Starting tomorrow and looking for a support network

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Starting tomorrow and looking for a support network

This topic contains 18 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sisnu 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi I’m Karen and live in England. I am planning to start the 5 2 diet tomorrow and will make my days Mon and Wed, I could do a Tuesday. I am 56 and want to lose approx 13kg and it would be great if I had a support group so we could all help each other. If anyone is interested let me know

    Hi Karen,

    I’m starting today too! I’m planning to make my two days Mondays and Wednesdays as well. I did 5:2 earlier in the year with good results, but got distracted, and I think not engaging with other people doing it meant I wasn’t as accountable! Anyway, I would also like to lose around 12-13kg, and have decided this time to try to make use of the forums a bit better (instead of just lurking). Cheers, Jen

    Well today’s the day and great we are looking at a similar amount to lose. How did you get on with the first few days when started the diet earlier in the year. I am at work early today and have brought instant porridge for my breakfast with some frozen soft which I am planning to eat around 8ish. I have a salad with a bit of chicken for lunch and then will probably have another salad for dinner if there are calories left. I am not that good at food planning to be honest I tend to eat when I’m hungry which is definitely not good if I am trying to lose weight. Let me know how your day goes, will check in later.


    The first few weeks were great when I tried it before. It all fell apart when I had several busy weeks with travel for work and then a holiday! I always found the Monday’s were easy(maybe because of more socializing/eating out on the weekends?), but Wednesdays were a bit harder to stick to.

    I must be almost a day ahead of you (in Fiji), so I’m actually just heading home from work now. So far so good – no breakfast, and a 250 ish calorie lunch, a couple of black coffees and lots of water. I’ll have a boiled egg and some spinach when I get home I think. I’m hungry, but don’t feel starved and that thing about hunger coming in waves is definitely true!

    Good luck with day 1!


    Hi Jen
    Another day good so far, I have eaten the same as yesterday. I am a little headachy but that could be because I had a meeting at the accountants for work this morning and it was lonnnnnnnnnnng. Do you always do the 2 days of fasting or do you ever add a third. I am wondering if I did tomorrow as well and then I have more calories to eat over the weekend. I am like you and do a lot of going out at the weekends and like a glass of wine or 2. It is difficult when you go on holiday. I go scuba diving and we went to Egypt in August for 2 weeks all inclusive and I still put on weight even with the exercise for diving.

    Hope you have had a good day


    Well, I’m starting the second fasting day this week, and I’m already hungrier than I was on Monday! I had cooked up lots of vegetables and a couple of chicken breasts on Sunday, and frozen them in ~250 cal amounts for the fasting days, so I have one of those for lunch, and then maybe some beans on toast at night.

    I did find going to the gym the morning after the fast day much harder work, but so far no headaches.

    I haven’t tried doing a third day yet, as the second fast is always a bit harder work than the first, so I imagine the third would also be tough! Good luck today!

    Hi Sisnu
    This is now day 4 for me so my 2nd non fast day. It is okay and I don’t feel too badly. A bit light headed. Thurs night is usually the first night we go out for a couple of hours after work and have a beer so will be have a soda low calorie instead for a while. Hoping you are still on track. What do you eat on your non fast days


    Hi Karen,

    I realised from your earlier posts that you must have done two fast days in a row. How did you find that? Was the second day much harder?

    It’s my third non-fast day of the week. So far so good, although I did head out for beer and pizza last night! However, nothing over the top, so I am still down 1.5kg from my start weight on Sunday night. I’ve been eating as normal on the non-fast days (more on that below), but am becoming more conscious of the potential calorie count of my usual diet! I haven’t changed anything yet, but just becoming aware I guess, since we’re so careful with the 500 cals on the fast days. It can be a bit shocking to see how quickly it adds up. I made a smoothie yesterday, and added up the calories and was surprised to see it clock in at around 400 cals (fruit, yogurt, honey and weet bix). Compared to the bowl of vegetables and poached egg and beans on toast that were lunch and dinner on Wednesday, it seemed very limited!!

    I had decided to try not to be too vigilant on the non fast days, and just really focus on getting the two fasting days right for now, and see how that goes. This is just because one of the big hurdles with other diets for me is how much they impinge on ordinary life.. It’s cool at the start when I”m all full of motivation, but really hard to sustain over a longer time.

    Today is another non fast day, and I’ve had an egg in a bun and a coffee for breakfast. I have roti and vegetable curry for lunch, and am heading out for dinner.

    Good luck with your day!

    Hi there Sisnu
    Yes I did Monday and Tuesday and it was fine to be honest. I chose to do them togethe then I don’t have to think too much about what I am eating for the rest of the week. You are right it makes you more aware of what you are eating on non-fast days. You sound like you go out a fair bit, I definately do but not generally Mon/Tues/Wed or Fri so I will keep my fast days for then. I would like to try 3 in a week sometimes as that will help if the weekends are a bit heavy. i can’t keep changing what I eat or I start to think too much about food and then will want to eat more so I tend to stick to the same kinds of things. Poridge and frozen food for breakfast, a salad for lunch and then some fish/chicken and vegetable for dinner. I am absolutely rubbish at meal planning and tend to want to eat when I feel hungry and not have to wait too long. I think that’s where i tend to overeat, I grab something before my meal and still eat a meal. Anyway plodding on. I haven’t weighed yet this week but will weigh on Monday. I have a fairly quiet weekend planned so no beer or meals out. Have a good day tomorrow

    So here we are at the start of Week 2! The first week was good, the two fast days were manageable, and I think I’m down about half a kg (it does go up and down depending on the day and the time of day that I get on the scales, but I think altogether it is down about half a kg). I’m looking forward to the second week, and getting into a bit of a routine.

