Staying in the same topic page after login.

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Staying in the same topic page after login.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fastinginberlin 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Would it be possible to keep me in the same topic page in the forum after I login.

    For example I am not logged in all the time. I come across some topic and want to respond so I login and I am back to the main forum page instead of my current topic page.

    Now I have to find my way back to the topic I was reading before I logged in. Having this ability to stay on the current topic will save us few clicks.


    Great suggestion sivasankar, that would be a big improvement! Especially if I’m reading one of the older posts and after the login it takes a while to find it again.

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