Great to hear your sciatica has settled down. A summer break sounds just what it needed!!
    @snowflake56 I have very basic school girl French which helps me read menus but that’s about it! One thing about salty meals is you know that it’s EOEO!!
    @penz I love the wind because it blows out all the cobwebs!! And I’m sure your dogs do too when it brings fresh smells from afar to them!! Just keep posting no matter what!! Remember it’s the total calories for the week not the daily calories that make the difference!!
    @funshipfreddie My BMI today is 23.1. I’ve got a wee bit to go before I catch you up!! How’s the ceramic pot getting on. The Bee made me laugh!!
    @excelsior12309 So if the new cats are not mousers, I hope they are not fishers!!
    @jaifaim Are you back in your favourite maintenance zone?

    Kia Kaha! (Stay Strong) everyone!!

    Day 3, NFD, Aus

    A bee-yewtiful day here today. Just back from a 7.5km walk with the dogs. No wind and we saw 3 echidnas! That’s a record. AND our tax returns are done and gone. A productive start to the day!

    My year off ends in early March. It seems like a long way away but I know it will come up quickly.

    Lovely to see you back @michelinme but I’m so sorry you’ve had such a horrible year. Cross fingers things are on the improve – you certainly sound like you are in the right mindset.

    @at – I’m clutching your hand. We can do this!

    Thanks @merryapple – not that I actually count calories but thinking them over a week is more manageable than a day by day account.

    Right. I should take advantage of this windless day and go and cut back some more of our native grasses in the garden. I never knew we had so many until I started this job!

    Day 3, Germany, NFD

    We’re off to the Netherlands for a short break to catch up with friends and family near Maastricht. I’ll take my laptop with me, hoping it will help me not to go overboard too much with the delicious Dutch food from my childhood.

    @penz Apologize for forgetting to add you to the pocket list yesterday! Well, just enjoy life as much as you can before your working life starts again.

    @missybear I also went for a higher weight. It’s too much of a struggle to maintain a lower weight and I keep coming back to the weight I am now so I decided to stay there.

    @michelinme It’s good to have you with us again! I’m sorry to hear about the difficult year you had and hope things have turned for the better now.

    @funshipfreddie It’s nice to be able to read and speak different languages, I was always interested in language. Enjoy mosaicing today!

    @merryapple Well done, 70 kg and a pretty good BMI! I know that’s not the most important but it’s nice to see you got there. The extra weight I had is off again so EOEO. How was your weekend?

    @ccco You’re a brave woman, I know how hard it is to get back to your former self but you will get there.

    @metatauta Just enjoy being with your granddaughters!

    @stitchincarol It would be lovely to hear from others that were in our small group, I hope they all stayed on track and are doing well.

    @brightonbelle I’m not good at doing FD800, I’m getting really peckish after a few days.

    @at Please try to stay with us, I miss your posts about your activities, they encourage me to be more active as well.

    I’m missing @jaifaim I thought she would be on holiday in the second half of this month. I hope all is well.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 3 – UK – TDEE

    Woke up with that lovely PFDS after completing a traditional FD500 yesterday and also my first Yoga 🧘‍♂️ class for 6 weeks which was a lovely mix and certainly made sure that we worked up a glow 😅

    Sunshine is out already here so bodes well for my group walk later this morning…..meeting about 40mins drive from my house so will need to be organised to get out the door in time…..

    @michelinme – I was so sorry to hear what you and your family have been through and sending you much needed healing and supportive thoughts
    @missybear – I have been sitting back in the shadows for a while but with no success so I have vowed to join the forum and participate daily even if just for a check in to provide me with that much needed support and motivation that this group can provide… just join us and get that support 🤗
    @brightonbelle – I find my yoga classes wonderful not just for physical/flexibility elements but also for my mental wellbeing – My teacher shared this with us last night “I was looking for someone to inspire me, motivate me, support me, keep me focused… Someone who would love me, cherish me, make me happy, and I realized all along that I was looking for myself.”
    @merryapple – so true – “any bad habits resurfacing will lead to weight gain… ” as I have found to my cost… I am back to controlling those bad habits and moving forwards
    @penz – thank you 🤝 My walk here will be later than yours but we also have a sunshiny 😎 for it
    @snowflake56 – enjoy your visit to the Netherlands 🇳🇱 catching up with friends and family