    I do eat out a fair bit, and like you, it tends to be later in the week, so I’m hoping the Monday/Wednesday fasting days work out. I’ll see how it all goes for a few weeks and if things slow down, will look at adding a third day!

    In terms of what I eat, on the fast days I seem to be very routine (this was the same when I tried it earlier in the year). It just seems easier to have a few things worked out and not too much thinking needed on those days!

    All the best for week 2!

    Hi Sisnu
    Started the week yesterday with a weigh in and have l lost 2kg which is great. I fasted yesterday and today – almost at the end of the day so going to have an early night as have struggled a bit today with light headedness and feeling a bit woolly. This is the reason I do the two days together as the second day is harder so I like to get it out of the way as quick as I can in the week. I have a social weekend coming up though so I will need to be very careful. I am out for lunch and drinks on Saturday with friends and then over to my eldest son’s for lunch on Sunday. How do you manage when you go out to eat. How is your week going, you will be into your second fast day Wed I think.


    2kgs is amazing! Congratulations! I am very impressed that you can manage two days in a row. I find even having a day in between, the Wednesdays are harder than the Mondays. Halfway though Wednesday here, and came online for some inspiration from the forums!

    I haven’t been keeping a close eye on what I eat on non fast days, but am finding that I seem to be more interested in vegetables and less processed food. It’s a bit as though getting very hungry a few times a week makes eating a more thoughtful business (like the food really has to be worth it or something!).

    Hi Sisnu
    I hope you day went okay, we are in different time zones, it is 9.20 in the evening here. I am finding if I track what I eat the other days and aim to stay within the 2000 calories I can manage it. My problem is always keeping something going for very long. I start off very determined but then all of a sudden I will give in and eat chocolate or something and then feel really fed up and then it takes me a long time to get back in the right frame of mind to lose weight again. I have put on about 12 kg over the last 2 years and I am pretty fed up with it so am hoping I get have a real good go. I did spend half the day talking myself up yesterday to just get through the day. I was going to go swimming this evening after work with my daughter but felt too tired so cancelled it. Maybe next week. I am pretty hopeless at exercise too, any excuse.

    Hoping you had a good day


    Yes, two fasts for the week are done, and it’s been a cruisy Thursday so far! Altogether I think I’m down about 1.5kg, which I’m very pleased with, and not feeling too deprived!

    On exercise – I have never found that it leads to great weight loss by itself! I’ve been a fairly regular exerciser for years, but still managed to put on weight, so for me it really is about the diet.

    I’ll be travelling for work from Sunday to Friday, so am thinking of doing the fasts on the days I’m travelling as airport/airline food is pretty unexciting anyway.. I’ll tell you how I go!

    1.5kg is good, I think the loss is supposed to be a pound a week. I have marked up my diary with a running total of what I should be lsoing and what I have lost. I am in front after 2 weeks but only because I had a good loss last week. I have to eat out tomorrow and Sunday so am not sure what will happen with a weigh in on Monday. I have had a couple of more difficult days. I find it is imporant that I eat all my calories on my non-diet days so the contrast is dramatic so I can think to myself only 2 days of this then I can have lots more to eat.

    Have a good weekend

    Week 3, and one fast down – I did fast while travelling which was ok – not the easiest as there is a fair bit of waiting around near coffee shops and not terribly much to do! It’s also interesting being somewhere new, and not knowing the places to eat – I felt today (not a fast day) that I would rather wait until I found somehting really good, rather than eating rubbish just because it’s a mealtime. i’m in a workshop for the next two days so theyr’e likely to be full of tea breaks and things, so I”m glad I managed to squeeze in a fast on Sunday! Hope the third week si going well for you too!

    Bad weigh in today Sisnu, I have put a pound back on after losing 5 last week. I am disappointed but not surprised, I was out eating and drinking on Saturday with friends and my eldest son cooked us Sunday lunch which included a big pudding. It is so difficult to not eat something that someone has cooked for you. When I was out on Saturday I made some really good choices for food, things I wouldn’t normally have if I went out but a lower calorie option but it still didn’t do the trick. I think I will have to do 3 fast days a week if I am going to go out at the weekend. This weekend is not much better we are out for an indian meal on Friday night but then away for the weekend in a hotel which includes dinner bed and breakfast. First fast day today – hope your day goes well


    Karenollie, you are doing something wrong I think. I am 70 and my wife is 66. We both need to loose some weight and have found the 5&2 just about right. Today is our first fast day this week and the pair of us have been in the garden working plus extremely hungry, but, we fight it. Our way round that problem is water and lots of it. Keep away from anything that is sweet. Keep away from chocolate.
    We also have high blood pressure problems before we started the fast diet. Now we do not.
    Be strong keep to the script and don’t forget to exercise preferably on your fast days as we do and you will win that is a promise.

    Hi Karen! Don’t be too gloomy about one pound, I’m finding that my weight moves around a bit during the week depending on whether it’s a fast day or a no fast day.. I put the difference down to what Is called “gut contents” in the 5:2 book! I figure as long as the trend is downwards, then individual small gains aren’t a big deal.

    Hi hakedarby! How long have you been doing intermittent fasting for? It sounds like you and your wife are finding it a good experience so far.

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