stomach issues !!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I embarked on 5 2 last Monday and Wednesday and was thrilled to lose 4 pounds. However, by Thursday my stomach was complaining loudly and painfully with acid and bloating. I’ve been eating super carefully since then and want to continue to do another fast day on Monday but am a bit apprehensive. Anyone have a similar problem or any recommendations ?

    Hi EstherLorraine,
    I hope you are okay now. I think you have had an unusual response, and maybe just coincidentally caught a tummy bug?
    I hope it doesn’t happen again!

    Thanks cinque, I’ve been super careful and eating stomach settling foods. It took a couple of days to sort out. I fasted on both Monday and Wednesday so maybe too close too soon and I will try Monday Thursday this week, so hopefully it will work out.

    Fingers crossed!

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