    I am still part of the ZBC and I am looking forward to having some control today so planing on sticking to my TDEE and using MFP to help me plan; and therefore not undoing the good work of yesterday’s FD…….Strength to those on a FD today

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 3-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Back to work today after a beautiful-weather weekend. We have had such miserable heat this past two months, the nice low humidity breezes were so welcome.
    I salute all of you fasters who are consistent with your exercise! I am not; I do work around the house and yard, and I do my morning stretches to keep low back and hip pains away, but otherwise, I don’t do much. You are an inspiration.
    @michelinme, so sorry to hear of your rugged year; I think this group will provide you support, and help you to focus on YOUR health as you focus on others. Best wishes to your daughter in her course of treatment.
    @at, I missed the “If I quit now..” quote; it really says it all. I too am part of the zero breakfast club, unless you try to take my morning coffee away….
    @ccco, one step at a time in your recovery. You have come far!
    @merryapple, I am hoping you can post a picture or two of the art installation….?
    @missybear, good luck in finding a more “motivated” buyer, as they say here. Selling a house is a pain for sure.
    @northgeorgia, what do you think of trying a week of FD800? It might provide some room for indulgences but yet still give some gradual weight loss?
    @funshipfreddie, is the power restored yet?

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Had a successful FD500 yesterday, despite the challenges, but still somehow managed to gain a few ounces. I’ll do another FD tomorrow.

    Day 3 UK f800

    @snowflake56 – I’m ok if I fill my plate with lots of salad or veg but it’s not easy but I’m really wanting to actually lose instead of yo- yoing

    Looks like it’s just us 2 at the moment @excelsior12309 , someone might join us this afternoon

    Have to dash , but well done for sticking to it @northgeorgia 💪

    Pocket List day 3


    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Yesterday was essentially OMAD (DH and I spent 20 minutes tidying up the backyard and in the process picked and ate a half dozen volunteer cherry tomatoes…does that negate the OMAD??? 🤣), and we had no appetizer, merely smoked brisket, potato salad (with a mayo-based dressing), corn & asparagus salad (with a vinaigrette dressing), and steamed green beans, followed eventually by peach crisp. So, decently healthy, at least when measured against UPFs. And yet, this morning, I’m still stuffed. Makes going into my WF easier, but I wish I could learn that, although I can still eat heartily, I’ll wish I hadn’t the next morning. That may be the hardest lesson to learn in this weight loss journey…

    @penz Is there some small part-time job you could enjoy to help ease the financial impact of not going back to your regular job? Or does that not interest you at all? What about going back to your regular job for two or three years and putting away 90% of the income–to help you learn to live without it–and THEN retiring completely? I’m rooting for you if that’s what you decide to do!

    @snowflake56 Have a lovely time in the Netherlands. Tell us about some of the Dutch foods you’re excited to enjoy!

    @at So good to hear and see you so motivated!

    @excelsior12309 As I read your post, I was struck with how excellent your comments and questions were–all the things I wished I’d thought to say, LOL! I’m very glad you’ve gotten lovely weather, finally; we too are enjoying gorgeous days and very cool nights (in the 50s!), and I’m hoping they last well into October!

    @northgeorgia Well, well done on managing a successful FD yesterday!

    @brightonbelle Yup, I’m joining the pocket list today, and also am quite determined to lose instead of yo-yoing! We are truly in the same boat, and I’m hopeful the mojo I’ve had over the last three weeks, doesn’t abruptly disappear!

    Today is the day I combine piano lessons with car repair; the dealership has a shuttle and they’ll happily deliver me anywhere I need to go. I struggle to envision them getting me to a piano lesson and picking me up 30 minutes later, LOL, but my fingers are crossed it really does work that easily.

