Starting tomorrow

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Simonises 3 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’m starting tomorrow,not sure why I’m so nervous. I’m definitely too scared to step on the scales. Eeek.any words of encouragement gratefully received.🤐

    Good luck! Have you tried fasting before? I think it’s important to see your weight before the fast & then take it the day after to see the difference. It also helps to have a clear plan for your day and to keep busy.

    You can do it!! Write back and tell us how it’s going.

    I have but so long ago. I decided against today as my husband us at home and so am I so I knew he would be cooking bacon etc lol

    Is your husband not going to be a Faster too? Does he know your plans? Does he know why you want to Fast? Is he going to support you in your Lifestyle decision? It will be a lot easier [ex: he won’t cook bacon on a Fast Day] if he is on board enough not to get in the way of your goals. Talk with him.

    Ha no bacon? He’ll want a divorce 😂. It is quite easy for me to work around him. I’ll do it when he’s on a late shift. I just decided that night to try fasting again, so little planning. However I’ve done my first day 😊.

    Make sure you have a good set of bathroom scales – when I started I weighed myself on some old ‘mechanical’ scales then bought myself some new digital ones only to find that the new ones told my I was 7lb heavier! If you’ve already weighed yourself now, DO NOT BUY NEW SCALES. If not, then it is useful to have good ones and do it sooner rather than later.
    Good luck
    PS – I may be in the minority here, but I find fasting easy – the price I have paid for that is slow weight loss, but it is still going down. And don’t forget the other benefits of fasting, it’s not just weight loss.

    Thanks for the tips. I find I grit my teeth when I’m fasting. Really weird! Does that happen to anyone else?

    I don’t know what the real topic is all about but it seems to be some building that you can see here and maybe would like to know this now as read more info will help you in knowing about stuff that was always there for us to go for a better enough reason later.

    indigocard Thanks !!

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