Starting to fast day 1

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Joyce1304 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I am Joyce and I have read within a week the fast diet book which I borrowed from a collegae. I am struggling with my weight a long time. I am Dutch and have 2 daughters in their teens. My starting weight is 97 kg, length 1.69 m and waist 108 cm. So you can see, I have quite an obese problem. It is quite in proportion so I don’t look very fat. But the scale says enough: overweigth!
    Yesterday I started my fasting day ( monday) and everything went alright. I didn’t feel that hungry at all, although my last meal was lunch. I did drink a lot of water, that helped. I distracted myself with reading your book and went to bed early. Result the next day: lost 1,1 kg!! So you can say I am supermotivated. My target is to get off my bloodpressure medication and as the last time my bloodsugar was 6.4, this should drop as well. I do believe it is down already, but haven’t checked it yet. I will keep you informed! Joyce

    Joyce – you can do it
    In February I was 90.8 with waist 117 (height 163)
    Now 76.5 with waist 96
    Cholesterol from 7.2 to 5.6; tryglicerides from 3.2 to 0.8
    Try just drinking water on fast days (and if a full day is too hard do from lunch to dinner the next night)
    Just weigh every week, daily is too volatile – and keep exercising

    I am a doctor in India. Unfortunately I have obsession with food and have become obese. I tried many a times to reduce but have regained each time. I think this time I got the right motivation. I have gone through the introduction of the book. And today I missed the first meal of my life

    Good look Joyce( my mum was called Joyce). That’s great a good weight loss. Keep it up.

    Joyce and Shiva, welcome to the forum. This really is a journey of discovery for most of us. Some of us are overweight and there are some that are normal weight but all of us have chosen this lifestyle for various reasons. Good luck on your journey 🙂

    Hi Joyce, I too am starting from today and intend to try my first fast day tomorrow!!! I’m sure you will do it and I am hoping that I have found something that will work for me too – Good Luck 🙂

    Good luck, everyone! You have a lot of support here. If you need inspiration or encouragement, come to the forums. You can do this. . We can ALL do this!

    Wow thanks for all the support. I will keep you posted. You guys all inspire me to continue. I want to stay healthy and that’s my main reason. My overweight can only jeopardize it. I will start exercising more coming week as my daughter has now a family pass for the gym. I’m allready cycling to work everyday, if the weather is good. I am looking forward to go to the gym.

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