Starting tomorrow

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  henderslh 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’m starting the plan tomorrow , does anyone have any tips ?

    Keep reading the forum, it keeps you going! Good Luck

    Only been on it a month but find it easier to hold off eating till lunch then have an apple the another piece of fruit mid afternoon then i eat dinner usually a nice fish meal and save some calories for supper. It stops me waking up hungry in the night. Drinks get me through.Good luck. All the best.

    Good luck. Keep coming to the forum, and above all – dont give up!!!!!just keep going……………..

    Thank you everyone

    The forum is great. And it takes your mind off food.

    I drink loads of water all day (today is only my 2nd fast), and have my first food (usually salad or steamed veggies with a small some chicken or other protein) of max 200calories at about 2pm. Then I have another serving of max 300 calories at about 6.30 pm. My first weigh in is tomorrow, so then I’ll know how I’m tracking weight wise.

    Oh, and the most important thing: Remember it is only for one day. You can put up with anything if it’s only for one day! Every time I think it’s too hard I think “it’s only one day. There are only XX hours left in the day”.

    I totallly agree w. Elphaba! Checking the forum (especially on fast days) keeps me going, so does the thought of it being only 1 day, enormous amounts of herbal tea helps as well. Good luck!

    I am also having my first fast tomorrow! I did a litle practice today and went till 1pm without eating anything, I think I could have gone longer but will save it for tomorrow. Can any of you recomend a website where I would get the calorie amount for all foods. For example I am thinking I have this zero calorie soup and was going to bring in a small salad so will need to know the calories of like tomatos and lettece – if there is somewhere you can reccomend?

    Everyone seems to be downloading myfitnesspal, gives calorie count or a good calorie book to hand is always good.

    Make a note of the calories in each food you eat in a diary, you will see them over and over again, most people have their favourite foods. Over a few weeks you won’t have to check everything again it makes it quicker.

    I cant be bothered with calorie counting so I have just stopped eating potatoes and bread except at the weekend. Dont eat bulky foods that stretch your stomach. The more you eat the more you will want to eat. I dont buy processed food now (you dont know what they are putting in it!.

    I quite enjoy the mild hunger feelings when I dont eat but they are far less than when I used to eat bread or potatoes. I have been over-eating most of my life so hunger feelings are still a novelty.

    So far its going fine – I don’t even feel particularily hungry thanks to everyones tips about drinking lots of water and waiting until lunch time to eat and having fruit.
    I’m planning to weigh myself once a week is that what everyone else does ?

    Thank you! Good advice so far.

    1st feast day completed – have stuck to my TDEE as suggested.Next fast day is tomorrow so hopefully I will manage to say no to my hunger & my boredom snack cravings

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