    So, I’m off to get dressed and head out the door; have a grand one, everyone, and remember:

    We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline wieghs ounces while regret weighs tons. –Jim Rohn

    Pocket List day 3
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I haven’t been doing enough exercise lately so I took myself for a long walk on the beach following the good example of @at. Working on getting back into good habits of daily exercise, controlled eating and reduced alcohol intake. When I get stressed I forget the long term health benefits of self control and opt for the short term comfort of food and drink without moderation 😳

    Day 3 UK FD800

    Thank you for kind messages @stitchincarol @missybear @brightonbelle @ccco @merryapple @penz @snowflake56 @at @excelsior12309 – ‘rugged year’is such a good description, and DD’s treatment will shape much of the next year.

    Yesterday I logged every bite on MFP and came in at 720, including evening snacking of dried mango and slice of light gouda! Strangely this morning I felt thinner but was 2kg up – yes, KG! But I’m just rolling with it on the basis that weight loss isn’t linear and my body will be doing something useful. I slept really well for more than 8 hours which is also a good foundation.

    I’m pulling another FD800 today & making the most of yesterday’s massive sweetpotato, spinach, red lentil and green pea dahl. It’s so long since I’ve batch cooked and logged it all on MFP but it all comes back – an amazing 63 calories per 100g and packed with protein. There’s enough left for 5 more meals.

    I’ve been doing some planning ahead to take the pressure off the next two weeks, which are really full – a shock to the system after almost 5 weeks off the usual routine. My fruit & veg box will arrive overnight and I’ve set aside time on Friday for more batch cooking.

    Tomorrow I’m going down to see DD so a very long day out. I’ll take carrots, apples and dried mango to keep me going en route, have a healthy meal with her and resist the temptations of all the tasty nibbles she’s been sent by lovely friends.
    Sending strength to today’s fasters!

    Pocket List day 3

    @stitchincarol WFD
    @michelinme FD800

    USA. Day 3. FD

    I can’t believe it’s day 3 already! Time flies!

    My water fast went well. I think, for me, it is best to break my WF in the evening because after a day of stress, that is the time of day I would go astray! Today will be a regular FD with about 600 calories broken down into two small meals. That seems to work for me!

    Pocket List day 3
    @stitchincarol WFD

    I have already lost 2 lbs., so all I have to do is stick to my plan! 👍🏻

    Merryapple, you are right. Maintenance isn’t easy, especially when you reach a part in the beginning where you have to figure out how many calories you need to not exceed before you begin regaining!

    Snowflake, have fun on your trip. I have had a few family get togethers this year. It is nice to catch up! Also, thank you for remembering about my surgery. I have very diligently working to get myself back to a normal life.

    Welcome back, Missybear!

    Excelsior12309, I am working so hard to get myself back.

    Brightonbelle, I know what you mean. I find the best plan for me is to keep myself very busy. It truly helps me to stay away from food!

    Fortunately, Stitchincarol, cherry tomatoes have so few calories! :). Also, I like your saying about discipline and regret. So true!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day! 😊

    USA. Day 3. FD

    I forgot to put my name on the pocket list in my email!

    Pocket List day 3

    @stitchincarol WFD
    @michelinme FD800

    Day 3 – Ireland – CD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hello everyone – I am late to the September party! But I’m here! I have been so busy this weekend/week so far and it is likely to continue but yes holidays at the end of next week so I can see light at the end of this tunnel. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed but have put it all into perpective now…
    It is so lovely to see some old friends back for the September reset!
    @michelinme I am so very very sorry for you on the loss of your dear mother 💕💕 and your friends – wager a sad year for you dear friend. It’s terrible to hear that the year has been so challenging for your daughter also – I’m thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling the benefit of coming back to the forum. We are here for you 💕💕 we are certainly happy to have you back and communicate as much as you can/want to.
    @at it is great to have you back too and to hear that the sciatica has improved and you are back to your usual activities… you are always so active that I can only imagine how tough it is when you are unable to get out and about comfortably.
    @missybear, our lovely Welshwoman! It’s wonderful to have you back too! I’m glad that @snowflake56 picked you up and you are back posting with us. Again, don’t feel pressured and have as much or as little in posts – mine will be lean this month.. Time is tight for me these days…
    Thanks again @brightonbelle for hosting us and thanks for the shout outs gang 👋 I’m never far away but the last few days were hectic. Yesterday was a FD – tomorrow will be too. I am
    Hoping to lose a little before I let loose on holidays…😉 ah no I won’t… I’ll be good 😇

