Struggle to fast after 8pm!!! Help!!!

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  • Hi there. I was hugely successful on the 5:2 diet last year and lost 12 kg. I then moved to France and with the stress of moving and settling down I added almost the entire 12 kg back. I was brilliant at fasting but now I tend to struggle. Two things are happening – I fast all day and in the evening give up, and just feel it’s so difficult to keep motivated and secondly I’m great during the week but at the weekend my husband tends to return from his travels so we drink a lot of wine, eat a lot and so by Monday morning all my weight has returned. I’ve tried changing drinks from wine to other drinks that I like less but it doesn’t help. Any advice would be great. Thanks

    It’s all psychological. You need to tell yourself no on the fast days and have an arrangement with your husband that he won’t break out the wine and drinks on the fasting days.

    Then the following day you can enjoy a drink without worry.

    Perhaps your husband can join you on your diet.

    My issue is boredom. I can fast quite easily but find it hard to break the habit of grabbing a pack of crisps.

    I find a fizzy drink helps or doing something.

    After dark, my mind tells me that my Fast ‘Day’ is over and now it is OK to eat!! Silly mind. So I have learned to hide the foods that tempt me and make a cup of well-flavored herbal tea. Thirstiness can masquerade as hunger, so drink water or tea and see if it helps.

    Boredom also pretends to be hunger. Find a project to do which will keep you absorbed for 1-2 hours.

    Key is correct — it is all games that our minds play.
    KAZV, I understand the urge to celebrate the return of the spouse, but one thing we all must learn is when we have eaten ‘enough’. Which is to say, when to stop eating [and drinking]. Only you can solve the eating thing, but try this for drinking: 1st glass is wine; 2nd glass is sparkling water; 3rd glass is wine; and so on. I hope you are splitting only one bottle between you.
    If your husband is away most of the week, try doing 3 Fast Days instead of 2. You’ll lose more that way.

    Good luck to you both.

    Good luck sorting out which strategy suits you. Here are some:

    1. Keep saying to yourself “It is just one day. I can do anything for just one day”.

    2. Keep your day’s calories to eat in the evening. make a dish that is full of protein and low GI ingredients to keep you full.

    3. Change your fast days so that neither are on the weekend.

    4. Ask your husband to help you.

    5. Drink sparkling water with a squeeze of lime, instead of wine.

    6. Eat a tiny portion of the food. Enjoy your husband’s company instead.

    Keep searching until you find the strategy that suits you. Remember the whole point of 5:2 is for it to be a sustainable part of your life for long term health. Find the strategy that will make it sustainable. Best of luck.

    Thank you all. Yes I suppose I see the weekends as a reward rather than finding a way to keep my fast on track. It means I end up binging on everything as I’m so brilliant from Monday to Thursday that Friday night and Saturday are my days off and I add back all the weight I lost during the week. I will try sparkling water. Thanks

    Hi Kaz,

    I also struggle with later times after 8 on FDs. Usually I can get to 8.30 or 9pm , but if I’m up later than that, the Hunger Dragon can grow restless. Here are some strategies I use.

    1. Am I tired, stressed or thirsty? All can spark hunger in me, but can be handled mostly without food. Stress is my worst enemy.

    2. Walk.Away.From.The.Kitchen.
    Go as far from the kitchen as you can and get busy for an hour or 2.

    3. Have a hot drink – water based. Something strong tasting is more satiating than a weak taste.

    4. Clean your teeth.

    5. Sugar free jelly, with a couple of strawberries and a tiny amount of plain yoghurt.


    Hi Kaz

    About giving up in the evening:
    My motivation dropped with the urgency, but also with habit. The first months were exciting (can I fast for 36h?) and therefore maybe easy. Now I know I can, the thrill is a bit gone. This is what helped me: fasting for 44h. New game, new thrill.
    Best of luck.

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