Starting tomorrow.. Slightly nervous

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi there guys,

    Just thought I would bite the bullet and post on here as I am officially starting 5:2 tomorrow! I have done the diet a couple of years ago and loved it, but then went through quite a stressful times completing university exams and didn’t keep it up. Since then I have tried a couple of half-hearted attempts, but never been able to get going.

    This summer has been one of the upmost indulgence. I have put on about 1 stone and feel awful for it. I feel very depressed over it, and feel that I have just let myself go. I am only 22 and shouldn’t feel like this! I was in a really good place at the start of the year – I was trying to cut out all refined sugars/carbs, and felt great. But even trying to do it over the summer hasn’t helped. So I want to come back to 5:2, with no/little added sugar during the week, then I can be a little less strict at the weekends. I have been thinking loads and feel this will be the best approach for me. I’m starting my Masters in October so want it to fit into my lifestyle, and to be able to have fun as well!

    Tomorrow is my first fast day, so I hope I will have a bit of a lie in, and be able to go until around 4pm without anything to eat. Then I plan on having a 300 calorie pot of soup, and a bit later on have half a melon.

    Any tips would be most helpful!! Bring on tomorrow!!!

    Cheers for your first Fast Day back on the 5:2.
    Tip: The Fast is just one day, You can do it!
    You will feel so good the next morning!

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