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 4 NZ NFD 71.1kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I’m off up Mt Eden shortly then on to a spinning/knitting day at the Guild so this will be short!
    For dinner I had tofu, cabbage and vegetables covered in Chinese condiments (soya sauce, oyster sauce etc) ie salt laden so this is an EOEO situation!! I was however very surprised to see a 70 on the scales y’day morning… Advice to self: eat good food at the right times and stay on course…

    @excelsior12309 There’s one work missing because it slipped in the frame and has gone back to the framer.
    The conversation isn’t up yet.

    Cheers everyone!!

    Day 4, FD, Aus

    Finding FDs a challenge at the moment. I seemed to start last week with a bang, but now I’m struggling…

    @excelsior12309 – I’m with you! I’m very rarely hungry before about 11am, so have been a member of ZBC for most of my life. But I cannot get going without my morning caffeine hit!

    I *could* go back part-time (maybe 2 days a week) next year if I had to, @stichincarol. But I think in my heart of hearts I don’t want to!!

    How did your combination of piano lessons and car repair go? I have to confess, I immediately had a mental image of you at an upright piano in the corner of a mechanic’s workshop, before I read on and realised what you meant!

    @missybear “When I get stressed I forget the long term health benefits of self control and opt for the short term comfort of food and drink without moderation.” Me too! But I hope you found the walk on the beach the perfect de-stressor. I know, for me, getting out with the dogs is great for my mental health – sometimes, though, it’s the getting up and going that’s hard.

    Two pounds already! Way to go @ccco!

    Love the look of the exhibition, @merryapple. And I’m delighted to read there’s a new partner gallery in Melbourne. We’re off to Melbourne at the end of the month so I’ll have to check it out.

    Day 4- South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I didn’t post yesterday. I have to leave at 8:15 am – feels like the middle of the night! – to drop off my laundry & then get to the mosaic class by 9 am. By the time I’d had lunch & bought groceries it was gone 3 pm. Boo Boo was ravenous 😅

    @michelinme – welcome back! What an awful year you’ve had?! Wishing your daughter a full & speedy recovery 🤗

    @merryapple – the bee 😂 I was in two minds about using it. ‘To bee or not to bee’… Sorry 🤦‍♂️ But I paid R 25 for it, so… And I’ve added another one to keep it company. I think it’s coming along nicely I’m going to do the opposite side in a similar way. But I want to do something different with the adjacent sides. I’m think rainbows & leprechauns 🤔

    @missybear – hoping you find your forever home soon. I was so lucky; I bought/sold 3 times since 2019 & each time the first person who came to view paid what I was asking! I rented a place for a few months before I bought my current house. I don’t plan on ever moving again though🤞

    @excelsior12309 – the power 🤯 It came back on – supposedly permanently – on Saturday evening at 8:30 pm. After they told us it would be on by noon. Then yesterday morning it went off again around 10 am & came back on at 3 pm. I guess they’re having a few teething problems with the temporary substation.

    @stitchincarol – that tax return?! I hate it. I think I had it all done in under an hour. But because it’s only once a year I never get used to it, & my stomach is in knots the whole time. The SA Services Revenue site is a nightmare to navigate. So I use this online tax service called ‘Tax Tim’, which takes most of the pain out of it.

