Starting today

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angelsharp 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    Starting the 5:2 plan as off today, hoping to get my husband to join with me.
    I am hoping to lose 11kg. Feeling excited.
    Does anyone know of a good calorie counter that they use please, I am not living in the UK so some of the fast day recipes won’t be easy for me to follow so planning my own meals with a counter maybe the best approach for me.
    How is everyone getting on with the diet any tips you wish to share most welcome especially on exercise.
    I am just recovering from two years of chemotherapy that has caused me a lot of problems so I am not fit and get breathless quickly. One of my hopes is a new and better health using this method of eating.
    Many thanks for your help, I look forward to talking with you on topics raised.

    I use It has lots of foods in quantities from 1 oz to ‘a serving.’ I use it to get nutrition counts for ingredients when I plan recipes.
    Angel, I think you know that I have a blog of recipes. All tested by me and approved by my ODH. Feel free to use anything you see there.

    So glad you are recovering from what must have been a dreadful experience for you.
    Good luck, and keep us informed.

    Hi fasting_me thank you very much for the calorie king details sounds great.
    Didn’t know about your blog but definitely going to look it up.
    Sounds really good and very helpful thank you.
    I am starting to recover thank you and looking forward to enjoying this summer.
    Thank you very much for your help, will keep you informed.

    Fasting today: Cornmeal stars with yogurt and fruit for breakfast. For dinner, chicken and chickpeas in puttanesca sauce with asparagus.

    Are you in Portugal? We will soon be on the Azores. Happy Fast Day, Angel.

    Sounds great we are having turkey with large Mediterranean salad followed by fruit.
    Yes I live on Portugal near Porto Covo a small coastal village. Good for fresh fish, crab etc. Area is known as the Alentejo.
    I haven’t visited the Azores but it looks beautiful, sure you will enjoy it and have a great time everyone is so friendly.
    I am from UK but have made my home here and love it.
    Fast day going have not felt hungry so far, lots of water, green teas and a few coffees. Will be eating my turkey in approximately three hours.

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