Starting this week in Melbourne, Australia

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dragon Fly 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi, I joined the site today and I’m starting the 5:2 this week.

    I live in Melbourne, Australia and I heard about the 5:2 a couple of years ago. Earlier this year when a friend was raving about it I bought the recipe book however I didn’t go on the diet. I just finished watching Eat, Fast & Live longer and I was impressed with the science behind it, especially the benefits that are not weight related but health related.

    I have come here looking for inspiration and support and I’ve enjoyed reading the success stories on the site. I’ve got around 20kg to lose which I know will take a while and I guess my biggest fear is losing motivation. But, it took me 20 years to put this extra weight on so I need to be patient about the time it will take to get rid of it. One motivation for me is that my cholesterol and blood sugar levels are high. The are in the normal range, but on the high end and I don’t want them to get any higher.

    I look forward to meeting other fast dieters.


    Hi Samantha 🙂 I’m starting today as well with a fast day. I know the first few can be rather rough, but they get easier. Good luck, you can do it! I’m here to offer support 🙂 I’d love to live in Australia, I’m in the UK.

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