    @penz – what is it exactly that you’re struggling with? Is it the physical hunger, or is it a sense of deprivation, a feeling of missing out? Check out some of the threads on the home page, e.g. this one:-

    @snowflake56 – enjoy your break! 🧳️

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 4 – UK – TDEE

    Good morning – yesterday ended up as a FD800 instead of the TDEE one I had planned, making it a B2B FDs – 500 and 800 😇

    Our morning hike was in beautiful sunshine with good company as usual and was around 4 miles with some steep uphill bits and lovely views – just had a cold drink of lime and soda at the end.
    Busy afternoon of cooking – double batch of mushroom lasagne…..OH enjoyed a large serving for his dinner – we have some left over for today’s evening meal which will be served with a large mixed salad, I froze a second lasagna for us to have in the next couple of weeks.
    I also made an apple cake for the resumption of the club I volunteer at on Wednesday afternoons (back after a long summer break)
    I made a blackberry flapjack using olive oil instead of butter at OH’s request (he’s trying to cut back on butter, so I also make his scones with olive oil instead of butter now)- he reckons you can’t taste the olive oil in the scones so it will be interesting to see what he says about the taste of the flapjacks when he samples post his daily 10 mile run later today – post run he always has 2 fruit scones and a serve of flapjack with high protein, low fat yogurt…..boy that man can eat…….

    As is the norm for me – if I do a lot of cooking, I lose my appetite and this is how I ended up with a FD800

    I also went to see my physio about a shoulder issue I have been struggling with for a while, I think whilst the sciatica was hurting so much I forgot about the shoulder issue – she confirms what I had thought i.e. I have a rotator cuff injury, most likely tendonitis as opposed to a tear – she did some deep tissue massage and some ultrasound treatment – gave me advice of what movements to avoid in my yoga and pilates classes and some exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles.

    Yoga class again this morning followed by coffee with the 🧘‍♀️ gang then an afternoon of volunteering (nice to get back to regular routine this week) – We are putting on an afternoon tea to welcome the group back – finger sandwich selection (I’ll make those after yoga), mini scones (made by another volunteer) and cakes (lemon drizzle made by another volunteer and the apple cake I made………I’ll be busy serving so hopefully will manage a day well within my TDEE

    Right off to get ready to drive to class……weather not as nice today, 50% chance of rain but dry and overcast at the moment…..

    I thought I would share this quote from the Dalai Lama to inspire us – “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow; so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live”

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Yesterday’s beach walk did me good, calmed my mind and made me feel more like me again if that doesn’t sound too hippy dippy. So I am going to do different walks every day, time and weather permitting. The abortive house sale stress and worries about the declining health of my 87yo dad have been stressing me lately. I need to get a better perspective on life……so I really appreciated your quote today @at.

    Lean protein and lots of veggies on the menu today. I’m not calorie counting just eating healthy food, no processed carbs. Only calorie counting will be on FDs.

    @funshipfreddie property typically takes longer to sell in this part of the world. Our house had been on the market for 4 years before we bought it. Pembrokeshire is gorgeous but a place people visit for holidays rather than to live because of the lack of career opportunities outside of the hospitality industry……and not many local people could afford our house because the service sector doesn’t pay well. Love your bee plant pot!

    Time to go for that walk. Heading for Amroth where at low tide the beach is long and atmospheric and you can see the tree stump remains of ancient woodland sticking up in the beach at the water’s edge.

    Have a great day everyone 🤗

    Day 4 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Figured it out. Cortisol. I am stressed out because I’ll have to speak and lead a graduation ceremony tomorrow in front of nearly 1,000 people including local and state dignitaries. Not nervous — I’ve done it several times before, but the stress is still there. When my blood pressure read a little high this morning for the first time in a long while, it occurred to me why the weight is just hovering and hanging on at a high level this week, regardless of what I do.

    Still, a FD will do me good going into tomorrow.

    USA. Day 4. WFD

    Out to get my car tuned up!

    Pocket Lis Day 4

    @ccco WFD

    Hope you are having a great day!

    Day 4 UK f800

    Wow there’s a lot going on today spinning , mosaic making and beach walking all sound fabulous, I’ll be cleaning the bathroom ☹️

    Managing to stick to the 800cals but think I’m still having too many carbs and not enough protein for it to work properly so trying to plan a bit better

    Happy 🐫 day all

    Pocket List day 4🧶


    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    After yesterday’s successful WF, I’m the same weight again as last Saturday morning, so I’m deeply motivated to eat very minimally today. Plus, there’s no supper for two possible on Wednesdays as DH teaches classees from 3:45 to 8. Ugh. So I’ll be on my own for supper and WILL find a way to make it very few calories. When I waver, I’ll remember how lovely the scale was this morning, and how much lovelier I’d like it to be on Saturday, LOL!

    @missybear Like @penz, I too was struck by your sentence: “When I get stressed I forget the long term health benefits of self control and opt for the short term comfort of food and drink without moderation 😳” Well said. It’s a very hard practice to break, even when you really, really, really know it not to be true…


    @jaifaim You said an interesting thing: “Hoping to lose a little before I let loose on holidays…😉 ah no I won’t… I’ll be good 😇” It’s inevitable that we eat a bit more on vacations simply because sensible food (heavy on the veggies) is hard to find when eating out all the time. But I still haven’t persuaded myself I eat this way (the way I’m eating in order to lose weight) because I CHOOSE to rather than because that’s what I’m forced to do to achieve my weight loss goals. In the back of my mind, once I reach maintenance, I’ll be going back to eating the way I have been. Which, of course, will mean I will not stay in maintenance. What has made us a globe full of gluttons????? LOL, sorry for the insult. But, really, when I look around at what people eat, it’s quite shocking…so why do we do this to ourselves??? SOMEDAY I’m going to equate “I’ll be good” with “I’ll be myself” and THAT will mean “I’ll eat what I want and what I want is minimal and healthy foods only.” Does this whole rant make sense? It’s the attitude I’ve been fighting to finally start the weight loss process…

    @merryapple Thanks for sharing the link; it all looks great! How long will it be up? How often will you be there? I’ll bet you love to be in the space. And have fun on your holiday!

    @penz I absolutely do not blame you for wanting to give up your non-working status. Time will tell what you choose, huh? The L.O.N.G. wait at the dealership got very boring, and they finally had to give me a loaner because the repair work was not yet complete when I HAD to go, but I also got something like 15 rows knit on the sleeve, so that soothed my frustraion and boredom even as I got sick to death of knitting. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And THEN the bill was $1400. UGH. LOL, so not a thrilling day! But the rattle was repaired, so that was nice.

    @funshipfreddie Your mosaic pot is coming along BEAUTIFULLY! I wondered how you were going to continue the blue/white squares around the flowers, and the diagonal cuts are perfect, and the green fill-in at the bottom is excellent. Leprechauns and rainbows, eh? I look forward to seeing that! 😉 And, yeah, tax returns are never a confident thing for me (and I’m still just finishing up the year’s bookkeeping and haven’t even started the return!!!!). Did you notice @penz also did her tax return fast and easily as if it were no big deal??? 🤣😂🤣⭐⭐⭐

    @at I’ve also marveled at how much your husband eats…😂 Mine never has eaten all that much, and neither did my kids, so if I wanted to cook for big eaters we had to invite over other teenage boys, LOL. BTW, my favorite carrot cake recipe calls for olive oil and apple sauce instead of eggs. The first time I made it I had serious doubts, but now I know it’ll be wonderful–not “fine” but WONDERFUL. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Well done on an unexptected FD800! Wow. When you bake you lose your appetite? You lucky duck. Not me. And great quote.

    @missybear Loved your description of the beach where you will walk. Puts me in mind of the beaches around Crescent City, California, where I grew up. Enjoy your walk for me as well, will you? 🥰 Here, one of the beaches I used to walk on, just five blocks from my home:;ssl=1

    @northgeorgia So after the graduation speech, your weight will plummet a bit, I’ll bet–yes? 🤞

    @brightonbelle You made me laugh–cleaning the bathroom, eh? 😉

    DH and I are off to see his mom this morning since we both have to be home by three o’clock or so. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 4…..Florida……OMD

    Hi everyone….. my apologies for disappearing for a moment…. Some where between my last post and today, I lost August! Went to sleep one night and woke up to it being September. Not sure, what happened but the wagon I went off the rails.
    I’m back and committed!
    Today, I ended up only eating one meal with my calories coming in at 536 for the day.
    I went into the day not sure what I was going to do but it was something. By the time I really thought about it; it was almost one o’clock, my work phone was ringing off the hook and stopping to get fast food was not anything I wanted to do. So, I just kept on moving. I figured I end the day early have a small something when I got home. Well, an hour trip home took almost three hours. So, by the time I made home the dinner hour was here and thus an OMD was born.

    After dinner, I just closed the kitchen and was done with it. I finished out my eating at 5:30 today.

    I thought about this all day and well I’m thinking I’m just going to take it one day at a time and see where I ended up. I haven’t gotten on the scale in a month, so no idea where I am on the weight thing and I’m not gonna get on for a while. I’ve also decided to use some of my cloths in my closet to monitor my progress.

    Fair plan, I think with no pressure.

    Well I’m off!

    I’ll catch up more tomorrow

    Day 5, NDS, Aus

    Nothing like PFDS! I got through yesterday – it got easier as the day went on and when OH made a delicious smelling pasta dish I wasn’t even tempted! I think my challenge is the habit of eating, even when I’m not really hungry. I also need to keep myself busy. If I’m sedentary on the couch I feel bored and want to eat just to pass the time. Recognising this is part of the strategy to do a successful FD. Stay busy, and realise I’m not actually hungry.

    I’m very impressed with your mosaic work, @funshipfreddie.

    Oh no, don’t give me credit for doing my tax return fast @stichincarol. It takes me weeks to get all my info together, then I go to a tax agent who makes sure all the right figures go in the right boxes and she gets it done in about an hour. If it were solely up to me it would take months and then I would live in fear that the Aus Tax Office would be after me for getting it all wrong!

    @bert1802 – my old Florida buddy!!! So nice to see you back on the forum. Every time I clean my kitchen sink I think of you!

    Day 5 NZ FD 🏃🏼‍♀️71.1kg

    I’m slightly surprised my weight is static. Maybe it’s not EOEO after all🫤Time to focus on good habits rather than looking at the scales…
    Today has been a momentous day here with the Tangi (funeral) of Kīngi Tu Heitia , the Māori King. He was carried down the huge Waikato River in Waka (Māori canoe-like boats)to his Maunga, Taupiri where he was buried at the top. His daughter, Nga Wai Hono i te Po, 27 was named his successor despite having two brothers. Succession is passed to the best person not next in line.

    @penz I haven’t been to the Melbourne Gallery yet but I know the director Jack. He’s delightful and smart.
    1301SW, Melbourne and Starkwhite, Auckland and The Mayor Gallery, London are on Instagram
    @funshipfreddie The pot is looking great! One comment if I may – think tone (light to dark) as well as colour. Light green next to the dark green stalk would make it stand out.
    @at wow! Olive oil in baking. Most recipes use a less tasty oil so your DH must be committed to the cause!!
    I love your quote from the Dalai Lama. Perfect for me today, thank you!!
    @missybear Your walk sounds so refreshing and not in the least hippiest!!
    @ccco Well done you!!
    @brightonbelle I cleaned the bathroom as well😇 The floor is a dark charcoal slate. I have to clean the coating of white soap residue off the walk in shower…
    @stitchincarol Fabulous you’re getting results!!
    Could you possibly post the apple cake recipe please. I collect Apple recipes!!
    The exhibition is on for 6 weeks and is going to one possibly two institutions with some other work added to it.
    I have at last got going on my nephew’s jersey. It’s Gotland homespun (by me) and I couldn’t work out a cable pattern that suited… Then I found this how to make cables stand out. Perfect!! And off I go!!
    @bert1802 Great you’re back with us! I love reading your posts!! If it helps 1 dress size = 5kg / 11lb
    @jaifaim I’m a little wary of “letting loose on holiday”. I’ll be in 5:2 mode hoping not too many temptations come my way except at dinner time… Given we’re traveling the Pinot Noir district things are not looking too good for 5:2, but loads of FUN😁 We’re going to Lake Tekapo which has world heritage status for the night sky and the zillions of stars you can see.
    @northgeorgia Best of British for your leadership role. I hope there’s not too much cortisol floating around, rather it’s the residue of the big birthday week!!!
    @lilymartin How are you?

    My FD is over but all the best for you Thursday fasters

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